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  * Lenovo ThinkCentre m90z All-In-One PC Giveaway
Time: 00:00 EST/05:00 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Robert Stein

As you see from the Review of the Lenovo ThinkCentre m90z All-In-One PC (Windows 7), this system is great for any home or office. has teamed up with Lenovo and Ivy Worldwide to give away the review unit provided to us. This system is valued at nearly $1000 and will be sent via Fedex to the lucky winner chosen by us. The contest will be today (12/20) through Friday (12/24). Here is how you enter:

  1. Become a fan of on Facebook (If you are already "like" us - that's great!)
  2. "Like" or "Comment" on my update announcing the contest (on facebook)
  3. Post a comment on this ActiveWin post with a short sentence or two explaining why YOU are most deserving of this glorious system
  4. That's it! The winner will be chosen at the end of the contest, announced on here (and Facebook) and the system will be sent by Fedex next week.
  5. P.S. If you are following us on twitter, retweet our post there, and post your userid in your comment on this post for DOUBLE entries!

In addition, some of "friends" of are also hosted (we are the last) giveaways of the Lenovo ThinkCentre m90z All-In-One, here are the sites below:

  • Dec 1   -   Dec 5:     Medicine and Technology 
  • Dec 2   -   Dec 6:     Geeks Room 
  • Dec 3   -   Dec 7:     Neowin 
  • Dec 4   -   Dec 8:     Gear Diary 
  • Dec 5   -   Dec 9:     The Medical Quack 
  • Dec 6   -   Dec 10:   Digital Home Thoughts 
  • Dec 7   -   Dec 11:   Chip Chick 
  • Dec 8   -   Dec 12:   Teach 42 
  • Dec 9   -   Dec 13:   Slash Gear
  • Dec 10   - Dec 14:   Medgadget 
  • Dec 11   - Dec 15:   Absolutely Windows 
  • Dec 12   - Dec 16:   Small Business Trends 
  • Dec 13   - Dec 17:   Cool Cat Teacher 
  • Dec 14   - Dec 18:   Web 2.0 Classroom 
  • Dec 15   - Dec 19:   The Healthcare IT Guy 
  • Dec 16   - Dec 20:   Gear Live 
  • Dec 17   - Dec 21:   Healthcare IT Strategy 
  • Dec 19   - Dec 23:   The Healthcare Blog 
  • Dec 20   - Dec 24:   Practical Theory 
  • Contest is open to United States & Canada residents only, and entries are limited to (1) per person. Good luck!

    UPDATE: We've added more prizes to the giveaway...check out the Facebook page for more details!!

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    #1 By 445134 ( at 12/20/2010 4:11:40 PM
    I want to make it my primary machine at home. What I love the most about it is form factor. Its slim yet powerful enough, and touch interface with Windows 7 rocks! I want this system so much from the day I saw it in store.

    #2 By 359648 ( at 12/20/2010 4:12:24 PM
    I deserve to win this because I could really use a faster and more powerful computer with a larger screen than my laptop to develop software, and I can't currently afford one. I'm @alee67 on Twitter and I also retweeted your announcement of this.

    #3 By 445135 ( at 12/20/2010 4:13:57 PM
    I'm in need of this system as my current PC is so outdated, that I spend more time waiting for it to do it's thing and less time reading sites like ActiveWin.
    re-tweeted on twitter: MrDisco3

    This post was edited by MrDisco1 on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 16:15.

    #4 By 444850 ( at 12/20/2010 4:15:15 PM
    I'm writing this from a very old desktop and this would be a huge upgrade for me. It'll be the family computer and use to do school or work related projects. Thanks for holding this great sweepstake.
    Re-tweeted on twitter username lazy_llama

    This post was edited by Chann on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 16:23.

    #5 By 445136 ( at 12/20/2010 4:22:26 PM
    Well I sure can't say I'm the most deserving, but I can say I'm one of the most deperate! Currently unemployed and my home pc is on its last legs! Graphics card died, so now I only have the motherboards card running and it is close to 10 years old! Miracle it has held on, but we are in desperate need of an upgrade! I retweeted your post as @graywolfpack and like u on Facebook as Jeff-Sue Legg at I like and commented on the post as Jeff-Sue Legg.

    #6 By 445138 ( at 12/20/2010 4:23:24 PM
    Honestly, I'd given it to my mother if I win it. Her machine has about bit the dust and I've been scanning the sale ads hopeful to find something I can afford for her.

    #7 By 445140 ( at 12/20/2010 4:31:11 PM
    I've enjoyed ActiveWin for many years, and consider the site one of my main sources of Microsoft information. I'd like to try the m90z just for the sake of its form-factor.

    #8 By 370338 ( at 12/20/2010 4:33:09 PM
    My wife needs a new computer she can use in at home job. This would fit in the kitchen so she could do other things too.

    #9 By 370093 ( at 12/20/2010 4:42:41 PM
    I love this computer! My desktop is too old to upgrade to Windows 7 and doesn't have a DVD drive, but the M90Z does! It is slim and powerful and has everything I need! Thanks for the chance to win it!

    RT'ed as @justcuzz

    #10 By 370338 ( at 12/20/2010 4:48:48 PM
    @eseberg on Twitter

    #11 By 445147 ( at 12/20/2010 4:51:46 PM
    I recently lost my job and, therefore, my work laptop. I am now working on an old HP running XP. Sure would be nice to have a faster computer to job search...this slow thing makes it an incredibly slow and grueling process. Happy Holidays!

    #12 By 445147 ( at 12/20/2010 4:52:04 PM
    I recently lost my job and, therefore, my work laptop. I am now working on an old HP running XP. Sure would be nice to have a faster computer to job search...this slow thing makes it an incredibly slow and grueling process. Happy Holidays!

    #13 By 370338 ( at 12/20/2010 4:52:38 PM
    @eseberg on Twitter

    #14 By 361634 ( at 12/20/2010 5:23:04 PM
    For the thrill of victory! And so I won't have to share a computer with my son.

    #15 By 445150 ( at 12/20/2010 5:27:45 PM
    I slave away at work all day
    All I wanna do is have fun and play
    Lenovo ThinkCentre m90z PC
    Won't you please help me feel carefree?
    also follow on twitter and rt @intime111

    This post was edited by intime on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 17:29.

    #16 By 445153 ( at 12/20/2010 5:34:06 PM
    I hope to win this fantastic computer because I am constantly browsing the internet trying to create an online business in hopes of gaining the freedom so many of us strive for.

    #17 By 23443 ( at 12/20/2010 5:35:24 PM
    This computer will make a nice gift for my wife who really needs a new computer. Thanks for having the giveaway!!

    Re-tweeted on Twitter to my massive following.


    This post was edited by towerdave on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 17:39.

    #18 By 445155 ( at 12/20/2010 5:54:32 PM
    I have an ever aging laptop which appears to be on its last legs, (poor thing) so i would be great to have a complete upgrade to something new and ultimately rewarding

    #19 By 445155 ( at 12/20/2010 5:55:21 PM
    I have an ever aging laptop which appears to be on its last legs, (poor thing) so i would be great to have a complete upgrade to something new and ultimately rewarding

    #20 By 359631 ( at 12/20/2010 6:10:51 PM
    I could really use this system. I have started a new business helping local, home based, businesses get found on the web. There are so many people starting businesses out of need rather than choice and they need to get found to survive. My business is helping them get found, and get clients.

    The system I have is 6+ years old now, so I could really use a new system to become more efficient.
    Thanks for considering me.


    #21 By 28801 ( at 12/20/2010 7:46:31 PM
    I really need this machine so I can hack into Lloyd's servers and "appropriate" the nearly complete code base of the new version of ActiveWin. Then I can open a competing site that reflects my TV/PC based lifestyle called InActiveWin.

    #22 By 445183 ( at 12/20/2010 8:10:38 PM
    Would love to have this machine to create music and comment on the activewin site.

    #23 By 445183 ( at 12/20/2010 8:10:56 PM
    Would love to have this machine to create music and comment on the activewin site.

    #24 By 359254 ( at 12/20/2010 8:36:30 PM
    I would like to win this system as a replacement for our ancient, bulky desktop. The ThinkCentre M90z looks like a great computer for the family, with its large touchscreen, compact design, and easy setup.

    I retweeted the ActiveWin giveaway announcement post and my twitter name is lloydviente.

    #25 By 445189 ( at 12/20/2010 8:58:47 PM
    I'm the computer geek among my family friends and every week I have many people coming to my house for help and advice. I'd put this system in my family room to be used by all who visit for teaching, study, and to help them with their computer and social media needs.

    I also retweeted the ActiveWin giveaway announcement post and my twitter name is @cfleury .

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