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10:14 EST/15:14 GMT | News Source:
BetaNews |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
Move over Microsoft. Apple can claim big, big market share numbers, too. According to NPD, in June, nine out of 10 dollars spent on computers costing $1,000 or more went to Apple. Mac revenue market share in the "premium" price segment was 91 percent, up from 88 percent in May.
By the way, Apple's command of the premium market is way up from first quarter 2008, when, according to NPD, Mac revenue share was 66 percent. Gee, and it seemed so high when I broke that story.
#1 By
8556 (
12/7/2009 5:46:08 PM
Maybe its time to kill off the ActiveMac forum.
#3 By
527250 (
4/30/2011 6:49:46 AM
Mac revenue market share in the "premium" price segment was 91 percent, up from 88 percent in May. By the way, Apple's command of the premium market is way up from first quarter 2008, when, according to NPD, Mac revenue share was 66 percent.
I have not had to deal with the Mac but it looks pretty good ;-)
#7 By
539912 (
5/31/2011 4:00:33 PM
"Apple has the 91%??? uff that´s a lot ... just make your counts (9 out 10 dollars went to Apple)"
This post was edited by Web Designer S. on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 17:17.
#8 By
540390 (
6/1/2011 4:26:31 PM
I have an Apple machine and has worked very well.
Apple is the best.
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#15 By
589487 (
8/24/2011 5:53:07 AM
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#17 By
589487 (
8/24/2011 5:54:44 AM
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#19 By
589487 (
8/24/2011 5:55:55 AM
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