Editor's Note: This is a legitimate research study, the firm is very reputable and all information is private. I encourage all of our users to participate.
Dear ActiveWin.com Member:
Strickman Research, a marketing research firm, has contacted us for assistance in reaching out to you with this invitation to participate in a paid research study. If you qualify for the study, they would ask for no more than 20 minutes of your time and would pay you $100 US:
What are we researching?
We are looking for people who have left comments on various blogs and forums about operating system software they’ve used. We are looking for people who have previously “published” their suggestions online and expressed their wishes for certain features or functions they would like to see in future versions of various PC operating systems. Such comments can run the gamut from very technical to very broad, for instance comments like: “I wish it would boot faster.” or “How can I share files between my home computers?” would suffice. The wishes and suggestions can be implied in a question where one is hoping to find a solution to a particular problem.
We are looking for comments published online between 1/2005 – 12/2008. More recent assessments of newer operating systems, published in 2009, may also be pertinent.
How do I participate?
If you left a written comment on a blog, forum or informational website which was, broadly speaking, a suggestion or wish for a certain feature or function you would like to see improved in your computer’s operating system, please find your specific comment or comments online and paste the link/s in an email to us at uk@strickman-ripps.com.
Please include:
- The link to your comment/s including the date when it/they was/were posted
- Your username on that/those site/s
- Full name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Location (City/State/Country)
- Best time to be reached
What should I expect?
Once we have received your email, and reviewed your comment/s, a representative from Strickman Research will contact you by phone to ask you a few qualifying questions. This call will take no more than 10 minutes of your time. If you qualify (95% of applicants should qualify) we will schedule you for a recorded internet video chat at your convenience that would take no more than 20 minutes of your time and for which you would be paid $100 US in the form of a VISA cash card.
If you do not meet the criteria for our research study, we will most likely let you know in the first few minutes of our phone call. We will not trouble you any further and we will not store or share you contact information.
"We are looking for participants age 19 and older in, or very near the following regions: UK, France, Germany, Australia, USA, and Canada."