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09:43 EST/14:43 GMT | News Source:
OS News |
Posted By: Andre Da Costa |
Today, Apple is unleashing Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard onto the world. It's already available to people in Australia and New Zealand (you liking it, Kaiwai?), and Europe and the US will follow later today. There's an article on what's new for Ruby developers, while others want to figure out what Leopard means to the 'enterprise' (I love those silly business terms).
#1 By
2960 (
10/26/2007 10:02:04 AM
With a headline like that, I don't even care to read the story...
#2 By
89137 (
10/26/2007 10:06:49 AM
I agree with TL
The headline insinuates that Leopard is a piece of crap like Vista. And from every review I've read online (with the exception of the MS-puppet boy Paul Thurrott), Leopard is an excellent release.
#3 By
8556 (
10/26/2007 10:20:43 AM
Walt Mossberg, as a true OS X fanboy, blasted Vista a bit too much yesterday in a column in the WSJ. Mossberg takes every chance he can to praise Macs and dig at Vista while claiming to be unbiased. His following is quite high. Too bad he can't be more objective on the OS X vs. Vista issue.
#4 By
89249 (
10/26/2007 10:25:37 AM
#2 Sadly Leopard may finally be the first solid OSX release. And the fact that people are actually upgrading to it is not that big of a story. With the multitude of releases they made people (like the 10 or 15 I know) are finally willing to spend the money to upgrade.
#3 That article was classic. My favorite was when he was calling Mac's ability to Dual Boot to windows was superior to Windows cause it can't Dual Boot to OSX... it could if Apple allowed you to.
This post was edited by MrHumpty on Friday, October 26, 2007 at 10:26.
#5 By
7754 (
10/26/2007 12:14:05 PM
But if the title were "Windows users get their OS X", everyone would read the title and the Mac faithful wouldn't think anything of it. How thick does the hypocrisy have to get?
#6 By
2960 (
10/26/2007 12:54:09 PM
There's nothing wrong with your title as posted. It does not indicate it's written by a narrow-minded person.
Personally, I outgrew the "Fanboy" phase years ago. I'm now an equal-opportunity complainer :)
If it's good, I'll say so. If it sucks, I'll say so. If it needs work, I'll say so. If I think it's wonderful, I'll say so. No matter what the product is or who makes it.
Actually, to be honest, I do have a _few_ Fanboy traits left in me, but none of them are computer related:
1. Chip-Beef Gravy on Toast.
2. Roast Beef.
3. Scrapple
4. Golden Retrievers.
5. Siamese Cats.
6. Pink Floyd.
EDIT: Forgot the Scrapple :)
This post was edited by TechLarry on Friday, October 26, 2007 at 14:12.
#7 By
7754 (
10/26/2007 1:55:16 PM
If you can't see the double-standard, I guess this thing runs much deeper than even I expected. Put both titles on CNet or the like, and I think we both know what would happen.
As for your list, man, you're making me hungry. I haven't had #1 in ages. :( We had another name for that dish (or maybe everyone knows it as that?), but unfortunately I can't share it here. I miss my Goldens, too.... :(
#8 By
2960 (
10/26/2007 2:11:28 PM
SOS. I know it well :)
I have a GREAT Chip-Beef Gravy recipie if anyone wants it :)
This post was edited by TechLarry on Friday, October 26, 2007 at 14:13.
#9 By
3653 (
10/26/2007 2:29:29 PM
isn't it a general rule, that if someone mentions chip-beef&gravy before 5pm... then its a necessity that you eat it that night.
btw tl, although you wont credit anyone here at AW... we all take your conversion from apple whipping boy... as personal accomplishments. thank you.
#10 By
3 (
10/26/2007 2:43:24 PM
Picked it up today and so far so good, everything running well with an upgraded install and seems faster once again too over tiger.
#11 By
3653 (
10/26/2007 3:50:16 PM
how is feature #217, the new reflection on the dock. We wait, with bated breath, for your report.
[sitting here staring wantingly at my translucent taskbar, wishing i could have a $129 upgrade path to get a reflection on it. sigh]
EDIT: I had accidently typed "$" instead of "#" above. How appropriate though, don't you think?
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Friday, October 26, 2007 at 15:51.
#12 By
11888 (
10/26/2007 10:50:47 PM
The headline here has nothing to do with the actual post at OSNews.com. It's just that Andre guy editorialising instead of reporting. Again.
#13 By
37 (
10/27/2007 6:21:40 AM
Feature #43, Aero, on the $199.99 Vista Home Basic upgrade must make everyone more productive ;-)
#14 By
32313 (
10/27/2007 8:21:03 AM
Brian, the Windows Vista Home Basic Upgrade cost $99
#15 By
432 (
10/27/2007 11:02:01 AM
awandre - does aero come with basic?
#16 By
2201 (
10/27/2007 12:25:09 PM
#15, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it does. Just with no transparency.
#17 By
32313 (
10/27/2007 12:58:49 PM
SidX, testman is correct. It comes with a theme called Aero Standard along with the usuals, Aero Basic and Windows Classic.
the Premium SKUs come with Aero Glass. Starter Edition - Aero Basic.
#18 By
32132 (
10/27/2007 7:00:56 PM
I love it that the Mac cultists are now being BSOD'd long after that became uncommon on Windows.
#19 By
89445 (
10/28/2007 3:59:59 PM
You know, I've always been pretty much pro-Microsoft. I'll give Apple that their interfaces are second to none, but for all around use, I think Windows wins (esp for games!)
Then came Vista. I've been using it (biz edition) at work since Nov 30th of 2006 and I can't say that I have much love for it. Between slowness (P4 3.2Ghz/1.5GB ram) and application incompatability, its been a pain. When I upgraded from 2000 to XP at work, everything still worked. Upgrading from XP to Vista is now requiring me to have a XP machine separately just to do basic IT administration type duties. Like Exchange 2003 management tools, etc. Not many apps, but these are major *Microsoft* apps that in the million missed releases of Vista, should have been addressed.
I'd take Windows XP 64bit (what I use at home) over Vista! Too bad DX10 won't be coming out for XP.
Vista just doesn't have that "wow" factor with me that X seems to be bringing the Mac world... :(
<don't flame, just trying to be objective>
#21 By
3653 (
10/30/2007 5:02:13 AM
MicroNix, I've noted on my P4 3.2Ghz/3GB ram system, that the system constantly uses at least 1.8GB. Perhaps even a half gig increase could ease things for you.
Worth a try!