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  Windows .NET Beta 3 Available As Evaluation Version (in Great Britain)
Time: 11:58 EST/16:58 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Julien Jay

Microsoft UK is offering the loyal subjects of her majesty the opportunity to test drive the latest Beta 3 of Windows .NET Server family by ordering it, for free, over the web. Built on the reliable Windows 2000 Server Family, Windows .NET Server integrates a powerful application environment to develop innovative XML Web services and business solutions that dramatically improve process efficiency.

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#1 By 3 ( at 6/23/2002 5:39:25 PM
#5/#8 - the e-mail from a reader was sent in early today with this story. If credit should be given, it should go to, remember that sites get stories mailed into them all day long (least ours does so I assume its the same elsewhere, even on smaller sites) so news on sites gets posted at different times during the day. If people want to get petty then we could accuse other sites day in day out of stealing our stories, but we're not egotistical enough to believe people steal stories, they just get news from the same place which is fair enough.

#2 By 3 ( at 6/23/2002 5:46:51 PM
Built on the reliable Windows 2000 Server Family, Windows .NET Server integrates a powerful application environment to develop innovative XML Web services and business solutions that dramatically improve process efficiency. Includes:

Is taken directly from the page, so yet again its what anyone would have copied and pasted into a story if they were sensible enough.

#3 By 3 ( at 6/23/2002 5:59:24 PM
#17 I wouldn't worry about it, we never do.

#4 By 3 ( at 6/23/2002 6:06:51 PM
#19, hmmmm as it was a reply to 17 I don't think that is what I said ;o) I said i wouldn't worry about other site user fans posting false rubbish here as its not worth worrying about, its just sad.

#5 By 2062 ( at 6/23/2002 6:19:06 PM
if your in the us dont bother ordering it. i tried ordering the winxp uk evaluation about a month ago and still havent gotten it.

as far as neowin goes, there a really lame site. all they do is post links to other peoples stories, they have no original content.


#6 By 3 ( at 6/23/2002 6:20:36 PM
#24 - they are actually a good site with good stories sometimes, just rather sad to see that some people don't realise other large sites get the same news too most of the time.

#7 By 665 ( at 6/23/2002 10:07:48 PM
#30, I certainly haven't heard anyone here talking like we are the center of the world. Would you be willing to show my an example?

#8 By 135 ( at 6/23/2002 10:11:06 PM
I am absolutely baffled at the number of responses this rather uneventful story has received.

#32 - I get the impression it's because the attacks in this thread came from neowin.

This post was edited by sodablue on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 22:11.

#9 By 665 ( at 6/23/2002 10:17:20 PM
#32, I don't understand. We were 'attacted' first. I don't think we attacted back. I will give Neowin, or any other site that does the kind of work we do, a lot of credit because it can be hard to keep up on all the news in a timely fashion and the readers can be very rude sometimes. We post stuff we think you guys will find intersting but often people complain because they don't think we gave credit to the right place, or because it is too old or because we have already posted something similar, etc. The poeple who post news (and I don't take much credit myself because most everyone else at this site updates the news a lot more than I do) are driven by a passion and often get attacted because the readers some how don't approve. It's pretty frustrating sometimes.

This post was edited by ToddAW on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 22:43.

#10 By 61 ( at 6/24/2002 1:05:24 AM
#40, I find neowin to be more slow than Activewin, and truely, that has little to do with what server it is running on. Activewin is barely ever down.

#11 By 116 ( at 6/24/2002 1:19:26 AM
I would just like to comment to say that ActiveWin's server seems to handle way better than neowin. That could be an issue of load though and how many people are actually visiting neowin vs activewin. I don't suppose either is going to break out its stats . . .

So we will never know. In my experience ASP kills php in terms of performance and load. As for the backend SQL Server vs. MySQL... Heh now thats not worth even comparing LOL!

#12 By 135 ( at 6/24/2002 1:34:37 AM
#44 - I want to try to do some performance testing of PHP versus ASP.NET. I could use some help coming up with a suitable test, if anybody is interested... send me email @ Doesn't matter what you put in front, I get it. :)

#13 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 2:03:54 AM
I doubt we're "up" more than them in site terms because of hits, simply because we're one site on a rather top of the range server with a very stable line. We even managed to hold our own on numerous occasions when Slashdot etc link to us.

#14 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 2:05:32 AM
#32 - no one here once said we were better than them, we're not egotistical enough to think we are. We're just mature enough to know better some of the time.

#15 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 2:08:53 AM
#30 - hmmm we're not center of the world, we're not the site accusing anyone of stealing news. If sites want to get this petty then we could accuse them of similar things, we don't because we know sites get news around the same time.

#16 By 116 ( at 6/24/2002 3:05:24 AM
Soda I think a real good test would be an ASP.NET version of PHP Nuke. That seems to be the most popular software running on PHP right now (to my knowledge). That would make a lot of people eat some crow too, after they see how it compares.

#17 By 116 ( at 6/24/2002 4:46:54 AM
After reading through that thread Will, Neowin just left my favorites. I can't believe what NeoBond is saying. Pretty lame.


#18 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 8:10:33 AM
#53 - actually if you would like to contact the CEO of Klip he asked if we would be interested in doing so, the only thing we were not interested in doing which they asked us to was to pay to be included in their default klip pack, so yet again more lies from someone who clearly knows very little. You also seem to be judging a hit rate for a site based on a klip rating, sadly neowin had their klip up as a main headline for weeks, something we're not willing to waste space with, thus their klip is higher than any other site for obvious reasons, they advertise it - we don't.

Some of you on Neowin complained about us not posting a readers name when they send in news, but as you clearly haven't noticed - we're a privacy bound website - unless a reader ASKS to have their name up, we don't break their privacy.

We give credit where credit is due, but anyone with sense would not give credit to a site posting a small piece of news like that when a reader here mailed it in to us. All I can say is some of you need to grow up, get a life and learn a little bit more about how websites are run.

#19 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 8:26:07 AM
#58 no comments have been removed - only two have been nulled - both of which were spam from creamhackered posting his post 3 times. Affiliates on our sites are links to and from - we don't help, bug or hinder them - they are just there, related sites that affiliate with us, we don't ask anything of them and they don't ask anything of us. So are you saying if we see a news story on Neowin about a story on The Register that we say "Saw this over a neowin" if that was the case then to me it would be plain silly - the source is where the story COMES from not who has linked to it.

#20 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 8:28:13 AM
#57 - if that is the case then so be it, no one here will shed tears simply for the fact that certain people and readers need to grow up. If people can get so peeved at things like this when people are dying in the world it is a sad state of affairs. And yet again we've actually been calm, should we go around posting about sites (neowin etc etc) who have taken things from our site in the past (few weeks ago too), no of course not, we're not like them.

#21 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 8:56:17 AM
Oh and #58 - privacy is based on e-mail's and source information we recieve - which is why we also get on "beasts" like the register or bigger "beasts" like Zdnet, Cnet and across magazines.

The problem seems to be that you guys over at neowin don't like how we source news - the thing is we give credit to the places that deserve it - the actual writers of the news, not the sites that post bits and pieces from them. If Neowin post a hand written piece then we would source them, they don't most of the time, like us, we don't most of the time either.

If you have a problem with the way we source sites - ok thats cool, but we do it this way, we've done it for 5 years this way and we won't be changing it because one site doesn't like it, if we change it we change it because we want to not because someone else doesn't like the way we do things.

Also you are saying we're letting users slam neowin, well I believe you'll actually find you friend Creamhackered started it here and over at the neowin forums, thus we leave whatever users want to say up unless it contains loads of swearing etc etc.

So if you want to complain about users slamming other peoples websites, look closer to home first.

#22 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 9:37:26 AM
What images might these be? It's really good that the register linked you, they like doing that sort of thing...perhaps you should ask your other affiliates Warptosearch to do the same as they have posted the story and not mentioned you? Or - oh my god, they may have recieved an e-mail to, blimey hang them, hang them, or are you just picking on us as you have little else to do?

We do credit you as if you search the site you will find out, its fine for you to flame us, but as you probably know you have taken stories from us, and we're not the ones complaining. As i said, check closer to home first before starting up threads like this.

#23 By 135 ( at 6/24/2002 11:45:24 AM
I've never heard of neowin before yesterday...

I will tell you one thing, after visiting their site and reading some of the posts here from the "neowin zealots", they are not endearing me to their professionalism.

We're up to 67 posts now... I still haven't figured out why.

#24 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 2:45:54 PM
As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter what a site is run on, its content that matters.

#25 By 3 ( at 6/24/2002 2:52:45 PM
mOOzilla they are best just left - leave them to flame on their own forums or where ever. Let's just show how much more mature our audience is compared to theirs and not stoop to flamer levels. We've always been a great community, that's why we've been around for 5/6 years compared to newish sites, so show our maturity.

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