bob670 - You've obviously been listening to the distort speech from the far right if you think President Clinton was anything but a centrist. You also need to read David Brock's book. If you continue spouting that ridiculous hate speech, I'll be forced to shred you. It also doesn't represent the direction the Republican party is currently going in, as the hate mongering stalwarts of old have been dropping out like flies.
This case is about protectionism, but it's an odd sort because it targets a US company. Protectionism is historically a conservative agenda item, as it relates to the isolationist mindset. However, what it usually is really about is the cash flowing into the coffers from the lobbyists, and as such either party can play along. This also explains this current case.
The DOJ was going to get involved no matter who was in office, because Microsoft has quite honestly not been playing fair. Where I disagree is with the direction the case took with the Netscape thing and the "adding features = bundling" charges. The break up was ill advised, as is the present non-settling state's doing the bidding of MS competitors. All that's needed is some language allowing computer OEMs to install, configure and customize a desktop they ship to a consumer in any manner they so desire without damaging their contracts with Microsoft.