Now you can discover, create, and share Microsoft Office documents with your Facebook friends. Built using Microsoft Office 2010 – Docs for Facebook lets you work from just about anywhere with the familiar Office experience.
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#1 By
1896 (
5/12/2010 3:29:02 PM
This Facebook has is spreading like a Pandemic........
I detest it......
#2 By
20505 (
5/13/2010 4:01:41 PM
Here, here.
#3 By
89249 (
5/14/2010 10:06:03 AM
I'm on it... and I'm watching it slowly become FaceSpace.
Oh well... won't be the first web property I stop using. R.I.P. Geocities :D
#4 By
23275 (
5/14/2010 5:49:46 PM
FB is so big that it seems to have a mass of its own.
Our only work with it has been to see about leveraging fan sites for ecommerce clients.
In this limited context there seems to be some benefit - as the customers report a lot of lift opposite campaigns they have exposed to fans.
I'm not sure about any of the rest of it, or what traction it is likely to be able to sustain. I do know that the privacy concerns are real - BUT to people like myself and perhaps most others here. Younger people seem to have little respect for themselves and others in this context and they do not realize how exployers canvas such sites. I know I certainly do take advantage of the public take to come to understand a candidate and while not the chief area assessed, very disturbing results are evident on far too many young people.
#5 By
8556 (
5/18/2010 10:37:52 PM
#4: A bit of a tangent here: I was surprised recently by some of my older customers (70+ years young) tell me that they use Facebook and were worried about getting infections but won't stop because its the easiest way for them to stay in touch with old friends. It takes all kinds. I set them up with strong administrator account passwords and a second standard user account that they use for surfing the web where they simply type the admin accounts's password if they want to install something. These people are smart. Its the young'uns that know all that needs to be known that bring in the PCs full of malware and rogue programs that installed when they allowed an unknown friend to send them a link that they then allowed to load.
#6 By
4240821 (
10/27/2023 9:22:34 AM