We should discuss technology and 'ActiveWin' being the place, accept that Windows and Microsoft software are going to be the primary subjects here - rather than my use of language.
It is useful to understand a couple of things and then refocus the discussion back on the technology. I didn't come here to gain anything. Like many of you, I came here to keep up with what was going on in our industry. Some years ago the site was moved from a center in New Orleans to a co-lo in PA. As it was it was inaccessible to many users around the world. I knew why and had done a lot of research to understand it. The site owner called me at my request. A few moments later I was working with the operators of the BIND based appliances providing resolutions to this site and many others and adjusting the zone and records for the site. A few minutes later the ARINS, RNS and DNS were all updated and the issue was solved.
About a year later the site was in real trouble. It's host server lost its array and the Exchange running on the same host was down. The site's owner asked me if I would take a look. The IIS Metabase was a mess and it needed to be manually restored. The mail store was corrupt and needed repaired. I created a dial-tone database, fixed the store and flipped the DT for the repaired store. The array was recovered, but the entire platform was in bad shape physically and the guys had little money to fix it. I copied the site, moved the zone and established commercial mail services. Once moved, I shipped their old server to my company and rebuilt it. I sent it back via FedEx while we supported a live copy in our center. FedEx destroyed the new server, so I built them a new one. I didn't charge them a cent and never have. Since then we have fixed so many things I cannot really account for them here - shell code around the site, more code to keep spammers off the sites that had no log in, more shell code to protect the site from many attacks, etc... and two, not one, new sites. The new WPFe based site and a bridge site to get them over the development hunt as we develop. We have asked for and expect nothing in return.
For a long time the site's owner would say things like: I can't believe you're real. No one would do this. I don't like it when people say that. Makes me feel weird. I always answer the same way: I wanted to help and do for you what I hope you will do for others. People can scoff at that and that is part of the test. Can one do that despite the scoffing and drubbing, etc... can one be 'good' and decent. I believe they can. Now.. about MS software... AWIN and its name aside, a lot of people use it and a lot of people have trouble. We work to make their lives better and their businesses more profitable. This site is now most often commented by detractors - Microsoft's and anyone using their products for something positive. It'd be the same way if I chose another platform and tools and commented about that - there would be people scoffing and baiting and biting. The world works that way - always has; it's just more visible now. Me, I chose to do the opposite. To try and not let it shape me, or my team and because of it, we succeed in ways far beyond the technology. People trust us and no amount of money can buy that. I've watched how we do things change lives - including the owner of this site and that part has nothing to do with technology. It is however what I always set out to do - to show people how they can make the world around them a better place.