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09:24 EST/14:24 GMT | News Source:
Posted By: Andi Stabryla |
Bill Gates took on state officials across the country Thursday, accusing them of playing accounting tricks with budgets that even Enron’s executives wouldn’t have tried.
#1 By
15406 (
3/4/2011 10:28:17 AM
Mixed emotions on this one. When BillG is involved, I have to wonder what his real angle is. Also, I thought I was in Bizarro-world for a second when Gates said, "Is anyone paying attention to what these guys do?" If only someone else was saying that about MS in the 90's, but I digress. Then he present the false dichotomy that if you want to increase healthcare, you must cut education. I'm thinking how you should boost healthcare AND education spending at the expense of the obscene military budget. It's been said a thousand time: lots of cash for bombs but none for books.
I must admit I don't understand Americans. You want social programs, you want a strong military, you want all these things but you don't think you should pay any tax to support them. And how much has been spent so far on Bush's Folly again? More than a trillion?
#2 By
20505 (
3/4/2011 7:13:02 PM
I agree completely that individual states should cut their defense budget to pay for education and health care. Wait, what?
You are indeed correct you do not understand American politics and should probably refrain from commenting upon a subject that you don’t understand (not that that has ever stopped you in the past).
I for instance do not rail on about the fact that Canada, Europe and Japan have long abdicated their nation defense to the US. If the US was not inarguably the most benign superpower in the history of the world Canada and Mexico would have been annexed years ago (well maybe not Mexico).
And if you are like others who long for a post-US superpower world wait to see who fill the void.
#3 By
15406 (
3/7/2011 8:32:10 AM
#2: I agree completely that individual states should cut their defense budget to pay for education and health care. Wait, what?
Could the feds not lower their defense spending and let the difference trickle down to the states education budget? Play the shell game all you want, but it seems that the US has unlimited money for wars but no money for healthcare or education.
You are indeed correct you do not understand American politics and should probably refrain from commenting upon a subject that you don’t understand (not that that has ever stopped you in the past).
I'll remember to hold you to the same lofty standard, sir. I will expect to not hear a peep out of you unless you're an expert in the particular field in question. Wouldn't want to be a hypocrite, right? Or is just claiming to understand good enough to pass your test?
I for instance do not rail on about the fact that Canada, Europe and Japan have long abdicated their nation defense to the US.
We don't need your level of defense when there is no credible threat. Part of that comes from not being international asshats all around the world with a US-style "Me, First, NOW!" foreign policy. That, combined with us not needing to spread "freedom and democracy *cough*oil*cough**" by tank and bomber also helps lower the military cost.
If the US was not inarguably the most benign superpower in the history of the world
There were only ever two superpowers as far as I'm aware and the US foreign policy is pretty much the opposite of 'benign', so I'm not really sure what you mean here.
And if you are like others who long for a post-US superpower world wait to see who fill the void.
India? China? I'm not sure my day to day life would be much different with those two calling the int'l shots instead of the US.
Cue St. Ketchum and his "USA A-OK!" brigade in 3... 2... 1...
#4 By
2332 (
3/7/2011 8:38:41 PM
Wow... I mostly agree with Latch. The end must be nigh.
The fact of the matter is that, on both a state and federal level, Americans consistently demand that all the "waste, fraud, and abuse" be cut, but when asked what exactly they want to cut, they point out things like foreign aid (< 1/10th of 1% of the budget).
Ironically, with 9% unemployement and well below target inflation, the idea that we should be talking spending cuts at ALL is mind boggling. Yes, the deficit and the debt is a problem, but you address those during times of plenty, not during times of want. Cutting budgets now will slow growth. Period. End of story.
Need proof? Take a look at countries implementing severe austerity measures versus those that aren't. The result? Countries implementing austerity are universally doing worse. How much worse? Well, about as much as their cuts in spending. Not only that, but countries that haven't had major cuts (such as the US) haven't seen any major changes in their bond yields. Why? Because the markets ARE NOT DEMANDING AUSERITY. It's that simple.
/end rant
#5 By
1153703 (
5/20/2013 1:20:48 PM
Im up!! As i said this is my preferred ocupation. I am on all topics in "la red" if you go some intriguing sites you commitment often find me posting. I disposition it , this is my circle