Realist, the breach does not occur merely from linking to a gopher address. You must also be able to trigger the buffer overflow and trigger it in such a way as to execute the desired machine code instructions. People with moderate web skills can certainly create the anchor tag for a gopher link, but can they encode the necessary href url? Can they even write and assemble the concise machine code? Few C++ programmer have even the skill to write x86 assembler, and the overhead added by compiling and linking high-level C/C++ makes it impractical to use the result in a buffer overflow exploit. Even if you get that far, there are often byte alignment and address fixup issues with the machine code (since you're loading it via buffer overflow rather than an OS loader). Then, once you get that far, you're still running in the user's security context on NT/2K/XP, which doesn't necessarily let you take "complete control" of the computer. Certainly many users tend to run with Administrator rights (indeed, all of them on Win9X), but let's not get overly dramatic about how big the real-world risks really are. Six years ago, doomsayers predicted an abundance of rogue websites with dangerous ActiveX controls. Except for a few "Microsoft hate" sites which posted an example written by one person which shut down the machine, surfing with ActiveX enabled has proven less risky than sharing mp3 files.