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  Activewin's 11th birthday
Time: 08:55 EST/13:55 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Today, on the 25th of June 2009 marks the 11th birthday of

The Active Network was born on August 25, 1997 when founders Byron Hinson, Robert Stein, and Wayne Flyers opened the website for the first time as a small hobby to provide the best information about Microsoft’s newly released Internet Explorer 3. Our gem, is the result of the conversion of the original website into roughly what you see today and was born on June 25, 1998. With the goal of providing the latest Microsoft company news, information, downloads, reviews, drivers, tips, support, software/hardware news, FAQs and much more this site was able to attract loyal viewers which ensure the prosperity and growth of this network.

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#1 By 45754 ( at 6/25/2009 9:06:33 AM
Well, happy birthday Activewin !!

#2 By 17855 ( at 6/25/2009 9:17:37 AM
Activewin has been a mainstay in my daily routine for several years now. Thank You! Happy Birthday! I look forward to another 11 years of Activewin!

This post was edited by awiltfong on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 09:19.

#3 By 29664 ( at 6/25/2009 9:25:44 AM

My only wish is that your' articles wouldn't expire. If i get busy enough or go on vacation long enough I can't catch up on my reading. plus I'd love to go back and search for old stuff from time to time.

How can wanting more of what you already have be a bad thing?

This post was edited by Denver_80203 on Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 09:26.

#4 By 3 ( at 6/25/2009 10:04:46 AM
3: you can search articles by date and keywords via the left hand news centers bar

#5 By 2960 ( at 6/25/2009 10:07:34 AM
Happy Birthday!

Now, where's that new site design :)

#6 By 230525 ( at 6/25/2009 10:46:04 AM
Glad to see you guys sticking with it. I was hanging around in #ie3 of EFNet back in the day around when you guys started this and I remember seeing you there. Your choices of stories to report still hits the nail on the head for my interests. Keep up the good work and Congrats.

I stopped posting comments back when anonymous commenting was disabled, but this news post forced me to register. :)

#7 By 89249 ( at 6/25/2009 10:58:25 AM
Happy Birthday!

While your celebrating can you add an Autologin option :) If I lose another post due to being timed out I may shoot someone and my coworkers wouldn't be happy about that.

#8 By 2 ( at 6/25/2009 10:58:29 AM
Thank you all for the bday wishes! Yes, of course we are sticking with it :-) Lloyd should have the public beta ready in August sometime.

#9 By 12071 ( at 6/25/2009 11:01:35 AM
Happy Birthday guys!

#10 By 7754 ( at 6/25/2009 11:30:04 AM
Happy birthday to the entire team! This site is continually a great source of tech news. Keep it up!

#11 By 143 ( at 6/25/2009 11:57:35 AM
Happy Birthday! AW

#12 By 15406 ( at 6/25/2009 12:40:58 PM
Hmm, what do you get for an 11-yr-old? Glitter paint and a Miley Cyrus CD?

#13 By 3 ( at 6/25/2009 1:16:34 PM
Or baby clothes here in the uk

#14 By 160876 ( at 6/26/2009 12:12:38 AM
Happy birthday, and thank you for the great service. I've been around since 2000.

#15 By 10 ( at 6/26/2009 1:40:33 AM
i've been here getn the latest m$ news pretty much from the get go, happy b'day!! ;)

This post was edited by Tegument on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 01:41.

#16 By 169439 ( at 6/26/2009 5:34:20 AM
I remember reading ActiveWin back in the 90s and lots of interviews of Microsoft product managers. Back then, they had so many at launch reviews because MS had so many desktop products. Glad you got a nice XP favicon at 11 years!!

#17 By 89137 ( at 6/26/2009 6:41:07 AM
And so my prediction held true - observe:

btw - it looks like you guys have been averaging a little over 9 posts per day for the last year...

#18 By 28801 ( at 6/26/2009 8:14:56 AM
#17: That prediction was like saying Latch would criticize Microsoft, or that Parker would average over 2 links per post.

#19 By 415 ( at 6/26/2009 8:44:17 AM
Most days this is the only news site that I visit, and I've been doing this since '98.

Happy Birthday ActiveWin!!!

BTW - I'm user # 415. How many users are you up to now?

#20 By 2 ( at 6/26/2009 9:03:43 AM
Thanks everyone!!!!!! We really appreciate it. I wonder where some of the other regulars are hiding....sodajerk? hahaha... Anyway, Lou we have 230,530 users as of yesterday. wow!

#21 By 37 ( at 6/26/2009 10:43:27 AM
Great news indeed.

User number? I am number 37. Whoa...too long.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 10:44.

#22 By 7754 ( at 6/26/2009 11:53:32 AM
#20--yeah, where are sodajerk, sodablue, etc.? Do they even visit anymore?

#23 By 15406 ( at 6/26/2009 11:56:29 AM
#18: I resent that remark. I never criticize Microsoft (damn you, Microsoft!). What?

#24 By 135 ( at 6/26/2009 3:12:08 PM
Happy Birthday!

P.S. Netscape still sucks!

This post was edited by sodablue on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 15:13.

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