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  Apple kicks butt, takes names in October desktop and laptop retail sales beating PC
Time: 09:40 EST/14:40 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

Boo-ya! Apple took the top honors in terms of desktop and laptop retail sales in the U.S. in October, according to market research firm NPD Group. As reported on CNET, the iMac line (refreshed in October) and laptops occupied some of the top slots in the list.

During the month of October, the new 21.5-inch iMac was the best-selling desktop computer, with the awe-inspiring 27-inch model in third place. Stephen Baker, who is NPD's vice president of industry analysys, told CNET that Apple was helped by a rather dismal month for Windows desktops, since retailers were pushing existing inventory prior to the launch of Microsoft's Windows 7.

In the laptop list, the 13-inch MacBook Pro model was the number one seller, with three other MacBooks filling the number 8, 9, and 10 spots for October laptop sales. NPD's numbers are pulled from online and retail store sales figures, but don't account for direct sales from the manufacturer to consumers.

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#1 By 8556 ( at 12/6/2009 10:35:31 AM
I have great news also. The PCs that I build have outsold all other models using the same components by 100%!

#2 By 37 ( at 12/6/2009 1:06:00 PM

#3 By 8556 ( at 12/6/2009 3:56:14 PM
#2: How to lie with statistics. Check out the link
One can make claims such as "Mac wins!. Mac kicks butt! Mac beats Windows in October!" and back it up with statistics that hide the truth, that Mac has 5% market share, as only Mac sells Macs.

I build PCs with a unique combination of parts and modify them in ways only I exactly do as I do. Therefore, no one using my exact parts combination sells more PCs than me because there is no one that does exactly what I do. No one else solders a specific resistor a specific length from a front case fan connector onto a very specific model fan Therefore, no other PC mode, that uses the same components as me in exactly the same way, outsells my PCs. I hope that explains my cryptic comment in #1.

#4 By 13997 ( at 12/6/2009 4:21:51 PM
So compared to other brands of computers, Apple was the leader in several categories?

This is how this works:

(Mine are made up numbers, but should prove why the statistics on this is a bit misleading...)

Pick a category and lump specific Computer Models into it:
Review the Data:

Gateway sold 2,000 units
Toshiba sold 3,000 units
Dell sold 2,000 units
HP sold 3,000 units
Apple sold 5,000 units

So Apple Wins, and big, right? No.

In the World of Macs, Apple has no competition, so in the example above, Apple may have had some good selling 'models', but it still lost market share to Windows, not gained it.

Using the same data from the example above, if you do the Windows vs Mac math you get:

Windows Sales 10,000
Mac Sales 5,000

PS And this is from a tiny list of PC makers that Apple is being compared to as well, as it is only RETAIL, and doesn't take into account internet sales, where some companies only do business...

Magic using math is an old trick, and sadly works on people too easily.

PS AWBrian...

Hey Brian, did you really think Mac sales were outpacing Windows sales, cause the headline should read Apple beats out competitors, the Mac vs Windows headline is wrong and Mac is actually losing traction to Windows sales on the whole. (Might relook at the numbers and redo your headline, aye?)

This post was edited by thenetavenger on Sunday, December 06, 2009 at 16:23.

#5 By 16302 ( at 12/6/2009 8:00:12 PM
"Boo-yah"? This is active "WIN", not active "MAC". Your authors do not do properly serve the ActiveWin community. Their personal preferences are being unnecessarily stated. Please try to excersize a little more editorial control and focus on publishing accurate articles that are of interest to the windows community.

#6 By 17855 ( at 12/7/2009 9:36:11 AM
There is an ActiveMac forum, but it has not been updated in a while.


"Apple has 91% of market for $1,000+ PCs, says NPD"

This is the only entry on the page.

#7 By 415 ( at 12/7/2009 6:33:32 PM
I have to agree with ShanTheMan (#5). It's one thing to post news about Apple/Mac that's somehow relevant to Windows/PCs, but this article is inaccurate, sensationalized, and a total waste of time.

#8 By 12071 ( at 12/7/2009 10:12:50 PM
#7 And yet it has people commenting on it. Sure it's the same set of comments that we usually see whenever anything apple related is mentioned (although we're all still waiting for the 6 paragraph essay from Lloyd on how Apple is unamerican and the worst thing ever created) - but at least is has people commenting on it. Meanwhile the purely Microsoft specific threads lay in silence. Not so long ago there was a thread on Bing vs Google which had lots of comments... the one regarding the Bing API is most likely going to be completely empty. The interesting threads (to me at least) on Visual Studio are lucky to get a single comment - and even then it's usually a spam comment full of dodgy links. The controversial threads (i.e. mention of Apple, Google, Linux, open source etc) on the other hand always get going fairly quickly. Take out threads such as this one and you'll see lots of news articles without any comments. That's not to say that we should only throw in controversial links and turn this into Fox News but you need some balance between the two.

Congrats to Apple for having the top selling desktop and notebook in October in the US :)

#9 By 37 ( at 12/8/2009 7:11:43 AM
Booya! Chris nailed it.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 at 07:14.

#10 By 8556 ( at 12/8/2009 10:29:52 AM
#8, 9: Commenting on an informative or helpful article is not common as many do not feel it necessary to add to an already fine piece of literature. Controversial links are the fun ones to discuss. Please continue to inform even if we don't say thank you every time. Thank you.

#11 By 89249 ( at 12/8/2009 10:31:46 AM
Booya! Bob nailed it.

P.S. Apple is as american as Apple Pie. Overpriced, full of hype, and driven by a trend.

#12 By 13997 ( at 12/8/2009 11:19:03 AM

So your idea of content is to create controversy out of misleading or false information?

Why not go one step further then and instead of creating false/misleading headlines, just make up complete false and misleading articles.

Here I'll give you some to start with.

"Microsoft is actually two guys working out of their car, the corporate offices are just a front!"

"Steve Jobs is in fact the son of God!"

"AW's Brian marries Steve Job's dog in secret ceremony!"

Seriously... The Tabloid rags get a lot of attention, do you really want to be them? Really?

#13 By 37 ( at 12/8/2009 11:43:51 AM
The headline is accurate, depending how you spin it.

#14 By 23275 ( at 12/8/2009 1:30:45 PM
isn't part of the point that one does have to spin it, Brian?

I mean, places like Best Buy didn't sell any computers at all the week before 7's launch and had cleared out all machines prior to re-setting their shelves ahead of the launch. Machines that would have been sold during the run up to GA of 7 were sharply blunted by this normal and expected process.

The article simply reflects from one limited perspective, the conditions contributing to the interpretation and representation of the numbers - at retail - the sales channel isolated from the balance of sales - pre, enterprise, etc...

Secondarily, opinions have been offered around the intent and purpose of the headline and article - where some reason it is to enflame opinion and pick fights resulting in attention - regardless if the resulting attention provides for anything decent, or remotely useful - which by comparison of related comments and thread count, does seem to have worked AGAIN.

NetAv asks simply and obviously: "Is that what we want to be about and participate in?" - without suggesting that his interpretation, or opinions be forced on anyone - for which one may be certain that a sliver of the online community will use to again characterize him and others as "bots" or "shills" or any number of other negative things.

And so many wonder why when we look at Apple as a company and the marketing and communication around it, why we pass and say "no thanks; that's just not what I want to be a part of or support with my dollars" - as if that choice is on any way bad for those making it?

#15 By 13997 ( at 12/8/2009 1:53:24 PM

The headline is not accurate NO MATTER HOW YOU SPIN IT unless you are really NOT GETTING THIS...

The information is about Apple beating out other Computer MFRS, it has nothing to do with Mac vs Windows sales. PERIOD.

Holy insanity batman...

#16 By 89249 ( at 12/8/2009 2:22:08 PM
#13. True but trash. Yes, complete trash.

#17 By 37 ( at 12/8/2009 2:22:09 PM
"isn't part of the point that one does have to spin it, Brian?"

Indeed. My intent was to draw attention to the article, put a spin on the title (which can be spun to be accurate if the title was a bit more specific...such as "mac is beating windows, on desktops, from these select manufacturers in the month of October, when it's above 80 degrees on Tuesday, and below 15 degrees in the north pole."

The article itself explained that actual NPD results of Macs (with Leopard operating systems) vs. PCs (with Windows/Linux operating systems), and their represented sales on the retail desktop and laptop.

It's a title that draws attention. It's kinda like having a title "Tiger Woods hits tree, 4 girls fall out".

4 girls really didn't fall out of the tree. It's sensationalism.

Read the article for the details.


#18 By 13997 ( at 12/8/2009 3:33:21 PM

Wow, defending outright lying...

I must have missed the new motto: "ActiveWin - Your place for Lies and more Lies"

#19 By 150 ( at 12/8/2009 4:28:06 PM
I'm glad I can always return here for a laugh now and then

#20 By 37 ( at 12/8/2009 5:11:50 PM
Updated title to be more specific :)

This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, December 08, 2009 at 17:15.

#21 By 12071 ( at 12/8/2009 5:30:32 PM
"Tiger Woods hits tree, 4 girls fall out"
I thought it was Tiger nails two birdies in a row ;)

#22 By 13997 ( at 12/8/2009 7:18:22 PM
#20 - Thank you... However, just what I would expect from someone that likes lies. :)

So thinking it is time to dump some money into some real 'tech' writers and a real web technical publication, especially since the content of the whole ActiveWin network and partners has become something even Slashdot readers laugh at.

Thanks for lowering the quality of information Brian.

#23 By 1896 ( at 12/8/2009 8:34:48 PM

#24 By 37 ( at 12/9/2009 7:00:25 AM
I hope you can get over it. Be sure to leave a comment at the website that wrote the article with your links to back up your claims that they have lied. I hope they listen to you.

#25 By 2 ( at 12/9/2009 1:54:30 PM
#19 - Nothing funny here... except when I look at everyone's shocked faces when they see our new kick-a$$ website

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