The Windows Template Library (WTL) is available on the January 2000 Platform SDK. It is an SDK sample produced by members of the ATL (Active Template Library) team chartered with building an ATL-based wrapper around the windowing portions of the Win32 API. Since version 2.0, ATL has had simple windowing wrapper classes, such as CWindow, CWindowImpl, and CDialogImpl. However, when compared with MFC, ATLs windowing classes were little more than a tease. Even in ATL 3.0, there is no support for such popular features as MDI, command bars, DDX, printing, GDI, or even a port of the most beloved class in all of MFC, CString. Without these features ATL cannot satisfy the overwhelming majority of MFC programmers. WTL is what members of the ATL team think a windowing framework should be. Table 1 shows the list of features that WTL provides as compared to MFC.
-Download: WTL Library, WTL Developer's Guide + Samples & more