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00:00 EST/05:00 GMT | News Source:
*Linked Within Post* |
Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum |
In the context of Windows Vista, an "Asshat" is a person who steals the operating system, uses it illegally, never patches it - ever, and then complains about it endlessly and publicly.
There are of course, degrees of Asshat-edness, orders, if you will... I'll get to the order of the asshat in a moment...
Since Asshats steal Vista and do not pass Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validations, they never patch the operating system. Asshats never apply new drivers, or performance and reliability updates - they just ***, piss, moan, whine and complain about how poorly Windows Vista runs on the hardware they manage to scrape together.
Asshats vigorously attack Windows Vista in public forums and viciously assail any user of Vista who so much as likes the new operating system. Microsoft Partners are not business people in the minds of asshats, they are shills - mindlessly supporting Microsoft's domination of the world.
#1 By
11262 (
12/13/2007 5:57:42 AM
I wonder if this goes for Symantec as well. I noticed a lot of trolls when it comes to that company as well.
As for me, I look forward to Patch Tuesday so that I can secure Vista as well as install performance/stability updates.
I have been running Vista Ultimate since it came out to the public. Up until the August update it was horrible to use. Now I install the latest drivers, patches as well as running the newest programs for it (legally of course). Since almost every big programs out there like NIS 2008, Office 2007, ACDSee have their own update engine, I periodically run them to ensure that my system is running as it should. So far my only complaint with Microsoft is the Zune 2.0 software (hardware is great though) and the way Vista handles sounds (I get a lot of pauses when a song is being played).
For those who wish to steal, you get what you pay for. Remember that.
This post was edited by Draganta2000 on Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 05:58.
#2 By
16797 (
12/13/2007 7:16:00 AM
Latch, you're an asshat.
#3 By
3746 (
12/13/2007 7:22:58 AM
I wonder if it will let me register the user name asshat. Lketchum is all riled up - it was funny though. I can't wait to see how many posts this one gets.
This post was edited by kaikara on Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 07:34.
#4 By
16797 (
12/13/2007 7:28:09 AM
#3 If it doesn't work, try "Latch2" :)
#5 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 8:03:19 AM
This article is clearly incorrect! Asshat…err… Latch has admitted thieving Vista Ultimate, yet states his system is fully patched. Ketchum is obviously mistaken since Light-fingered Latch is never wrong.
#6 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 8:32:02 AM
Where is the category for those who have completely legit systems, but never patch them anyway? Those folks do exist as well.
I see that Lloyd still has a burr up his ass about Latch. I wonder what Freud would say about that. :-)
#7 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 8:45:12 AM
Does this mean that we are stuck with this archaic site and all of it quirks thanks to Asshat Latch?
#8 By
2960 (
12/13/2007 9:14:05 AM
IMHO, Symantec deserves it...
#9 By
1896 (
12/13/2007 9:15:01 AM
The biggest issue I have with the article is where the author "decides" that people who stealed Vista are also the ones complaining etc. etc. without substantiating this claim.
I hear, daily, owners of legally bought copies of Vista complaining about issues SP1 is suppose to fix or mitigate.
Now, assuming that there are people bashing Vista just because.. there are other people doing exactly the opposit and incensing the OS no matter what. As usual the opposite extremes are closer and more alike than people would even imagine.
#10 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 9:32:25 AM
I feel like Kramer at the end of the Kenny's chicken episode -
ketchum... come back ketchum...
#11 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 9:33:42 AM
Since Asshats steal Vista and do not pass Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) validations, they never patch the operating system.
Where is the proof of this statement? Many cracked versions of Windows, including Vista, allow for updates and patches, by bypassing WGA in the first place. From what I have understood, the noPE version of Vista fully supports patching and updates. It does it by bypassing or somehow faking WGA validation. As for the security updates, didn't Microsoft decide to not require WGA validation, so even the pirated versions would be secured and not a threat to the "ecosystem"?
That having been said, I will not be surprised to hear that SP 1 breaks such hacks as the noPE release of Vista, and will have to be re-cracked. And I suspect that the bits to do this won't appear until the golden public release of SP 1.
#12 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 9:34:41 AM
#9: Well said.
#13 By
3746 (
12/13/2007 9:48:45 AM
I think he is making a distinction between those who have never used/barely used/ripoff Vista and those legitimate users who have issues. With as many installs of Vista out there you are going to have people who have or had issues. The same goes for any OS. Lketchum is making the point that it seems that the loudest voices are a group of people who have little to no experience with Vista but for whatever reason have the biggest problem with it. It may be that they have ulterior motives for their continual bashing of Vista.
My own experience is that I have people who ask or volunteer information about Vista and it seems like the majority have little to no experience with it. When i press the person about the opinion they say it is what they heard or read. Another blogger wrote an article about this and called it a negative feedback loop. All of sudden you have a lot of info swirling around about Vista, some is true but a lot is BS. And this just builds and feeds off of itself. I think it is a refection of the time we live in that people seem to need to speak with authority about something they have little direct experience with. The fact that people are largely anonymous on the internet plays a huge part of it.
For example - I was a gaming site that posted an article about the release or Vista SP1 RC1. There was a link to a forum thread about the article. The first 5 or 6 postings were all about Vista the memory hog or the amount of resources it used. Now I thought this had been done to death - how superfetch works, how Vista will use memory and then free it up if needed. What I found amazing is the same old BS (that has been discussed to death) is constantly dredged up again and again. And this is how this crap info perpetuates itself. People posting with very little first hand knowledge and people take this as true and then spread it themselves.
This post was edited by kaikara on Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 09:52.
#14 By
13030 (
12/13/2007 11:02:13 AM
Uh, wow! Someone got lketchum started up...
Typical Asshat behaviors include:
* Asshats hate
* Asshats lie
* Asshats cheat
* Asshats steal
* Asshats tolerate others that do as they do
Those last two points just took down a good portion of the Microsoft zealots here that openly admit to pirating music and software.
Personally, I think the hypocrite is much more entertaining in that they never see the inconsistency between what they say and how they act.
The hypocrite...
...will say "green this and green that" and bitch about energy costs yet not recycle or compost or vote for expanding their city's public transportation (think Denver and light rail--I don't live there either)
...will have no problem displaying a "Jesus" fish on their car while they drive like a prick and speed (especially in school zones!)
...will bitch about software prices and quality, yet pirate software
...will go to church on Sundays to "atone" for f*cking the rest of the world Monday through Saturday
...will complain about the homeless yet never give of their time or money to remedy the situation
...lives a disjointed and disconnected life
#15 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 11:10:42 AM
I think it’s very risky to use cracked software. If an individual/group is skilled enough to crack the code then they are skilled enough to add other surprises (i.e. rootkits, key loggers, etc.). In a world where we have to worry about handing a gas attendant our credit card, I think it’s foolish to expose ourselves in other areas unnecessarily.
#16 By
13030 (
12/13/2007 11:11:18 AM
#9: Agreed. I believe that a lot of legitimate users are truly having problems with Vista. Just because the "licensed complainers" might be outnumbered by the "lketchum asshats", it doesn't diminish the value, importance, or legitimacy of their complaints.
#17 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 11:18:11 AM
From Paul Thurrott 's Supersite for Windows:
Vista's Asshats!
Where Lloyd receives the annual award for "most frequent use of the term 'asshat' in a single article."
#18 By
3746 (
12/13/2007 11:24:15 AM
The complaints of legitimate users are valid and should be heard. There are plenty of problems with Vista. This not only goes for Vista but all software. It seems it is becoming impossible to have a reasonable discourse on a subject without these asshats ruining it.
#19 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 11:56:16 AM
Lloyd Ketchum seems to be saying that if you don't run Vista, then you are not allowed to be part of the conversation about it, comment on its shortcomings, or do anything other than lick the feet of Microsoft. By the same measure, I guess that if you didn't vote for G. W. Bush, then you shouldn't complain about anything he does. Hell, I guess by that same reasoning, if Bush decides to drop nukes on Iraq, then no one but those who voted for him would be allowed to complain about it. Think Brand X motor vehicle is crappy for any reason? If you don't own one, then shut the %* up, as he doesn't want your thoughts or opinions about that either. Think Haliburton has done anything ethically or morally gray? Unless you are a shareholder or an employee, you'd better keep your opinions to yourself. Lloyd doesn't want to hear about them either.
Using the "logic" and "reasoning" of Lloyd, I guess we should stop hearing complaints and comments about Macs, and Apple as a corporate entity, except from AWBrian and a few other Mac users? Since I don't own an X Box, I guess I should not be allowed to discuss anything about it, including why I might like a Playstation or a Wii over it, or what I think might make it a better platform to make me want to buy it.
FYI: This is exactly the kind of attitude that makes some of us think the worst of the Microsoft shills, whether they are individual users or business owners. Taking the "agree with everything I say or I'll take my ball and go play in my own yard" attitude doesn't exactly make ones credibility increase. But I guess it is safer to write to your own blog, and have someone at ActiveWin link to it is a bit safer than saying it here directly. That way, he doesn't have to read any of the feedback.
#20 By
3746 (
12/13/2007 12:51:43 PM
I can't speak for Lloyd but here is my take on what you are saying. I don't get why someone would spend a lot of time debating the various pluses and minuses of something if they don't have a direct connection or knowledge of. What is really the motivation? If you don't use Vista or have no plans to use it then why spend the time talking about it's various aspects. Taking it further how can you even form an opinion with no or limited experience on something. All you are doing is taking the opinions of others, filterered through your own bias and regurgitating it. I don't think you have to use something full time - just have used it for some amount of time. From my own experience the people with the strongest opinions of Vista haven't even used it.
See it used to be people would defer to those that had superior knowledge in an area. But with the amount information available online you have the ability to become an "expert" in something that you have never used. It is these "experts" that I have a problem with and the limited ability for them to say "yeah i am not very well versed in that".
#21 By
92283 (
12/13/2007 1:13:56 PM
#19 Great Asshat post!! Classic.
#22 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 1:23:37 PM
#20: If you don't use Vista or have no plans to use it then why spend the time talking about it's various aspects.
Well, I, for one, do plan to use it eventually. I don't now, but that shouldn't prevent me from discussing the pros and cons of it. How else can I find out what is right and wrong with my understanding of it. And my not having used Vista is absolutely not a valid reason to tell me I shouldn't be able to discuss things Microsoft has done wrong in general.
But with the amount information available online you have the ability to become an "expert" in something that you have never used. It is these "experts" that I have a problem with and the limited ability for them to say "yeah i am not very well versed in that".
I agree with this. If you have not used the product, you shouldn't claim to be an expert, or have an expert opinion. However, that should not prevent one from indicating that they are not an expert user, and giving a lay opinion on the topic. I am not an expert on the global political landscape, and all the intricacies of same, but that does not prevent me from having an opinion on it, and discussing it with people. The fact that I am not an elected politician should not prevent me from talking about political issues. Lloyd seems to have a differing opinion.
As for regurgitating opinions, if I read 100 opinions by 100 different authors, and 90 of them have one opinion, and 10 have a differing one, then I can find some justification in thinking that maybe the 90 know something the other 10 don't know, or don't want to talk about. Therefore, discussing what the 90% think is a valid topic for discussion, even if I haven't used the product as extensively as someone else might have. In fact, this is a valid way to determine whether to buy a new OS, a new car, a new monitor, a new television, etc. You can discuss a car brand that almost everyone thinks is a lemon, even if you haven't bought one first. And even bad vehicle models have some subset of them that work just fine, which are owned and maintained by professional mechanics, even if the majority of them don't. That does not invalidate the opinion of the others. A professional mechanic could keep an Edsel or a Yugo running, and running well, but that didn't invalidate the opinion of others who had problems with them.
#23 By
37047 (
12/13/2007 1:25:04 PM
#21: Typical shill post. Insult others, but have nothing useful to add to the conversation.
#24 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 1:36:45 PM
“Lloyd Ketchum seems to be saying that if you don't run Vista, then you are not allowed to be part of the conversation about it”
Where did he say anything like that? He is simply saying that if you don’t have firsthand knowledge of something you shouldn’t purport to have an educated opinion on the matter.
“if Bush decides to drop nukes on Iraq, then no one but those who voted for him would be allowed to complain about it.”
Weak metaphors aside, George Bush makes decisions that affect everyone whether they voted for him or not. I’m not sure how trashing an Operating system while having no firsthand knowledge of its capabilities and shortcomings equates to talking politics.
“I guess I should not be allowed to discuss anything about it, including why I might like a Playstation or a Wii over it, or what I think might make it a better platform to make me want to buy it.”
Ahhh the key word “discuss”. Since when have we ever had any kind of discussion like that? When have you ever asked a question like “I was leaning towards a PS3 because I heard the XBOX still has a problem with overheating? Can anyone corroborate that?” There is very little discussion about technology here. We talk more about each other than technology. Don’t get me wrong, it’s entertaining to a point, but if you want an honest exchange of technical ideas you’re in the wrong place.
#25 By
28801 (
12/13/2007 1:39:46 PM
#22: Opinions are one thing - uneducated opinioins are another and we all know there are plenty of them on the Web.
And can we stop with the car metaphores. Last tim I checked there weren't legions of Ford owners trolling the web posting FUD about Toyotas.
This post was edited by rxcall on Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 13:43.
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