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08:23 EST/13:23 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft |
Posted By: Jonathan Tigner |
Welcome to the 'Mojave Experiment.' What do people think of Windows Vista® when they don't know it's Windows Vista? We disguised Windows Vista as codename 'Mojave,' the 'next Microsoft OS,' so regular people who've never used Windows Vista could see what it can do - and decide for themselves. Now decide for yourself.
#1 By
116 (
7/29/2008 8:57:41 AM
This is awesome... Very very nicely done.
#2 By
25030 (
7/29/2008 9:01:07 AM
That is just too funny...
Just like the kid who swears he doesn't like broccoli, until he tries it and finds out he loves it.
#3 By
1896 (
7/29/2008 9:31:20 AM
You just nailed the weak point of the story: "TRY".
#4 By
143 (
7/29/2008 1:19:40 PM
The site doesn't convince and it's just not cool.
#6 By
15406 (
7/29/2008 2:47:36 PM
This reminds me of the ShamWow commercial. Rubes who know nothing telling me Vista rocks. I'd rather see the videos where the marks immediately recognize that it's Vista and tlel the MS people off. Now that would be funny.
#7 By
11888 (
7/29/2008 2:48:21 PM
I don't like the controls on those videos. Anyone notice that you hit the Play symbol to pause it and the Pause symbol to play it?
#8 By
28801 (
7/29/2008 5:35:04 PM
#6: That's the point - for every tester that did recognize it there is probably one who didn't. And probably a majority of those who did recognize it never really gave it a chance.
That is potentially a big market!
#9 By
82766 (
7/29/2008 6:19:03 PM
I love it. It shows up people quite nicely! and its not just XP users, read the website and what the marketing company did... XP, Mac, Linux, etc users they're all there (ok 1% linux users).
The unfortunate fact of reality these days, is that perception is reality, however WRONG that reality is.
Yes the website's controls are are a little annoying but like anything, once you get use to them, they're fine.
#5 - infoworld usually rat's on Microsoft but this article is just a classic. I really don't understand some people. He allows Microsoft to say what it needs to say with Mojave and then picks on an entirely different point of view. Obviously, Microsoft can literally do nothing "right" whatever they do. Heck, if they gave Vista away for free, it would still be wrong. Sigh... I wonder if Latch wrote that infoworld article? :-)
#10 By
3746 (
7/29/2008 7:12:06 PM
I don't get why people get so riled up a companies marketing. All MS is doing is trying to talk up the product and tell people there is a lot of misinformation out there which there is. In turn why aren't there people out there freaking about apple and their commercials/marketing. I mean the BS apple shovels is far beyond what most companies do but apple as usual gets a free pass. If you are going to get pissed about the way companies market their product then at least apply it equally.
#11 By
82766 (
7/29/2008 11:58:14 PM
kaikara - doesn't work like that... because we're talking about Microsoft here!
According to the world's media, fanbois, etc... they hold Microsoft to an entirely different standard to Apple, Google, IBM, Dell, HP and so on and on.
It really is bizarre given that Microsoft provided the baseline for Google to exist, for Apple to continue living (remember in Apple's bad dark debt days, Microsoft gave Apple money to keep going), for Dell/HP/any computer manufacturer to make the billions it has in the last ten years... a heck of a lot of things wouldn't exist today if it wasn't for Microsoft.
SURE things would have been different if Microsoft wasn't here today but we cannot read the future, let alone read whats happening over in the multi-verse; so get over it, move on, deal with it. No amount of personal blogosphere moaning is going to change the world.
Go on Latch... I'm ready... blast me, I really don't care.
#12 By
15406 (
7/30/2008 8:05:01 AM
#9: The unfortunate fact of reality these days, is that perception is reality, however WRONG that reality is.
That's just your perception.
#11: I don't have the energy this morning and I really don't care that much about the marketing bargle.
#13 By
1896 (
7/30/2008 8:10:20 AM
#11: It is not Microsoft itself; it is the old rule that applies to every entity that reaches the top position.
It is a component of the human mind to be sympathetic with the chasing, growing, climbing entities, or t least the ones we still perceive as such (Google), and hypercritics, not without good reasons but this is an entirely different subject, with the one that has reached, or, again, we perceived has reached, a predominant position, or, if you prefer the analogy, the top of the mountain.
It is like the honey moon period for politicians: they enjoy a blind acceptance by the electors for a very limited time than the critic scrutiny begins.
As for the other segmets of your post I disagree with your vision that MS is the entity behind the computing ecosysytem we use today: MS is a part of it, not the creator of it.
Finally I do not know about you but I remember the time when people were looking at IBM as the "Evil Empire" and companies like MS as the "White Knight" fighting against the dragon; all metaphorically speaking of course.
This post was edited by Fritzly on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 08:12.