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  The Six "Wow" Features of Windows 7
Time: 08:45 EST/13:45 GMT | News Source: Fast Company | Posted By: Robert Stein

"We set out to ask: What's the Windows way to do something?" says Sam Moreau, Microsoft's head of user-experience design for Windows 7. "We had to make sure that we took care of Windows as having an authentic soul." He knows you may be snickering, especially if you use Vista. "Vista tried to do a lot of things, and the places where we didn't finish the job are the places people feel," he says.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 10/20/2009 8:47:34 AM

The new Taskbar in Windows 7 is a complete abomination. Thank goodness you can get the old one back.

It's the one 'feature' in Windows 7 that is utter rubbish.

#2 By 15406 ( at 10/20/2009 9:33:56 AM
1 Boot-Up Intro

I hope it can be disabled. I'd rather the system worked to boot up ASAP instead of wasting cycles by showing me blinkenlights while I wait.

3 Desktop Wallpapers

Yawn. All my systems have a flat grey background. I personally find busy desktop pics to be distracting.

#3 By 79018 ( at 10/20/2009 10:14:01 AM
I don't mind the new task bar, it could be a bit smaller, as to busy desktop pics, it's when they get cluttered with folders and shortcuts on top.
To keep down the mess on the desk top, I use a free add on called the Vista Start Menu, works with Win7 as well.

#4 By 28801 ( at 10/20/2009 10:14:29 AM
I like all of the features, but I would not characterize any of them as "WOW". I do really like the Libraries feature but you cant add network assets.

#5 By 23275 ( at 10/20/2009 10:24:33 AM
The new and improved search is the least understood, but the best new feature.

It builds on advanced search and too few people understand how to use it.

Enter a term and press enter. The search results window will open.

In the upper right search box, click and note the options available - like, Kind, Date Modified, Type, or Size.

Select any of these options and additional relevant options will appear. You can begin building on these very quickly and easily. Once you have built a dynamic search query, you can save the search for re-use, or modification and saving again, or as modified.

Similarly, federated searches allow you to search not only network drives and other computers, but sites like YouTube and Facebook (so federated search is not just for business related things and is extended to consumers of all types).

Libraries - virtual folders are another of my favorites. Any object, like a document or picture may exist only once in one location, but be used and grouped within many other locations. While I think this feature may be harder for many people to grasp initially, once they get the hang of it, I think it will be very popular.

#6 By 1896 ( at 10/20/2009 11:24:31 AM
Personally I love "Libraries" as well as I liked the, ditched in the RTM release, "Virtual folders" in Vista; they are an important step toward the Longhorn/Cairo utopia.
Said that I also have to mention that a lot of people I showed and introduced W7 to completely dislike it.
My guess, and of course I could be wrong, is that this is caused by the fact that the vast majority of users are locked in the C:/Folder/Sub-folder/Sub-Sub-folder paradigm.
Hopefully new releases of the OS will add more powerful wizards which will offer the option to store specific items in predefined "Libraries/Folders".

This post was edited by Fritzly on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 11:25.

#7 By 2960 ( at 10/20/2009 12:03:59 PM
Libraries are cool, but they are severely neutered because they won't work across networks :( That ruined them for me.

#8 By 23275 ( at 10/20/2009 12:23:39 PM
#7, TL Network folders surely can be added to existing libraries or those you create.

There are two ways to do this - the easiest is using your Homegroup, which will set up the required indexing for you.

The second way is almost as easy - just add the desired folder to those that you index in Windows Instant Search and then add your folder to the desired library.

Both are very easy to set up and they greatly extend how Libraries may be used.

Windows 7 Help on the subject reflects:

On a network
Yes, as long as the network location is indexed, or the folder has been made available offline. (See the question below.)

On a different computer in your homegroup
Yes. For more information, search Windows Help and Support

#9 By 13997 ( at 10/20/2009 12:46:10 PM
#7 Not sure what you mean, as all our systems use network locations for our Libraries.. On this notebook, my pictures are located on \\server\pictures and my documents are located c:\users\Me\documents and \\server\documents

This is very easy and works flawlessly...

If you have trouble, access the folder via the network name instead of the homegroup name.. .So instead of (HomeGroup)Server\Pictures Type in \\Server\Pictures and then click, include in Library at the top of the folder... It is that easy... Also if you want the pictures to be available offline, right click on the folder under the librarie and select "make available offline"

Libraries being ANYWHERE is truly one of the BEST features, so surprised you say it doesn't work on networks...

Searching and Libraries are designed to work on networks flawlessly.

In my home we have a server with about 2 million documents of over 2TB of Data, and from any notebook or desktop can search the server documents instantly, as the server does the indexing and returns the results automatically. This massive 'documents' folder is also included in the 'libraries' of the other computers with users selecting certain files to be available Offline, so everything is always available that they need.

Even our home music library is shared from the server, included as the ONLY location in the Libraries on the netbooks, etc, and also is set to be available offline, So every netbook's music is always current and available when it is away from the home.

Windows does a lot of this stuff easily, and if you use your mind, you can create a rather brilliant network and storage system, even at your home. And once you set it up, it is transparent to the other users and family members, their music is just always in sync and always available, yet truly only exists in one location on the server.

#8 PS - The network location doesn't technically have to be indexed to be included in a library, but if it isn't then the client is doing the heavy lifting instead of the hosting computer/server doing the indexing locally and serving it to the client computers. (Hence the default way to add the location to the library fails if it isn't in an indexed location, but can easily be bypassed by just using the UNC \\server\documents)

This post was edited by thenetavenger on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 12:48.

#10 By 3746 ( at 10/20/2009 1:42:53 PM
#8 and #9

Are you sure this is possible? In my investigations the only way to have indexed results was to be using offline files. If you go to the indexing settings of Windows 7 there is no way to add a network share. Currently my pictures folder and library are pointed at a network share and not set as offline. If you go into the library it tells you in a drop down bar that not library features can be used because of the location.

Edit: I should have also said this is a windows 2003 server that he shares are on. Perhaps with Windows 2008 or Windows Home Server it works fine.

This post was edited by kaikara on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at 13:44.

#11 By 7754 ( at 10/20/2009 1:56:11 PM
For me, the window management features are easily #1, mostly because I use them *all the time* (even on a dual-display setup). Going back to XP/Vista afterwards feels like putting back on an itchy sweater.

I don't know what's so objectionable about the new taskbar, though. The live previews (along with surfacing the window with a mouse hover) are very useful. I don't use the jump lists a lot other than for RDP, but it's handy there. The taskbar/quick launch button combo makes sense to me. I'm not really sure where's the downside. Can't please everyone, though....

#12 By 23275 ( at 10/20/2009 1:59:48 PM
#9, Yes, but if not indexed, it would have to be made available offline, which would cache it locally. So for versions of Windows that do not support offline file folders, adding the network location to one's index would work. I thought this would be the quickest way for downlevel users that do not have Windows 7 on all machines and therefore can't take advantage of Homegroup to add network locations to libraries. Similarly, it would overcome issues where the target exceeded 2 GB - as on XP based folders.

#13 By 7754 ( at 10/20/2009 2:01:51 PM
#2: I doubt the delta between bootup with and without the intro would register above just-noticeable difference.

#14 By 15406 ( at 10/20/2009 2:27:48 PM
#13: I admit it's a mental thing. If it's wasting even a single millisecond, I don't want it.

Your 'itchy sweater' line was great, btw.

#15 By 8556 ( at 10/20/2009 5:13:39 PM
Latch: The new boot up is better than the meaningless progress bar that repeated over and over....

#16 By 12071 ( at 10/20/2009 6:40:14 PM
1) Boot-up Intro - What the?? Who the heck cares about what the bit between turning on a pc and being able to use it looks like? Just get to the usable state as quickly as possible.
2) Taskbar - I actually like the new taskbar including being able to pin stuff to it. IE has been replaced with a much better browser, I've added the common apps in there and it's nice and quick to use. Very OS X dock'ish without that lag that you experience on OS X for visual purposes I guess.
3) Wallpapers - umm... seriously? at number #3 we have wallpapers? how lame is this list?
4) Jump Lists - fairly cool!
5) Aero Shake - was it really this difficult to come up with six wow features?
6) Libraries - Unsure about this one... I've set these up yet I'm still going to the "TV Shows" and "Movies" directories by default as I've already got everything organised in those directories... Maybe there will be some use in the future.

The only real "Wow" feature in Windows 7 is when you click on a directory with a hundred or so movies and nothing shows up, nothing happens for long periods of time whilst the green bar slowly makes it's way across the top... wow!

#17 By 23275 ( at 10/20/2009 6:49:42 PM
'Themes' as a feature a lot different than "wallpapers". Single click set up of compatible elements is what the WOW part is.

PC's are perhaps the most intensely personal devices a person may have. Themes coordinate not only wallpapers, which are very often images of things PC users love (like kids and family, or pets and places they've visited that inspire them), but all the elements that make a PC personal.

@16, Give the spleen a rest, man. If your rig is pig slow and you're good enough to blast the OS, then you're good enough to figure out what mix you have running that is taking it down. If you can't sort that out, send some specs and I am sure that there a lots of guys around here that will help you get the most out it.

#18 By 12071 ( at 10/20/2009 10:26:06 PM
#17 :) How you doing champ? Hey... I was wondering... do you remember discussing Windows 7 roughly two month ago? We discussed the whole wow it's a really slow green bar issue...

No, obviously not given your little comment there regarding my "pig slow [rig]" and me being good enough to "blast the OS" for it. How dare I right? I know! What was I thinking! How can I possibly saying anything bad about Windows 7... what was I thinking!!?

Maybe you have a case of amnesia? Maybe you didn't think I would remember? Maybe you just have split personality disorder and some days you can almost see the world how it actually is (like you did roughly two months ago) and then other days you're back to being drunk on that sweet sweet kool-aid.

In any case, allow me to help you out... here is a link to that discussion, feel free to have a go... click on it... read it even and let me know what you think:

Heck, you know what... I'll help you out... I'll quote just one small part of what you said:
"What Chris and I and others have seen is real and it renders the explorer window affected unusable. In some cases nothing appears in the window. In others objects appear, but they are whited out until Explorer is done displaying the green ribbon. We've worked on this for years (since Vista) and it is better than before, but still happens. We worked on it a lot more and fixed our baselines, but the fact is, there is something not quite right - it should not take the effort this has."

I guess if "you're good enough to blast the OS, then you're good enough to figure out what mix you have running that is taking it down"!

#19 By 23275 ( at 10/20/2009 11:06:50 PM
#18, Of course I remember and we discussed ways to solve it.

See.. here's my point and no offense... yeah, there are cases where the GBOD is a problem, BUT they can be determined as to cause and solved.

So when I say you are good enough to blast it and also good enough to fix it, I meant it and not as a slight in any way.

If it's pig slow, it's pig slow. We've all had them and I have too. I've burned them down and or chaged the design and solved it.

Sorry I said it poorly. I just did not take you for one to leave it as is, or assert that only the OS is behind such isses.

#20 By 254367 ( at 11/17/2009 1:41:30 AM

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