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  Microsoft says Xbox 360 hardware issues will soon be history - but what do you think?
Time: 10:55 EST/15:55 GMT | News Source: The Guardian | Posted By: Byron Hinson

I'm on my – gulp – fourth Xbox 360 and I've got friends who have suffered even more. Yes, manufacturing issues – better known as the red ring of death – have plagued the Xbox 360 since launch. But could the worst be over? Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg certainly hopes so. Speaking to Edge, the Xbox exec seemed confident:

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#1 By 15406 ( at 2/18/2009 11:35:17 AM
Microsoft says a lot of things and some of them are even true.

#2 By 3653 ( at 2/18/2009 1:06:26 PM
nice job latch, of only reading the headline.

i know you didn't read the article.

#3 By 9264 ( at 2/18/2009 1:26:42 PM
Let me know when they fix the issue of it grinding your discs into dust if you breath on the console too hard.

#4 By 15406 ( at 2/18/2009 1:50:38 PM
#2: True that I didn't read the article (consoles do not interest me at all). However, one need not read any particular article to comment on Microsoft's self-serving statements. Yep, they were in such a hurry to beat Sony to market that they deliberately released a bug-plagued console that ended up costing them more than $1 billion dollars, but hey their next one will be great -- just trust them.

#5 By 2960 ( at 2/18/2009 3:46:50 PM
I'm glad we could help them :)

#6 By 20505 ( at 2/18/2009 3:57:49 PM
Read the comments. Wankers and whiners.

#7 By 28801 ( at 2/18/2009 5:52:31 PM
The fact of the matter is, the XBOX software, games, and (forgive me Lloyd) ecosystem is fantastic. The hardware was the only thing that was substandard and has bitten them in the ass more than once. If their next console addresses these issues, they will have no problem continuing to bury Sony. As for the Wii, Nintendo should provide a dust cloth with every console.

#3: This is by design. Think about it. You buy a $60 game that gets chewed up by the Packard Bell CD player in the XBOX. You then pay MS $20 to replace the game. That's 19.37 in profit after they mail you the replacement disk.

Genius... sheer genius!

#8 By 23275 ( at 2/18/2009 6:19:30 PM
:) Without question, Xbox is a platform and a very good one that beat the tar out of Sony - both to the game and through every quarter. Equally without question is that the hardware stinks where it matters a great deal to gamers - reliability and optical disc performance. I do believe that they have fixed the issues. I also believe that they need to do better with the next version - a lot better. Built in wireless, a silent platform and a much quieter optical disc.

Few people give a rip about how it looks - so long as it is discrete and works reliably.

Finally, like PS3, the next Xbox needs to have a user replaceable hard drive and a big one that is no more costly than a notebook drive is on the open market. It is insane that the add-on drives cost what they do. Market segmentation around drive-less units and greed are behind the current configuration.

Oh.. and Latch, one can compete with Microsoft no matter how small they are - we do it all the time and we also win on a regular basis. Partnering with MS in business is no different than it is with anyone else. You do it with a sober head and the realization that the other company has to look out for their own interests. When you do that, they respect you no matter how small you are as a company. Whine and fuss like a kid and they will treat you like a rag.

#9 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 8:28:12 AM
#8: Um, what? Why are you directing that non-sequitur at me?

#10 By 23275 ( at 2/19/2009 8:36:33 AM
There you are.... head of bone, mind of clay.... yeah.... good morning.

You go on about Microsoft all the time, so I thought I'd point out that instead, you can create a product and compete with them. You know.. rather than just gripe.

#11 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 9:34:42 AM
#11: Wow, you're full of opinions for a guy who took a 3-day hiatus after having his BBQ'd ass handed to him on a stick by Kabuki in the Windows Firewall thread.

#12 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 9:37:36 AM
#10 He's just trolling constantly. I think it's obvious why, he can't do better than that..

Another topic, another thoughtful "M$ sux" Latch comment. Yeah, whatever..

#13 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 9:41:07 AM
#11 "..on a stick by Kabuki in the Windows Firewall thread.."

Hahaha Well.. it was Kabuki and not you, right? So, how does that make you better than Lloyd? It doesn't..


This post was edited by gonzo on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 09:41.

#14 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 10:07:01 AM
#12: Looks like we have another contestant on "Blame The Messenger". I called the XBox fiasco exactly as it was. The fact that people like Ketchum have a compulsion to defend MS in all cases does not make my post a troll. I find it strangely funny that some people will tell others to stop complaining about their pet thing, but they complain all they want about the things that bother them.

#13: So, how does that make you better than Lloyd? It doesn't.

What are you, 12? I never said I was better than Ketchum. I'm not "better" than anyone, in general. Well, maybe in the one context that I don't bail on threads where I'm at a disadvantage, being ganged up on, or being proven wrong.

#15 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 10:29:04 AM
#14 LOL so now you're some sort of messenger? :) And what exactly is your message this time? Something completely different? :) Please...

And no, I am not 12, but yours "...somebody else proved you (Lloyd) wrong on that other topic.." sure looks like that.

Actually your constant trolling on every topic that you comment on sure makes you look 12.

#16 By 23275 ( at 2/19/2009 10:36:12 AM
Latch, WHAT?!?

I've worked up a version of our teaching article on the Windows Firewall and how it does in fact inspect all packets, in and out bound and where it touches hardened services, it does filter - both ways. I'm going to publish it at my blog for people who are interested in understanding how it works - and not scoring points in a comments section. There are real differences in SPI, and "filters" - both those that are evident to end users and those that are not. Kabuki was/is simply misinformed and that's fine - I simply do not want lay users and young people to be similarly so. There comes a time when it makes no sense to argue with you, or Kabuki and as I so often have said... when it comes to things like this, you have to smash things with a sledge. The more important point here is this... I won't comment here, or any place in any way, UNLESS I have proven to myself and the ground truth is.

For now... the notion that the WF does not perform SPI on all packets i ssimply wrong.

Now back on topic. As is typical, Latch comments about which he has no understanding, has never used, or has never used as designed (e.g., legal copies of Windows). It's just damn sad.

If you're young... trust me... what guys like Latch represent is not "cool" it is not "trendy" and it won't get you a good job working with good people. It will get you ignored, or worse, knocked on your backside.

#17 By 23275 ( at 2/19/2009 10:50:41 AM
as one small example of what I mean by transparent out-bound filtering (just a preview):
More advanced than the Windows Firewall in previous versions of Windows, the firewall in Windows Vista helps protect you by restricting other operating system resources if they behave in unexpected ways-a common indicator of the presence of malware. For example, if a component of Windows that is designed to send network messages over a given port on your PC tries to send messages by way of a different port due to an attack, Windows Firewall can prevent that message from leaving your computer, thereby preventing the malware from spreading to other users.

Very few things are as simple as they seem and as browing once wrote: "even the simple is complicated" The point is that computing science requires and deserves study and close examination. When the science is reduced to lay opinions around an idea, or political, or business agenda, it serves no one well.

#18 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 11:50:48 AM
#15: Messenger: one who delivers a message. My message was delivered in #4. Was there something in it you didn't understand? As for ketchum, he had to be called out on his cut & run act.

#16: Latch, WHAT?!?

You got served and ran away, just like you did a year or so ago. Even gonzo thinks you got spanked. I ride you like a mule about it because you are one of those people that are completely incapable of admitting they might perhaps possibly be wrong about something.

Now back on topic. As is typical, Latch comments about which he has no understanding, has never used, or has never used as designed (e.g., legal copies of Windows). It's just damn sad.

Sad? The XBox saga is as plain as the nose on your face. I don't need to own an XBox to know MS screwed the public over and now they're asking everyone to trust them. What's truly sad is that they still have an army of apologists that try and cover up or explain away every misstep or bad faith move MS makes. What's also sad is your incorrect blanket generalizations, but that's not exactly new, now is it? Once again you completely ignore what I said, all the while going on about how I don't know what I'm talking about. Bizarrely, you never seem to go into any detail about how I'm wrong or why. Just statements that I'm wrong. More like wishful thinking. But I can understand why I vex you so much. Your job spreading pro-MS manure would be a LOT easier if I and others weren't around to constantly rain on your "Microsoft is Awesome!" parade.

#19 By 23275 ( at 2/19/2009 11:58:09 AM
#18, Look up, Latch ^^ you do understand that the WF DOES inspect all packets and say a mail program using port 110 starts to use a different port, the WF will block it. It will do this opposite all common ports and Windows services. It can only do this if it is, as is its default, inspecting out-bound traffic. I don't want to embarrass you, or Kabuki, but I do not want pure nonsense to stand.

#20 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 1:19:07 PM
#18: "Messenger: one who delivers a message. My message was delivered in #4. Was there something in it you didn't understand?"

Yeah, what I don't understand is why do you need to deliver this message over and over and over again?'re what.. self-proclaimed anti-MS messenger?

Is there anyone here that doesn't understand that MS has released Xbox 360 prematurely? Really? There are people that dont know about RRODs, etc? Especially people that visit ActiveWin? So you need to repeat that message basically every time there's some Xbox topic on ActiveWin??

(And every time, of course, you somehow miss to recognize that MS did provide extra warranty to address this and that 360 today is different and improved.. and that is why it still sells very well?)

#16: "As for ketchum, he had to be called out on his cut & run act."

Hahaha, *you* call him out? LOL A f*ckin hypocrite that steals software, then lies about it trying to make it look different.. yet always has something to say about MS's business practices? An asshat that never engages in any even remotely *technical* debate is calling somebody else out? A troll that just repeats over and over again stuff that is regularly posted on Slashdot for the last.. what.. 10 years? And something that everyone got tired of already like 10 years ago.

(Somehow you remind me of those republicans calling Obama out on running on deficit spending :)

Wow.. You call him out because he was *possibly* wrong on another topic? One of those technical topics that you *never* really engage in?

This post was edited by gonzo on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 13:19.

#21 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 2:52:49 PM
#19: You had your chance to say your piece in the appropriate thread. You didn't.

#20: Yeah, what I don't understand is why do you need to deliver this message over and over and over again?'re what.. self-proclaimed anti-MS messenger?

I feel like posting so I post. What *I* don't understand is your need to constantly complain about it again and again. You're complaining about my complaining. If that isn't hypocrisy, I don't know what is.

Is there anyone here that doesn't understand that MS has released Xbox 360 prematurely? Really? There are people that dont know about RRODs, etc? Especially people that visit ActiveWin?

I don't know. Do you? I wouldn't expect people who read ActiveWIN to necessarily be up on XBoxes.

So you need to repeat that message basically every time there's some Xbox topic on ActiveWin??

I don't comment on consoles in general, but with MS asking people to forget the past I had to say something. What's it to you, really? You don't like it? Too bad, eh? Too fricken bad. Go cry me a river.

(And every time, of course, you somehow miss to recognize that MS did provide extra warranty to address this and that 360 today is different and improved.. and that is why it still sells very well?)

As I recall, I commented publicly that I thought it was a fantastic move by MS when it was announced a year or two ago. I don't always shit on them, you know; only about 98% of the time.

Hahaha, *you* call him out? LOL A f*ckin hypocrite that steals software, then lies about it trying to make it look different.. yet always has something to say about MS's business practices? An asshat that never engages in any even remotely *technical* debate is calling somebody else out? A troll that just repeats over and over again stuff that is regularly posted on Slashdot for the last.. what.. 10 years? And something that everyone got tired of already like 10 years ago.

You're so full of shit your teeth are brown, and you're one to talk. I've seen you in one or two web dev topics. Other than that, you're a shade that only chimes in to jump on me. Of your 200 posts, maybe 10 are technical and the other 190 are whining.

Wow.. You call him out because he was *possibly* wrong on another topic? One of those technical topics that you *never* really engage in?

Farg, you're dense. I called him out not because he might have been wrong but because he is incapable of admitting it. If he would have said 'I mis-typed', it would have blown over quickly. Everyone is wrong. I've admitted to being wrong several times on this site over the years. However, some people seem to think that being wrong is an admission of weakness, therefore they're never wrong. Those people need a spike up their catflap.

#22 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 3:45:54 PM
"Of your 200 posts, maybe 10 are technical and the other 190 are whining. "

Of your 2500 posts not a single one is technical..

What *I* don't understand is your need to constantly complain about it again and again.

Because I am practically forced to read over and over again **same** stuff from you? I don't mind having you (or anyone else) criticizing MS but stop repeating same stuff over and over again. It is just annoying.

If AW had something like "ignore user" (is there?) I wouldn't complain at all.

I don't comment on consoles in general, but with MS asking people to forget the past I had to say something.

Well, please apply that logic to yourself: every time you need to remind us of what we all *already* know, please do tell us that you're a f*ckin hypocrite -- that you steal software yet complain about MS's business practices. Don't forget that part.

#23 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 5:29:35 PM
#22: Well, please apply that logic to yourself: every time you need to remind us of what we all *already* know, please do tell us that you're a f*ckin hypocrite -- that you steal software yet complain about MS's business practices. Don't forget that part.

Oh get off your high horse. You've never used a crack, never used a pirated version of anything, never "borrowed" software from a friend, never copied a movie, never ripped a CD, etc etc? Really? Or just nothing you'd ever admit to here? You're still full of it. Don't you have a chicken to woo or something?

#24 By 16797 ( at 2/19/2009 6:54:09 PM
#23 Yes I did, long time ago, but I wasn't going around constantly pointing at others when I knew that I was not better..

I should get off my high horse? LOL Funny you should say that..

#25 By 15406 ( at 2/19/2009 7:21:54 PM
#24: Since when does anyone have to be as innocent as a newborn before being able to voice dissent? You're saying that, because I swapped Windows licenses on two systems of mine, I'm some kind of hypocrite for pointing out Microsoft being Microsoft? It's moot anyway as I nuked that nOPE Vista install less than 2 months after installing it, and you can easily get 120-day evals of Vista from MS. But I had a paid license for both Vista and XP so I don't lose any sleep at night thinking I somehow screwed Microsoft, despite your claims to the contrary.

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