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  New version of the compatibility, reliability, and stability update for Windows Vista
Time: 04:42 EST/09:42 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

This update improves the compatibility, reliability, and stability of Windows Vista. This update includes the following improvements:

  • It extends the battery life for mobile devices.
  • It improves the stability of portable computers and of desktop computers that use an uninterruptable power supply (UPS).
  • It improves the reliability of Windows Vista when you open the menu of a startup application.
  • It improves the stability of wireless network services.
  • It shortens the startup time of Windows Vista by using a better timing structure.
  • It shortens the recovery time after Windows Vista experiences a period of inactivity.
  • It shortens the recovery time when you try to exit the Photos screen saver.
  • It improves the stability of Windows PowerShell.

This update also resolves the following issues in Windows Vista:
  • A compatibility issue that affects some third-party antivirus software applications.
  • A reliability issue that occurs when a Windows Vista-based computer uses certain network driver configurations.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 8:09:49 AM
Ok, I just rebuilt this machine. I'm not sure if I should install this or not since things are working fairly decent right now...


#2 By 25030 ( at 10/24/2007 10:27:08 AM
No guts, no glory!

Not much noticable impact to speak of, though startup does seem a tad bit quicker.

#3 By 3 ( at 10/24/2007 10:48:09 AM
Installed this 2nd update a couple of weeks ago - didn't cause any problems but then again I didn't notice any improvements either.

#4 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2007 10:56:57 AM
#1, This one is about incremental improvements in SuperFetch and related schedulers. Whether you feel any bump will depend upon your specific hardware/software configuration.
If you are using ReadyBoost, for example, you'll feel it - which by the way, I would always do.

After the update, disable ReadyBoost. Go into C:\Windows\Prefetch and delete all items - including the old ReadyBoost container.

Restart the computer.

Re-enable ReadyBoost and work normally. It'll take a little bit [15 to 45 minutes], but the machine will feel faster and respond more quickly. BTW, we've taken to installing an internal RB header and installing a 2x over RAM ReadyBoost drive internally on workstations. It does help - especially with Office 2007 applications [where 2 GB System RAM is installed and 4 GB RB Flash is installed to the main board on a small RB header - I don't know how well such drives will ship, so we'll likely drop a small drop of hot-glue around the header to keep things in place]. Any case, the above is what we do after this update is installed.

How is the most recent build?

#5 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 11:57:13 AM
Yeah, the old thread scrolled off :)

Access to the DLink 1216T Switch. Interface speed is now normal.

Network Access improved. Writes to my NAS are now 16-18 MB/Sec.

Not Fixed
Access to my HTTPS Novell Server management pages. Browser still hangs and never loads. Doesn't matter if I use FireFox or IE. As before, if I fire up a VPC host ON THE SAME MACHINE I can access them fine in that host. Completely bizarre.

Intermittent Outlook disconnects from the HTTPS/RPC connection I use to access the exchange server. It still stops sending mail, and I have to quit Outlook, kill it's processes, and re-launch it so it will start sending again. This happens 3-4 times a day.

I did have one interesting observation during all this. As I built this, I tested network performance after EVERY change/add during the process. When I installed the latest Intel INF driver package I actually lost 2-4MB/Sec access speed to my network servers.

I rolled back to the Vista supplied INF's, and the issue went away.

I also installed a new DLink DIR-655 in place of the DGL-4300.

Nice router. Works great, but I have some serious issues with some of their Firmware decisions in this router:

1. You can NOT apply the MAC Address filter against the Wireless side only. It's either off, or on and blocks both wireless and wired. How STUPID! I now have to run with it off because I am not going to sit down and make an allow entry for every single IP device on my wired network... STUPID! The DGL-4300 does not have this issue. There is an option to apply the MAC filter to the Wireless side only.

2. ALL (and I mean ALL) of the SPI Firewall options are missing in the latest (1.05) version of the firmware! No IPSec option, no PPTP option, no FTP option, NOTHING! It's all been removed!

What the hell is DLink thinking all of a sudden :(


#6 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 12:01:25 PM
AW Guys... I have a suggestion....

When you post a story, can the system also create a link to a corresponding entry/thread in the forums so we can continue conversations if they scroll off the front page?

HardOCP does this, and it's great.


#7 By 37 ( at 10/24/2007 12:17:13 PM
I am sure Lloyd will chime in here soon TechLarry, but that was on our feature list for the new AWIN.

#8 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2007 12:33:53 PM
<Begin chiming>

Yep - it is there. Tracking - Track-Backs, Favorites, Saved Threads, and a new pony for AWBrian, etc...

TL, D-Link went that route for a couple of reasons - 1) most SOHO users weren't using those features and 2) the same features really are there, but under Vista and properly written SW, they aren't necessary - the OS/Application dynamically configures the router for the user.

It is going to take some time before software catches up. Where it has, it is amazing stuff to watch. Routers are configured automatically. So in the segment of the market, it appears that D-Link is trying to make use as easy as possible and create a path for more business oriented products - same as the new Business centric Linksys/Cisco equipment - which is actually not bad stuff - though I still much prefer D-Link, because of how well it works with MS Rally and Vista. So much so, that I am beginning to see how bad [by comparison] XP's stack is opposite Vista.

Also, on your interface, you may see an entry for "Jumbo Frames" the default is 1500 - bump it to 9000 - same place in the device manager - advanced tab. Then, explicitly enable ECN -
netsh interface tcp set global ecncapability=enabled

Sheesh.... typo city today...

This post was edited by lketchum on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 12:35.

#9 By 2459 ( at 10/24/2007 1:31:51 PM
TL, 1.06 has been in testing for some time.

You may be able to get on the beta:

#10 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 4:30:55 PM
Wow, that's quite a firmware update :)

Be that as it may, I want my options back dammit! Ya just don't take options away from a Geek like that!

It's like taking a bone from a dog!


#11 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 4:39:22 PM
Lloyd, Have you ever set up any of the soft-firewalls, such as Monowall, IPCop, Untangle, etc?

What do you think of them?


#12 By 2960 ( at 10/24/2007 4:46:01 PM
"Also, on your interface, you may see an entry for "Jumbo Frames" the default is 1500 - bump it to 9000 - same place in the device manager - advanced tab. Then, explicitly enable ECN -
netsh interface tcp set global ecncapability=enabled "

Well, I can't go above 7000 because my older TS-201 only goes that high.

I believe I tried that netsh change once before, and it never really made any difference.

Upon reflection, it was this one I tried:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=highlyrestricted

What does your 'new' one do ?


#13 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2007 7:05:29 PM
#12, TL, ECN helps by providing notices of congestion and Vista uses these to dynamically size its window scale up or down to make sure the pipe remains full and the flow is consistent. This helps ensure faster downloads and more reliable end-point connections. To explicitly enable ECN support in Windows Vista, do this: Open a command console as an administrator and enter the following command and restart the computer, netsh interface tcp set global ecncapability=enabled

Do this on ALL Vista machines - especially when using D-Link, or similarly capable equipment.

#11, Yes, many times, but we use software firewalls for very specific things - most often to protect applications - where it is called an applications firewall. For this purpose, ThreatSentry is teh product I would recommend. Based upon the firewalls you have mentioned, it seems you are more interested in perhaps using an old system as a firewall/proxy - for this purpose, you would use my favorite security product of all time: MS ISA Server. ISA, while software, is most often deployed on a host as an appliance. This is consistent with how all business firewalls are deployed - they are all software, really - just some are deployed in a 1U, or larger appliance. If you are going to run a SW firewall [such as one may use that word], run ISA. It is very powerful and it supports the widest range of uses.

#14 By 82766 ( at 10/24/2007 7:10:15 PM
Is it just me or do most of these comment look unrelated??

TL - you say "installing an internal RB header" which product are you preferring for this?

BTW with your Outlook crashing too often, do you have the MS CRM client installed?

#15 By 23275 ( at 10/24/2007 8:45:26 PM
#14, Often called the Outlook Performance Patch - The update also fixes performance issues that occur when you work with items in a large .pst file or .ost file. See,

Don't know if you all put this on our not? If not, please consider it.

TL, go here, note the OL2K7 tests and run em per the pic,

***I think they are sorta, kinda, related to performance and reliability in Vista - sorta.

#16 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 7:45:30 AM

"installing an internal RB header" ? Not sure where that comes from.

"BTW with your Outlook crashing too often, do you have the MS CRM client installed? " - No, not installed.

And Outlook isn't crashing. It loses sync with the HTTPS/RPC connection. When it happens, I can receive mail fine, but sent mail just sits in the outbox forever until I reboot Outlook.


#17 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 7:52:10 AM

Yes, I've used that patch. Didn't really seem to help the issue. This problem occurs with Outlook 2003 or 2007.

UPDATE: This patch is now installed by Office Update/Microsoft Update when you update Office.

As for the tests, I'm afraid when it comes to the infrastructure of the network, I'm just a user. I have no involvement with it's design, implementation or testing.

Nice article :)


This post was edited by TechLarry on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at 07:56.

#18 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 7:52:59 AM
#14 writes:

"Is it just me or do most of these comment look unrelated?? "

Unfortunately, it is what it is until the new board comes online.


#19 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 7:57:11 AM
About the ECN Change...

I don't think this will do me any good. I only have one Vista machine on the Network.


#20 By 23275 ( at 10/25/2007 11:30:31 AM
#19, It will help with any server, or remote server capable of it, too. Same for your D-Link gear - it supports it - so I would enable it.

#17, Gotcha and thanks. I fogged it out one day, as the world was lined up to trash Vista networking. It blew me away that such was happening. We had been building such fast networks on it, that I could not understand what was being written and said - so I shared ways for regular users to get more out of the bew OS/stack and associated gear around it.

The service side in me so wishes to solve this one for you - about Outlook. I know I could and probably really quickly, too. It bugs me to see people not enjoy fully, what truly is good stuff. Ya'll may have a problem, or load I do not understand, but it still bugs me that you are not running at 1000% Tell your folks we'll fix it for free - I know they won't take us up on that, but we'd happily do it. We do it all the time - to make sure our customers' mail is able to get to whom they need it to get to - we've fixed a lot of messaging systems for tards that had really borked their systems. It's easy to do if you don't do it all the time - which we do - so we have an advantage others don't. They're smart people, but they don't have to do it a few hundred times a year :)

#21 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 12:28:34 PM
Don't sweat it :) At this point, I'm fairly convinced it's an infrastructure side issue I'll never be able to fix.

I'll try the ECN change!

Thanks :)


#22 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2007 2:30:33 PM
Ok, looks like the DIR-655 will be going back to Best Buy tomorrow night.

The DGL-4500 is now available from DLink, and I ordered one overnight :)


#23 By 23275 ( at 10/26/2007 12:59:55 PM
#22, let me know how the 4500 works out - I will likely do the same.


L :)

#24 By 2960 ( at 10/26/2007 2:26:45 PM
Well, crap. DLinks web site lied.

It said it was available, so I ordered one overnight P1.

It didn't arrive, so I called DLink (took me for bloody ever to find a damned phone number) and asked why it didn't arrive.

Turns out they are NOT available, and there are NONE for shipment from any warehouse.

I cancelled the order.


#25 By 2830793 ( at 10/8/2014 3:24:46 AM

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