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10:07 EST/15:07 GMT | News Source:
Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
Peter Molyneux has spoken out about Milo & Kate following yesterday's comments from senior Microsoft staff suggesting that the impressive tech was at this stage a demo not planned for public release. Aaron Greenberg said in an interview over the weekend that "[Milo] is a technology demo that continues to exist, but right now it's not a game that we're planning to bring to market," comments he later went on to refine.
Molyneux has since responded in his address at the UK's GameHorizon conference. "Poor Aaron Greenberg," he said in a talk attended by Gamesindustry.biz, "he's on the PR team, he hasn't seen it since last year, so he came up with this stock answer that Milo is alive and well and living in Guildford but it's still a tech demo." Click link for more.
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