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14:49 EST/19:49 GMT | News Source:
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Posted By: Byron Hinson |
The year is only getting started and if we have our way, it will be among the most exciting years we've ever seen. We've completed our very own Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software suite - "Sovereign" as it is called internally. Ten years worth of work and we finally have a product that makes an ERP available for small and medium sized businesses. We've baked in project management, resource planning, mapping, charting, Decision Control Panels, financials, HR, CRM, and much more to a product that easily integrates with messaging systems, IP telephony and rights management systems. Sovereign, added to our custom built hardware, managed networks and the services we host for customers, completes our Hardware + Software + Services model and Value-Plus strategy. We stayed on this vision for over a decade and we're confident that it will pay off for our customers
#1 By
8556 (
2/20/2008 3:45:13 PM
John Dvorak will retire? Say it ain't so Lloyd. I love his shallow cynicism.
#2 By
82766 (
2/20/2008 6:48:18 PM
I didn't have time to read all of it but was there mention to ActiveWin getting its make-over this year? or even any time soon? :-)
#3 By
28801 (
2/21/2008 7:29:10 AM
I'd be willing to bet that Lloyd's predictions concerning Apple aren't even close. I think Apple will only get stronger in the PC and iPhone areas. And what is his love affair with the ZUNE? If Lloyd doesn't talk about it, nobody does!
#4 By
1896 (
2/21/2008 8:50:55 AM
#3 I agree with your observations; IPhone II is something I am monitoring closely. if it was Sim-free I would be using it already.
As for the other predictions I would say that I tend to agree with him about the general concepts. I am agnostic about brands, I buy what I like so I do no see a MS dominated world; many other players are alive and kicking and more will come.
The irony is that a big chunk of the competition is healthy and alive not because they are smarter than MS but because the latter failed to see and implement new technologies that up to acertain degree MS alrady had. A perfect example of what I mean is the OS for Smartphones and PocketpCs: users will have to deal with menus, sub-menus and styluses at least until 2009; and what about users being at the mercy of Carriers for upgrades on any kind? Nokia has a much better strategy here.
Finally while I agree that in the future we will see less and less wiring I am beginning to wonder about the long term possible implications of human bodies continuosly exposed to radio or other kind of waves everywhere.
This post was edited by Fritzly on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 08:57.
#5 By
15406 (
2/21/2008 9:02:13 AM
#3: What is his love affair with all things MS??? I'm really starting to think that Ketchum is one of the pliant Partner types mentioned in MS' secret Evangelism guide:
He loves the Zune because it's from Microsoft, and he'll tell you that every single person in his town has a Zune and they all rave about it daily. He hates the iPhone because it's not from Microsoft. If MS made the iPhone, he'd have to wear Depends to keep from soiling himself ever time he talked about it.
#6 By
37047 (
2/21/2008 9:20:29 AM
Microsoft Depends: Catching and containing the Microsoft bull droppings for decades.
#7 By
3746 (
2/21/2008 9:45:53 AM
And i could turn it around and say why is there a group of people such as yourself who spend all day fuming about MS and all the evil they are doing in the world. So what is with you guys? So what if he thinks the Zune is great. If it works for him then so be it. Plus he doesn't say he hates the iPhone. Just that it lacks functionality that a large number of people who use smart phones need. That is the problem with people today. They are so brand loyal that if you have an opinion on a certain product that runs counter to what they think you must be some kind of shill paid off by another company.
#8 By
1896 (
2/21/2008 11:12:31 AM
#7 So to paphrase Cicero: "Similis cum similibus".
While I agree with some of Iketchum statements some others like "What in H.E. Double-Hockey-Sticks are people doing that has caused so many to have so much trouble running Windows Vista?" hinting that the OS has no probems whatsoever is the reason why he cannot be considered more reliable than people who compare Vista to ME.
I use Vista, I have used it for a long, long time and I see, on many different machines, issues.
I have used XP for years and while that OS had several issues when it was released in my experience they were not so severe and vasted as the ones affecting Vista. Also note that I am not comparing Vista with Longhorn, I am just making a statement about the actual status of the former.
To conclude: this is just my opinion, while I understand, and hope, that other people will disagree this does not mak me an incompetent or a retarded.
Overall I like MS products; in our company we use mostly MS software and also hardware because I decided so and I am pretty satisfied with it but, again, I am not blind and software should not be treated like a Dogma of Faith.
This post was edited by Fritzly on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 11:14.
#9 By
15406 (
2/21/2008 3:12:44 PM
#7: Maybe people such as myself are sick & tired of the crap from MS, the crap in their press releases and the crap from fanboys like Parkkker and Ketchum that we feel the need to rebut a lot of said crap. MS is so large and dominant that the only way to try to change them is to embarrass them. I don't expect MS to care one iota about me or what I write, but if I can manage to get someone thinking about MS and their complete lack of ethics who didn't consider any of that before, I'd be happy. I know this site has its share of fanboys, and it disturbs me no end that all of you seem to have no problems whatsoever with MS, their lack of ethics and the problems they are causing for all of us in their quest for the next user and the next dollar. I expect irrational fanboys like parkkker to totally spin & cover for MS for their bad deeds, but surely others are a little perturbed about what they see. For instance, it appears that nobody here cares that MS has completely subverted the ISO process in their attempts to ramrod OOXML through ISO, buying countries and stacking committees all along the way. WHY DOES NOBODY CARE?? THIS IS IMPORTANT, PEOPLE!!!
#10 By
23278 (
2/21/2008 4:26:23 PM
#9 No one cares because maybe they think OOXML is better than ODF and that the other corporations are just as lacking in ethics... or maybe because they support their own flawed specifications, but try to block Microsoft just because they are Microsoft.
#11 By
15406 (
2/22/2008 8:27:39 AM
If OOXML is so much superior to ODF, why is MS cheating as hard as it can to shove it through ISO? Both formats have already been analyzed to death, and the only advantage OOXML has over ODF is support for legacy MS documents. MS' "open" standard cannot be implemented by anyone with MS' help due to the inclusion of indirect XML tags that are not fully defined eg. 'AutoSpaceLikeWord95' and other proprietary MS technology. Currently, nothing out there supports OOXML, not even Office 2007. MS has shown through its long history of abusing customers, partners and competitors that it cannot be trusted to be the gatekeeper for a global open document standard, as it would only be a matter of time before MS figured out a way to give itself an advantage.
As far as I can tell, the only people who are cheering for OOXML are either devoted MS people that clearly see that the document format lock-in is vital to MS revenue, or clueless fanboys who don't want to think too deeply about it and would rather just side with MS on everything.
#12 By
15406 (
2/22/2008 9:21:23 AM
#10: nd that the other corporations are just as lacking in ethics..
What other corporations? Honestly, I can't think of any other company that is the dominant player in its industry, convicted of antitrust violations by both the US and EU, and consistently committing egregious and obvious abuses. Can you name a few for me so that I can understand your position?
Your line has been trotted out many times before by other MS apologists. It's false logic used to try and rationalize bad behaviour. By your logic, it's OK for me to beat up and rob your mother because, somewhere at some time, some other person did the same or worse. It's not alright. It's not alright for these phantom corporations you speak of to be unethical, just as it is not alright for MS to act unethical. However, they very much realize the monopoly position they are in and know they can abuse on a whim and there isn't much that users are going to do about it.
#13 By
1153703 (
5/20/2013 1:20:28 PM
Im up!! As i said this is my preferred ocupation. I am on all topics in "la red" if you smite some captivating sites you will every bump into uncover me posting. I disposition it , this is my in seventh heaven