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  Modifying the All Users profile in Vista or Windows Server 2008
Time: 00:18 EST/05:18 GMT | News Source: WinBeta | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Peter Fitzsimon: Ok, so I just spend a few whistful hours trying to work out how to modify the "All Users" profile on a Windows Server 2008 system. I wanted to add a program to run at login (e.g. in the Start Menu|Programs|Startup directory) for all users that login, but things are now a bit different with Vista and Windows Server 2008.

I have found quite a few people asking similar questions on the Internet but no one seems to have offered a solution that works so I thought I'd post my findings.

Firstly, for those who haven't hit this before, the "C:\Documents and Settings" directory where user profiles are stored in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems has changed to "C:\Users" in Vista and Windows Server 2008. (I regularly encounter XP users who have upgraded to Vista getting confused by this one)

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