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  Mozilla scrambles to patch Firefox for second time this week
Time: 00:53 EST/05:53 GMT | News Source: ComputerWorld | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Mozilla Corp. will probably release a Firefox update tomorrow to patch a bug in the just-released version, according to the company's bug database.

If so, it would mark the first time that Mozilla has released two versions of the open-source browser in the same week.

A bug in rendering "canvas" HTML elements worked its way into Firefox, the edition Mozilla released Monday to fix six other vulnerabilities. Canvas elements, which were first used by Apple Inc. in its Safari browser, let Web site designers dynamically render bitmap images in HTML. Firefox, Safari and Opera support Canvas natively; Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer does so with a plug-in.

All editions of Firefox -- for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux -- break pages that include the Canvas element, and cripple at least two Firefox extensions, FoxSaver and Fotofox.

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#1 By 28801 ( at 11/30/2007 7:03:06 AM
Gather around everyone for round 317 of the Parker vs Latch match - "Brawl of the Flaws"

#2 By 15406 ( at 11/30/2007 8:14:19 AM
#1: Not likely. By the time he gets around to complaining about it, an update has already been released and the flaw already fixed. Besides, he hasn't been around much lately. Maybe his net access was cut for goofing around in AW too much.

#3 By 15406 ( at 11/30/2007 10:41:58 AM
Well, I've never heard of Canvas or the two broken extensions, but here is the new version:

That was fast.

#4 By 28801 ( at 11/30/2007 11:48:06 AM
Don't you have a job?

#5 By 15406 ( at 11/30/2007 12:46:01 PM
#4: Yeah, I'm Chief Nemesis of the Microbots.

#6 By 28801 ( at 11/30/2007 1:20:24 PM
You give yourself way too much credit.

This post was edited by rxcall on Friday, November 30, 2007 at 13:20.

#7 By 92283 ( at 11/30/2007 1:42:00 PM
"an update has already been released and the flaw already fixed" and a new flaw has been discovered and new update is in the works ... and in the meantime 99% of Firefox users are vulnerable to some exploit or the next 2000 exploits to be discovered in the next month or 2.

"I'm Chief Nemesis of the Microbots."

Chief apologist for the insecure hairball known as OSS is more truthful.

#8 By 37047 ( at 11/30/2007 1:51:09 PM
Of course, if #7 was really Parkkker, then there would have been several links to bug reports for bugs that have long since been fixed, and a rant on how anything made by Microsoft is automatically superior, including WGA, simply because Microsoft made it.

#9 By 37047 ( at 11/30/2007 1:55:43 PM
So much for the Secure Software Initiative, or whatever Microsoft was calling it.

#7, care to comment on the insecure dung pile known as Microsoft software?

#10 By 92283 ( at 11/30/2007 2:04:23 PM
#9 I posted my count. 5 in 2006 to 8 in 2007.

I'm guessing that since some of the flaws are found in Excel 2003 and 2007, they are being counted twice (or 10 times because the company wants a cheap headline).

Why not post yours?

Maybe you can find the counts in the article. I couldn't.

#11 By 15406 ( at 11/30/2007 2:34:28 PM
#6: You love it.

#10: I know that when I want a true, unbiased count of flaws in MS products, I turn to the stoic objectivity of Parkkker.

#12 By 92283 ( at 11/30/2007 5:02:19 PM
#11 You NEVER want a "true, unbiased count of flaws in MS products".

You prefer lies.

#13 By 12071 ( at 11/30/2007 8:11:22 PM
#10 Now go back and count all the flaws from all the components in Microsoft Office.... not just Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.... might help given that the report was based on Microsoft Office, not Microsoft Excel 2003 and Microsoft Excel 2007... but you wouldn't have picked up on that... facts get in the way of your little incoherent ramblings, don't they parkkker.

#14 By 92283 ( at 11/30/2007 9:51:08 PM
#13 You didn't read the article. I did.

Quote: "These charts show growth of nearly 300 percent from 2006 to 2007, primarily in new Excel vulnerabilities that can easily be exploited by getting unsuspecting users to open Excel files sent via e-mail and instant message."

What a maroon you are.

This post was edited by NotParkerToo on Friday, November 30, 2007 at 21:52.

#15 By 12071 ( at 12/1/2007 1:48:41 AM
#14 Which charts were those again parkkker.... the charts showing a huge jump in the vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office products. It's ok, don't feel bad. Mr Bush said that you won't be left behind... although I do fear that it might be a little late for you.

#16 By 92283 ( at 12/1/2007 11:58:05 AM
#14 Good question. Which charts? Where are they? They weren't in the story. There were no links.


#17 By 39852 ( at 12/1/2007 3:08:01 PM
Wow, I can see a lot of reasons to come back and keep reading this inane, pedantic, drivel. I see why people stick around here! This is a site for fanboys and only for fanboys. An actual interesting conversation will never happen on this site. As soon as one comment is posted, the vultures swoop down and polarize it, while tearing the original intent to shreds. Oh, and of course I'm expecting replies with more finger pointing. If the admins will even let this comment live to tell the truth... some even seem to participate and propogate these ludicrous flame-fests.

This post was edited by Mister on Saturday, December 01, 2007 at 15:11.

#18 By 15406 ( at 12/1/2007 3:11:36 PM
#17: I have to apologize for that. I stupidly asked another user a day or so ago where parkkker had slinked off to, not realizing that invoking his name would cause him to appear. We had been enjoying the benefits of a parkkker-free zone for the past month. You don't know what you've lost 'til it's gone.

#19 By 92283 ( at 12/1/2007 4:25:34 PM
#18 You should apologize for being a moron.

#20 By 28801 ( at 12/2/2007 3:51:32 PM
#17: And the horse you rode in on...

This post was edited by rxcall on Sunday, December 02, 2007 at 15:52.

#21 By 37047 ( at 12/3/2007 6:47:19 AM
#17: Welcome to ActiveWhine, home of the 24x7 flame-fest. One one side, we have the Microsoft apologists, who think Microsoft can do no wrong, and every piece of software they write is perfection incarnate. On the other side, we have everyone else, from the F/OSS fanboyz to the moderates. If you are not a Microsoft fanboy, then you will automatically get labelled as a F/OSS fanatic, whether you are or not. You are quite correct that every discussion very quickly gets turned into a farce of a finger pointing exercise. It might even be entertaining from time to time, if it wasn't so completely redundant and predictable.

#22 By 28801 ( at 12/3/2007 7:20:55 AM
#21: Name me a tech blog/site that's different.

This post was edited by rxcall on Monday, December 03, 2007 at 07:28.

#23 By 1896 ( at 12/3/2007 8:45:54 AM
#22: What about creating a new one just for "Illuminatis"? I agree with #21 though, sometimes is entertaining.

#24 By 37047 ( at 12/3/2007 10:10:19 AM
Well, this site has ActiveWin, ActiveMac, and ActiveXBox. How about adding ActiveFlames for Latch, Parker et. al. to argue about things like why Parkkker needs to point to Quicktime bugs whenever someone has the gall to mention IE bugs.

#25 By 28801 ( at 12/3/2007 11:55:31 AM
I'll pose the question again. Can anyone name another tech site/blog that isn't like this?

We all do a lot of complaining about the other posters here, but that's why we all come back. I remember that Sentinel said he was leaving this site - never to return.

Well guess what - He's back! I suspect he found other sites to be pretty much the same.

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