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  iPhone/iPod Touch App developers wanted
Time: 13:45 EST/18:45 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Byron Hinson

We are on the lookout for a developer who might be interested in writing an ActiveWin based app for the iPhone and iPod touch. If you are at all interested get in touch with us ASAP.


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#1 By 92283 ( at 5/3/2009 3:13:45 PM
I'll write one. It'll go something like this:

A really bizaree face will come on screen and laugh insanely and then say:

"You overpaid for this app, for your Mac and for all those fart apps and everything else too!"

Only 99 cents.

#2 By 3 ( at 5/3/2009 3:29:10 PM
We're asking for real developers and people with brains, not the ramblings of ten year olds

#3 By 20505 ( at 5/3/2009 3:44:01 PM

A question. How many people do you think are out there who are iPhone users and who are "actively" interested it the goings on at MS?

Now Zune phone users, that is a different matter altogether.

#4 By 3 ( at 5/3/2009 5:05:10 PM
The app wouldn't be aimed at MS news solely - thats why were asking people to contact us with interest in it. Thanks to those who have responded so far. I'm sure a Zune phone app/news might interest some people - but considering nothing has been announced and there is not enough interest even in the Zune itself right now that wouldn't be an option. This app would work on the iPhone and the iPod touch which both have millions of users - that's the difference.

Hopefully I'm not the only one who has an iPhone/iPod Touch and is interested in other things that are not just mac related and I certainly know a lot of other people out there likeminded

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Sunday, May 03, 2009 at 17:08.

#5 By 432 ( at 5/3/2009 7:48:57 PM
I check AW 3 times a day from my iPhone... i would love an iphone app. I develop on VS2008 and X-Code....MS Fan boys and Mac fan boys need to stop being such fan boys...ugh.

#6 By 143 ( at 5/3/2009 7:56:02 PM
A RSS app?

#7 By 92283 ( at 5/4/2009 10:00:38 AM
#2 Thats funny Byron, because from what I understand that one fart app was making 10,000 a day (30,000 on one day). There were over 50 available at the end of last year.

Who are the 10 year olds ... iPhone users it appears.

"Because apparently there’s big money in fart apps — nearly $10,000 a day for the most popular ones."

Developer InfoMedia (Joel Comm), which makes iFart Mobile [iTunes link], has been releasing download statistics for the app each day since it launched. The $0.99 app has been in the top 100 paid apps every day since its launch, and has seen great growth. In fact, yesterday it hit the number one overall position with over 13,000 downloads. MacRumors ran the numbers, factoring out the 30 percent cut Apple takes from each sale, and determined that, yesterday alone, iFart Mobile made its developers $9,198."

This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 10:02.

#8 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2009 10:26:46 AM
I think the iFart iPhone app says more about our society than it does Apple's iPhone and underscores how 'the fart game' remains universally popular. Pocket fart machines sold in the millions world-wide and the whoopy cushion remains as popular today as when it was first released.... so the developers certainly can't claim to be in any way original. Oh... what does the iFart app say about society? That we're as silly as ever and as much in need of a laugh as we ever have been.

I think Byron is on to something, however. An iPhone Awin app would be welcomed by many people using such devices. We have a new engineer, and he's an iPhone user - though I have yet to see him actually use it for anything. I asked him about it and he said: "I'm a gadget guy" Like most people in our field, I understand that. He's curious and bought the phone to explore it. Having done so and entered into the contract, he's sorta stuck with it. I suspect a great many iPhone users did similar things. So it's not at all surprising to see the iFart app become so popular. One has to find something to do with their new phone.

It goes back to the truth of SmartPhones in general. Business people use the heck out of a few apps - Direct Push Exchange email, contacts, calendars and tasks. Bluetooth in the car for hands free calls and not a great deal more - besides a great many voice calls. It isn't surprising that Microsoft didn't develop much more and why they seem to struggle with what to do next. After all the farting around is done, most SmartPhone users fall back on what they always do.... work.

#9 By 23275 ( at 5/4/2009 10:34:49 AM
only in America and only on iPhone,

#10 By 3 ( at 5/4/2009 10:57:39 AM
Well I have over 50 apps on my iphone/ipod touch (people seem to forget that is the main seller of apps and not the iphone) and not one of them is a fart app. The only farts I see are when I come here and look at our 6 year old design!

Most of my apps are games too - though netnewswire is fantastic on the iphone for RSS feeds and I use facebook and tweetie all the time on it. I guess if people buy fart apps thats up to them, if they make them laugh or have fun so be it, certainly doesn't bother me even if it bothers people here. They don't make me laugh at my age, but heck my niece laughs at fart noises no end so I can see where the sales come from.

My wife to be in two weeks time plays on my iphone more than i do - she loves a simple game on it called Trism, its excellent and she uses it more than a DS, Xbox, PSP etc - so to me Apple opening up the App store has done them a lot of good and I'm pleased to see decent hard working developers getting the chance to put apps out online cheaply and getting a lot of profit out of them when they deserve to.

Oh and the 10 year old comment wasn't aimed at the fart apps Parker ;o)

No one should jump to conclusions about what I want this App to be - it won't be just an RSS feed for our news, but obviously I don't want to talk about it here - I'm talking with one guy who has some great ideas for it that I wouldn't have ever thought about and he uses the site a lot so obviously there is a use use for it - and it won't just be for users of this site....oh and it'll be free.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 11:06.

#11 By 92283 ( at 5/4/2009 12:31:04 PM
#10 "Oh and the 10 year old comment wasn't aimed at the fart apps Parker "

Of course it wasn't. The love of fart apps by iPhone users is evdience of their cultural sophistication automatically conferred on them by their payment of the Apple Tax.

#12 By 3 ( at 5/4/2009 1:43:41 PM
lol and most of those buyers are buying them via Windows itunes - so you label everyone the same, least thats a good thing!

#13 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2009 2:35:54 PM
#11: He was calling you, specifically, a 10-year-old because of the inanity of your posts.

#12: Don't forget that if a fart app is available for a Windows-based smartphone then it's an issue of consumer choice, free market, Microsoft genius in action, etc. But when it's on an iPhone, well, iPhone users must all be idiots.

#14 By 92283 ( at 5/4/2009 3:18:21 PM
"iPhone users must all be idiots"

Just the ones that keep fart apps in the top 100.

I do like the fact that "Idiot Test" is the #2 iPhone app.

"Are you a complete idiot? What about your friends, coworkers, and family? Buy The Moron Test on sale now for only 99 cents (normally $2.99) and find out! Point and laugh at everyone when they get stumped!"

iFart mobile is still in the Top 100.

#15 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2009 3:28:28 PM
#14: But why do you care??? Fart apps are available for every smartphone, I would suspect. And they're popular, according to the sales numbers. Where would you be without something to look down on everyone about, eh? btw I have a Blackberry and no fart apps, so in your mind I must be a genius, huh?

#16 By 3 ( at 5/4/2009 3:39:32 PM
He actually thinks fart apps or farting in general is only an iphone user thing - he doesn't even say ipod touch either, just iphone. My niece has some squidgy gel fart noise thingy in her house, she must be an iphone user too and everything she uses is made by Apple, she's just 7 but she carts her Macbook Pro everywhere and just bought herself a Mac Pro as well for use in her bedroom just to buy some more fart apps. Forget that she is intelligent, one of the best in her school, she likes fart noises, thats all that matters in this world.

This post was edited by Byron_Hinson[AW] on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 15:41.

#17 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2009 3:49:43 PM
#16: Just ignore him. He's being cheeky with all that hot air of his...

#18 By 3 ( at 5/4/2009 4:14:39 PM
It's ok - I knew he was only gassing.

#19 By 92283 ( at 5/4/2009 4:19:36 PM
I think I'll rest my case. The #2 iPhone app is an "Idiot Test" for determining whether you are a "complete idiot". Amazingly appropriate.

Surprisingly, the answer is always "Yes" when you buy it.

#20 By 15406 ( at 5/4/2009 5:39:50 PM
#19: Surprisingly, the answer is always "Yes" when you buy it.

How many times did you buy it to be sure?

#21 By 8556 ( at 5/4/2009 9:35:42 PM
Dumb questions coming up. My son is an unemployed software Engineer with a high IQ and a lot of talent. I'd like to hire him myself, but don't have enough work. He'd be better off self-employed or working at a high standards firm where personality is tolerated and not molded to a norm. That said, and off my chest, what languages are used to program for the iPhone? Does Apple provide specs for the apps?

#22 By 143 ( at 5/4/2009 9:38:20 PM
Don't worry thousands of years from now after all humans lose their a--hole someone will make a fart noise and no one will know what the hell it was.

#23 By 12071 ( at 5/4/2009 10:50:10 PM
#21 "what languages are used to program for the iPhone?"

All the information you require can be found here and there's tons of forums of developers discussing "how to's":
Only iPhone SDK 2.2.1 is publicly available - you need to pay to join the developer program ($99) to get your hands on SDK 3.0. Note that if you want to distribute your application through the AppStore then you need to be in the developer program.

The "downside" is that you need OS X to be able to develop iPhone apps (either an actual mac or vmware) as that's what all the tools (XCode IDE etc) run on.

My advice - if you or your son have access to OS X, grab the SDK and start playing with it. If Objective-C is something your son enjoys (there is a bit of a learning curve) and he has an interesting idea for an app - $99 isn't a lot of money to spend to put it into the AppStore and see how it goes!

#24 By 1896 ( at 5/5/2009 11:03:27 AM
The only post that generated, so far, 23 replies is one about an iPhone/iPod.....
It makes me think.

#25 By 23275 ( at 5/5/2009 11:57:44 AM
Fritz, that no matter the device, or product, iAnything is polarizing on a Windows site?

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