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  Microsoft lets 1,000 blackouts bloom, Chinese users upset
Time: 07:56 EST/12:56 GMT | News Source: Ars Technica | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Those who are using pirated versions of Windows—particularly those in China—are getting riled up over Microsoft's latest tactic to "encourage" them to purchase legit copies. The software giant recently began issuing an update that changes users' desktop backgrounds to a black wallpaper with a reminder to switch to a legal copy of Windows as part of the Windows Office Genuine Advantage program. Now, Chinese users in particular are getting up in arms over the tactic, saying that Microsoft is violating their rights and isn't thinking of its users. Related Stories

The software update to Windows XP does not render computers running illegal copies of Windows inoperable—in fact, users can continue to use their computers almost just as they would before the update. All it does is change the desktop background every 60 minutes to a black one with the reminder to go legit. Users can change the desktop to something else anytime they want, but it will revert back to the black one when the next 60 minutes is up.

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