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14:00 EST/19:00 GMT | News Source:
ZDNet |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
If you were hired by Microsoft to make the Windows experience less annoying, what would be on your to-do list?
Mark Hamburg, the Adobe Photoshop/LightRoom guru recently hired by Microsoft, is tasked with figuring out how to improve the way Microsoft’s operating system works.
#2 By
8556 (
4/30/2008 2:57:53 PM
Install Window Blinds.
#3 By
89249 (
4/30/2008 3:29:21 PM
Fritz - that blog entry, while peppered with interesting observations, offers no real replacement for "windows."
People have been saying for years "windows are so passe" but tbh until the presentation hardware changes windows will be what you use. I mean you can have malformed windows with skinds etc. that look super cool etc. but my windows (and files) will stay for quite some time.
Personally if I were to add anything to the "windows look and feel" it would be some sort of advanced OS supported docking system. Defining screen "areas" on a monitor by monitor basis and assigning applications to that area would be the absolute best upgrade I can think of. I run with 4x22" widescreens at work and 3 at home. I really don't need my outlook to take up one whole screen. I could have IE or Firefox (I switch around alot though the new FF Beta is current with me) on a screen split with outlook. Hell you don't even have to assign the appliaction to an area... just drag it in and maximize.
But windows, yea that's going nowhere for a long ass time.
#4 By
1896 (
4/30/2008 4:25:31 PM
#3 I agree that the link does not offer a "solution" although, again as you stated, raise interesting questions.
The funny thing is that MS has already addressed , at least in a possible way, some of the observation in the blog:
the following link is from an old, 2001/2002, demo for the "future office"
or a more modern, around 2005/2006, version of it:
As you can note both in the clip and in the picture the windows still exists but they are not so "self-contained", in other words they seems to be more part the desktop itself than an object standing out as they are now.
Said that I would also add that, as usual, preferences are a very personal matter; for example I also use three 22" screens at 1920X1200 res and on the left one sits OK 2007 always maximized.
This post was edited by Fritzly on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 16:26.
#5 By
88850 (
5/1/2008 4:27:35 AM
Bring back the old XP shell and explorer.
#6 By
16797 (
5/1/2008 12:07:59 PM
#5 Agreed. Explorer in XP and Server 2003 feels much faster than the one in Vista and 2008.
#7 By
7390 (
5/1/2008 9:14:55 PM
it would be interesting to have a 3D rendering of the folder structure
so for instance you would leave files and objects in room/places/locations instead of subfolders.
you could also place certain application in secure rooms with special permissions etc etc
#8 By
115533 (
5/1/2008 10:02:03 PM
That's easy, move the close gadget strictly to the upper left corner, away from the other window controls, ala AmigaOS. How many times have you irretrievably closed windows you just meant to maximize?
#9 By
2332 (
5/2/2008 12:40:21 AM
1.) Figure out a good way to attach dialogs to their parent windows... ala Mac OS X. There are few things more frustrating then somehow getting a modal dialog stuck behind its own application, and having to kill the process.
2.) Make user responsiveness rule #1. I should never click a window on my task bar and have to wait for it to pop up. Do whatever you want once it is there, but Windows should respond immediately.
3.) Copy Expose. It's better than Flip 3D, and it's marginally better than ALT-TAB in certain scenarios.
4.) Solve the freakin' focus stealing problem. If a window steals focus, the author of the application should be hunted down a shot. I'm looking at YOU - guy who wrote AIM.
5.) PLEASE add some super-high res wallpapers to windows. Even the best wallpapers on Vista look a little grainy when viewed on a 24" wide screen. There is no excuse for that.
6.) Move everything over to Office 11-style tabs/bars. Love em. The bastardized approach taken in IE 7 is horrible.
7.) Do something about the system tray. It's a dumping ground. There must be a better way. Some of those great Longhorn demos tried to kill the system tray... DO IT... KILL IT.
8.) WPF WPF WPF... these apps can be beautiful. If Windows shipped with apps as pretty as some of those Longhorn concept apps, Apple's days would be numbered.
Honestly, Vista went a LONG way toward solving UI issues with Windows. In my opinion, it's leaps and bounds better than OS X, with the exception of the specifics listed above.
#10 By
10022 (
5/2/2008 5:28:29 PM
1) The Ribbon should not be forced on users! I dont want to have to tell some one "click on the thing that looks like... no the other thing thats more like a.... MOVE!!!... click"
2) Create a new keyboard and UI that takes advantage of both hands
3) Allow users to group windows and either minimize to task bar or create virtual desktops from the groups.
4) allow the user to create thier own work spaces - allow them to pin a window to a location on the screen so that even if the window is moved it will be restored to the place it was pinned.
5) virtual desktops that are precence aware - if I have a work desktop I dont want people to bother me, or I may want it (and all files created with in) isolated from other desktops like Internet or Games
6) make repitive tasks easy in the GUI - i dont know how you would do this
7) dont force people to use a dumbed down UI if they dont want to!
8) Dont clutter the screen just to be fancy - simple is always better- Vista is too cluttered.
#11 By
143 (
5/3/2008 3:34:53 PM
Put the core OS on a chip, mount that to the mobo and make everything else optional.
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