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  Vista SP1 will deliver big network speed boost
Time: 07:39 EST/12:39 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Forget the reports you might have read about SP1 resulting in no performance boost. That story was based on a silly artificial benchmark involving scripting of Office applications. Back here in the real world, where gigabit network connections are now commonplace, you’ll see at least one huge improvement when transferring files over network connections.

In its original release, Vista had some design problems with its networking stack, resulting in slow file transfers, especially when connecting to computers running Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Home Server (all three of these products share a great deal of their code base, including core networking components). In Vista SP1, file transfer speeds are dramatically improved. In this post, I’ll describe what I saw.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 12/7/2007 8:33:55 AM
It does. Really, it does.

Anyone who said Vista Networking was not broken in RTM has just been proven wrong.

My network copy speeds to my WHS have tripled. From 12MB/Sec or so to close to 40MB/Sec or so (at least until my RAID card cache fills ) :)

Performance to my NAS boxes has also improved by about 2 times.

The system is overall much snappier than it ever was, even after a fresh install.

I generally don't run non-release service packs, but with Vista the suffering HAD to end so I went for it. It's a keeper.


#2 By 15406 ( at 12/7/2007 9:21:33 AM
#1: You must be mistaken. I've repeatedly heard that everything in Vista is perfect. Obviously, SP1 just tweaked some setting that you missed because you didn't have an MS Partner set it all up for you.

#3 By 2960 ( at 12/7/2007 9:57:37 AM
Well, it was one hell of an hour-long tweak, even on my high-end machine :)


#4 By 2960 ( at 12/7/2007 9:57:43 AM
Well, it was one hell of an hour-long tweak, even on my high-end machine :)


#5 By 4209 ( at 12/7/2007 10:38:30 AM
I just wish my laptop did not slow to a crawl somewhat when I run Outlook 2003! Seems to suck up some serious PCU/HDD/Network performance.

#6 By 54556 ( at 12/7/2007 11:50:58 AM
nah, its your switch thats the problem

This post was edited by notketchum on Friday, December 07, 2007 at 11:51.

#7 By 3746 ( at 12/7/2007 1:13:13 PM
Overall I am impressed with the SP. Network file copying is faster. The system feels faster (it felt fast before and is even more so now). The hard drive doesn't seem to randomly thrash that much. The biggest fix for me was random freezing opening the file explorer window. I have all my folders (download, documents, pictures, etc) pointed at a network location. When opening an file explorer window it would sometimes hang for 30-50 seconds and then eventually come up and work fine. This was the same for file save windows in IE. It was a random issue - sometimes it would pop up fine other times it would start doing this. It didn't seem to matter if these locations were local or not as I switched them back to local locations and the same thing would happen. Maybe once out of every ten times i opened it this would happen. Since the RC1 install I have not had it happen once. Hopefully, this is completely fixed as it was my biggest complaint with Vista.

#8 By 12071 ( at 12/7/2007 7:35:43 PM
"it felt fast before" followed by "sometimes hang for 30-50 seconds" and "same for file save windows in IE" and "It didn't seem to matter if these locations were local or not".

We must obviously have very different definitions of fast because those are some of the symptoms I see on my pc which I've been complaining about ever since I made the utter mistake of "upgrading" (ha!) XP to Vista. All along the MS fanboys, led by lketchum and his numerous blogs, have been telling me how perfect Vista is and how it doesn't have any issues and that it was all in my head etc etc etc. Finally we get to the bottom of our misunderstandings - we just have very different definitions of "fast", "stable", "reliable", "snappy" etc. Got it!

In all seriousness I hope that SP1 does fix Vista's issues because it quite honestly is crap partly due to it being released before it was ready.

#9 By 16797 ( at 12/7/2007 10:33:02 PM
#8 You do realize that most of the fixes in SP1 are already released through Win Update?

#10 By 61 ( at 12/7/2007 10:57:26 PM

Unless you are going from gigabit to gitabit connection, it is impossible to get 40MB/sec.

100Mb/sec ethernet is equal to 12.5MB/sec

#11 By 23275 ( at 12/7/2007 11:02:09 PM
so let me get this straight....

"experts" across the board... could not get Vista to perform well - consistently.

I show/share how one can - with "reasonable" effort.... and provide proof of it - images of the actual reliability monitors - month after month after month.....

and suddenly, an RC of a service pack, which so far, produces good results for many users, and this validates.... what?.... proves what? That select users could not get Vista to run well...? [at best] sans said SP?

It does not prove Vista to be, or have been "bad" no more than it proves that we could not, did not and do not continue to make Vista run like a bat out of H.E. Double Hockey Sticks.

Some of you made me crush a desk - powdered is more like it.

Never have I seen people more willing to embrace faults - worship them with such glee.

For-GD-Give me, for trying to make some "stuff" work. GD I'm glad I am as eeeeeffffiiiing ollllllld as I am.

Did ya'll ever think that numerous drivers were updated [at once] in that SP?.... and that you could have achieved the same results without the SP? Ever? Even once?

#12 By 23275 ( at 12/7/2007 11:11:35 PM
#8, Right....

Look, my definition of what is fast and reliable is so far above what most people regard as exceptional, that even fastidious people think I am a fanatic when it comes to building perfect systems and networks. Every stinking screw head is aligned. If a dang speck is on a case, it gets dumped. I hand dress the edges of labels and if an OS does not fly - the product does not ship. If, in four full years that same machine does not continue to fly, I replace it with a new one at MY expense. I'll spend a week of my time - on my dime, training people that I build for - just to make sure that they are able to use what I build.

You have no fracing idea of what my standards are. I tell you what, this is my last post here and I'll tell you why - I'm not going to waste my freaking time.

#13 By 88850 ( at 12/8/2007 3:04:45 AM
Request: Only for those who have installed Vista SP1 and System Restore is disabled on your comp, can you please check the size of %Windir%\WinSxS folder and report it? :) I'm worried because mine is around 8 GB!!

#14 By 82766 ( at 12/8/2007 3:38:54 AM
Mines 6.59Gb. Any comments about "SP1 cleanup after upgrade" (as discussed in the SP1 documentation) are NDA :-)

#15 By 2960 ( at 12/8/2007 12:04:14 PM

Not even close, man :)


#16 By 2960 ( at 12/8/2007 12:05:02 PM

Of course.

My entire network is Gigabit.


#17 By 2960 ( at 12/8/2007 12:06:37 PM

Sorry, man. Can't go with you on this one :)

SP1 has completely re-vitalized my once-suffering machine under Vista. It's an entirely different animal.

Ya just can't say there weren't issues when the changes are this dramatic.


#18 By 3746 ( at 12/8/2007 12:48:22 PM
I never have been a MS apologist in any way. Personally, I like Vista and think it is a good OS. I have never claimed it to be perfect just as I wouldn't claim any OS to be perfect. Vista had some quirks which i put in my post. None of them were show stoppers to me and I knew they would eventually be resolved. Are these things i should have had to fix myself - nope. They are problems that should never have existed in the first place. Is this something that happens to just MS OSes? Nope - they all have these kinds of bugs. If you think that if you think any particular OS doesn't have issues you are just a fanboy for whatever side you are saying is perfect.

Lketchum - i am usually onside with most of what you say but you are just flat out wrong in your post. It looks like someone pissed in your coffee or something. SP1 is making a noticeable difference on many people's PCs. Does that mean that Vista was a piece of crap before? nope but it does mean that it has now matured and is better than when it was released. I mean the same thing happens with every complex system.

#19 By 15406 ( at 12/8/2007 6:15:21 PM
#12: What a drama queen. You got called out on your attempts to blame the user for bugs in the network stack. So what? Take your lumps, get some thicker skin and get over it.

#20 By 777 ( at 12/9/2007 12:08:43 AM
#12 With those standards... I'd have you build my next machine.
I personally love Vista... much more than XP. I've always had trouble with
XP and had to perform a clean install about every 2 months or so.
With Vista, I have been one of the lucky ones with very little problems.
Only problem so far was figuring out that some software and drivers had to be downloaded from the websites to work with vista instead of trying to install from a CD. HP printer was one... took me a few hours to find the link, but thats HP. I now always look on the manufactures website for updated software installations before installing.

#21 By 28801 ( at 12/9/2007 10:23:43 AM
#12: With that announcement, this site's storage requirements just dropped by 50%.

#22 By 37047 ( at 12/9/2007 1:11:14 PM
Well there you go. Since Ketchum says Vista is perfect in every way, then Microsoft might as well save some money and stop working on a useless Service Pack. Why waste the time and money on something Ketchum says is perfect in every way, and has no problems needing solutions? Vista 1.0 is obviously the greatest thing that has ever been invented by man, and ever will be. And IE7 will be the last browser you ever need, too. Microsoft has achieved software nirvana. Microsoft is doomed as a company, because once they sell Vista to everyone, then no one will ever need to upgrade the OS ever again. No more sales for Microsoft in the OS division.

Of course, to fully realize this OS nirvana, one must have their systems built and tweaked by Ketchum, as apparently he is the keeper of the secret to a functioning Vista install. It is not Microsoft's fault that there appears to be issues with Vista, they just put artificial limitations in place so that Ketchum can make a living from fixing them. He is the keeper of the one true OS, properly configured to actually work as advertised. Only he is allowed to ship such a thing. No other OEM or VAR is allowed to do this, not even Microsoft itself. This must be true, otherwise Microsoft would probably have some sort of incentive to make a functioning OS right out of the box. And then Ketchum would be unable to constantly tell us how perfect every system he ships is, since others would be able to do the same.

#23 By 92283 ( at 12/9/2007 4:09:52 PM
#8 Kabuki, when you claimed to have been using Vista on your 5 year old PC, it was proven conclusively you were full of crap.

Latch has never used it, even though he lied for a while and claimed he did.

As for the 3rd stooge ... No one claims Vista is "perfect". Many of us who actually use it (I assume you are lying just like the other stooges) haven't had any problems with it, and in fact found it to be faster and better than XP. Some people have had problems, just like some people preferred Windows 98 SE over XP when it first came out. You can't please every single person.

I think its great Microsft is still continuing to improve Vista for free, and will do so for another 10 years, when most Linux or Apple operating systems would be forcing you to upgrade or forcing you to pay 129$ for the next version.

#24 By 15406 ( at 12/9/2007 5:50:36 PM
#23: Linux neither forces to upgrade nor charges any money. You really ought to try knowing what it is that you're talking about before commenting on it because, otherwise, you come off looking like a fool.

#25 By 37047 ( at 12/9/2007 6:32:41 PM
#23: Hey asshole, before calling someone a liar, which you did to 3 people in your comment, try getting a clue or two first. For example, please point out a SINGLE comment made by me where I have ever claimed to be running Vista. I am not. I have never claimed to, either. So therefore, you are the lair, not me. I have only claimed that I will likely get a new machine next summer that will likely run Vista.

12/10/07: Edited kiddie inappropriate language, since it would have been over Parkkker's head anyway.

This post was edited by MysticSentinel on Monday, December 10, 2007 at 10:57.

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