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  Apple iPad Announced, $499
Time: 13:32 EST/18:32 GMT | News Source: Macworld | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPad today. Positioned between a smartphone and a laptop, the tablet does many of the same things as the iPhone, but on a bigger, more easily viewed screen. Steve Jobs shows off Apple’s iPad on Wednesday. Demonstrating the iPad at an event in San Francisco, Jobs showed how it could be used for e-mail and Web browsing, viewing photos, managing calendars and contacts, listening to music, viewing video, and more. Senior Vice President Phil Schiller showed off a new version of iWork, specifically designed for the iPad.

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#1 By 20505 ( at 1/27/2010 3:26:14 PM
I've been using the equivalent of a tablet for some time at work. Very frustrating vis a vis a convertible notebook.

Prediction - lots of uptake initially due to marketing buzz with rapid fall off when people figure out how limited these devices are.

#2 By 17855 ( at 1/27/2010 3:59:41 PM
Shouldn't this be in "ActiveMac"?

#3 By 2332 ( at 1/27/2010 4:48:26 PM
Wow... usually I just call Apple products lame because of nerdy reasons or my disdane for the average Mac user, but in this case, it actually IS lame!

A giant 4:3 iPhone.


#4 By 28801 ( at 1/27/2010 5:15:34 PM
"A giant 4:3 iPhone."

That is exactly why it will succeed - especially at that price point.

#5 By 7754 ( at 1/27/2010 5:32:04 PM
The power of Apple's brand, along with the price point, will make it successful among those that can afford it. A lot of folks ask me for a "basic computer for internet and email." This would fit that bill. In my mind, it would be hard to pick this ahead of the many decent laptops for the same price or less. If you're not choosing between this and a laptop (i.e., you have one already), it's a different story. For people that have money to blow (which many do, frankly), these will be popular.

One other thing--the lack of expandable memory (via SD card or whatever) in a device this size should be a clue to anyone about Apple's tactics. You need more space? Buy a new one.

#6 By 9589 ( at 1/27/2010 6:50:05 PM
Not something that I would buy for myself - a netbooks would be more to my liking, but it may just flatten Kindle and like device sales. It is certainly not revolutionary, but evolutionary. In other words, others have already done it, those that already have will improve/modify their offering(s), and others will introduce new offerings further raising the bar. Ho-hum.

One serious hype item is its ability to play games. Since when did anything Apple do games? Also, Apple is doing to future iPad owners what they have done to iPhone owners - limiting sales to AT&T. Verizon has better coverage all around and some other carriers have better coverage in "your" area.

Meanwhile, earnings didn't move the stock and this doesn't look like it is doing it either. That's an "uh-oh" for the stock and market as tech has been leading the way since the upsurge in March 2009.

#7 By 12071 ( at 1/27/2010 6:53:49 PM
I'm not quite sure what the target market for this is... old people? people with bad eye-sight? fat fingered people? ... who want an iPod touch but struggle with the current version?

And does "pad" mean something else in the US of A? Because... this is a really really bad name! was iTablet taken? iPC? And what's the next version going to be called? iPad with wings and an extra absorbency layer? Seriously!

#8 By 312115 ( at 1/27/2010 7:28:21 PM
This doesn't belong on ActiveWin. I come here for Windows-related content, not Apple.

#9 By 9589 ( at 1/27/2010 7:48:24 PM
Chris - "extra absorbency layer?" Good one! lol


#10 By 79018 ( at 1/27/2010 8:19:09 PM
SD Slot

Maybe in iPad + version.

The price is good a+

I'll wait to see if Google does a "Tablet"

This post was edited by Vegas-Bob on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 20:34.

#11 By 23275 ( at 1/27/2010 10:11:54 PM
Ok, so the interest is all about Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). That’s a very broad category and the issue with the iPad is that it addresses too few desires for perhaps too few people – and at price points that are hard to support when you take a look at alternatives.

All that aside, the thing that struck me dumb about Jobs’ presentation and apparent position opposite MIDS was his assertion that “netbooks” didn’t do anything well… Nuts! Very obviously, Jobs has not taken a Windows 7 “netbook” for a ride this month. Predictably, Jobs works to continue to characterize the market’s perception about the PC and its MIDs descendants in the context of single core processors running XP. Jobs is all but desperate to continue to shape his arguments and products within the market in the context of 2001. He needs to wake up from that and gain a new perspective.

Consider where we are right now – what is shipping right now. Today, for half of what Jobs would have you pay for a 3G enabled iPad, you can get a fully functional ultra-lightweight MID (call it a net-whatever you want) that will eat an iPad for a small snack and spit it out. Tiny PC “pads” convertible sub 2 pound Tablet PC’s with pervasive multi-touch and net and note books of every stripe, are available right now and their multi-tasking performance is astonishing.

Consider Intel’s “Pine Trail” based systems, as in MSI’s (Jan 2010) Wind U130 and U135 netbooks.

With their current 2.0 GHz Intel Atom Processors – the Z550 (512K Cache, 2.00 GHz, 533 MHz FSB, with both VT and HT as well as support for DDR3) and two working threads on a 2 GHz CPU at 2.4 Watts! Amazing! Both graphics and the memory controller are in the CPU, allowing for extremely small, low power consumption devices.

The diversity and small, power efficient devices that that these new processors enable is pretty amazing and their presence within the market on Windows 7 based MIDs and ultra-lightweight PC’s make Jobs seem way out of touch (no pun) and downright obtuse.

Against the “new normal” for terrific PC performance, Jobs’ iPad looks really lame compared to HP’s slate.

And “no multi-tasking” on the iPad? Really? In 2010? Really?

#12 By 143 ( at 1/28/2010 6:00:58 AM
It's not a laptop and it's not a iPhone.

It's main function is being a Apple product for people who want a Apple product.

This post was edited by donpacman on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 06:01.

#13 By 37 ( at 1/28/2010 6:35:50 AM
"#2 By awiltfong (144 Posts) at 1/27/2010 3:59:41 PM
Shouldn't this be in "ActiveMac"?"

ActiveMac is ActiveGone. I posted this Apple news here because it's considered a rather big announcement. Our next site will still have some Apple news littered through out, but it will be tagged, so you can filter out any Apple news if you like.

#14 By 2960 ( at 1/28/2010 11:30:21 AM

Waaaahhhhhh. Someone call the Wambulance.

It's a cross-platform world dude.

#15 By 2960 ( at 1/28/2010 11:34:04 AM
I really wanted a home run here, and we got a foul ball.

1. No Flash support. WTH.... 90% of the web media runs on Flash. I think AT&T is behind this, not wanting their network plugged with people actually using the $29 unlimited access subscription they pay for to view YouTube Video's.

2. No USB. Apple, you ignorant idiots. My damned CAR has a USB port, and can access USB Keys.

3. It's an iTouch on steroids. MaxOS X belongs on this device.

4. No external memory expansion. My $150 GPS has a damned SD Card Slot.

5. Battery not user replaceable. Cha-Ching!

Very, very disappointed.

#16 By 89249 ( at 1/28/2010 12:47:44 PM
#4 "A giant 4:3 iPhone."

That is exactly why it will succeed - especially at that price pointp

Bro my wife laughed at this thing. When *she* gets that it's a oversized iphone and asks "why would you even want that" then Apple has failed.

Funny enough even average people have expectations about different devices. Phones can get away with simplicity and limited abilities. This thing, to most, is a laptop. To have a "laptop" that can only do a few things at a laptop price point. Is fail.

Seriously, when was $500 considered a cheap pricepoint for a laptop? For that kind of money even my Mom knows she should get more than what she has on her phone.

#17 By 28801 ( at 1/28/2010 2:27:59 PM
This is not meant to be a replacement for the laptop. For me, it fills the void between an iPOD and a notebook/netbook within the home. I don't want to keep a laptop on the coffee table, but I would have no quams about leaving this on the table. The convenience factor for this device is off the chart. And frankly, it is way more compelling than anything MS has put out lately.

I love my iPOD touch - I use it for games, email, browsing on occasion, making dinner reservations, and many other things that the plethora of apps make possible, but I don't like the screen size! The iPAD is the answer for that problem.

I love my Quad core desktop - I use it for Browsing, development, video editing, photo editing and many other things that that the plethora of apps make possible.

There is room for all three devices in my home.

#18 By 432 ( at 1/28/2010 7:23:17 PM
for those wondering who this is for....well it's for my wife. she has no need for a laptop, but will not leave my iphone alone. She always "NEEDS" the computer when I am on it, etc etc etc. At you go sweetie...all my iphone apps, plus iwork to do your silly greeting cards, shower invites, documents etc.

also perfect for nurses (eCharting is going to a new level), journalists, writers, bloggers, artists (brushes is friggin awesome) guys need to read a bit more... SD Card IS supported!!!!

Google this "iPad Camera Connection Kit"

I see huge opportunity for this device..but as for all things apple, wait for 2nd gen. It will be better..i predict:
-built in sd-card intergration (sharing files, collaborative working)
-mobile-me integration (more so than it already has...for docs, files etc)
-camera (two way video will happen..some day..maybe when AT&T sucks less balls)

you will see this take off just like the iphone and ipod and it will only get better with time.

ok..I am done.

#19 By 263440 ( at 1/28/2010 7:44:15 PM

There's no handwriting recognition/support, so not quite so perfect for nurses, journalists, writer etc.

Yes you can buy an SD adaptor/camera dongle to hang off the ipad. Yuck, I thought jobs was into elegant solutions. He certainly knows how to fleece suckers.

#20 By 432 ( at 1/28/2010 9:58:01 PM
As I said..wait for 2nd gen.

As for handwriting...who wants is terrible in any app I have ever used it on. The only app that has a chance was OneNote and it's a dead horse.

I would suggest with a good developer, medical charting would be a handwriting required.

#21 By 143 ( at 1/28/2010 11:38:35 PM
MSI to Release Its Own Tablet, Does Multitasking,9536.html#xtor=RSS-181

Looks interesting.

#22 By 7754 ( at 1/29/2010 2:07:23 PM
#18 re: Brushes: For artists? Fingerpainters? There's a reason why Wacom is big in this space and not Synaptics. If artists really want this type of thing, get a Tablet PC (with a dual-digitizer if they prefer--best of both worlds).

#23 By 432 ( at 2/1/2010 3:23:30 PM
@19....'s like i read the minds of health care professionals

#24 By 17855 ( at 2/2/2010 7:32:00 AM
Motion Computing has been in the Health care space for a long time now. Oh and its a tablet.

#25 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 9:06:30 AM

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