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  Vista's Lessons for Microsoft
Time: 13:58 EST/18:58 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

Microsoft says Windows Vista, the newest version of its franchise product, is a roaring commercial success. Perhaps. It's also been a model in bad public relations. Vista has come under withering criticism across the Internet, with consumers hurling complaints about incompatible hardware and software, suspected bugs, and design mistakes. Independent polls suggest the negative buzz could stall Vista's adoption and encourage consumers to consider alternatives to what in the past has been an inevitable march to a new Windows version.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 5/15/2007 2:06:32 PM
They just can't help but exagerate, can they?

#2 By 20 ( at 5/15/2007 2:18:18 PM
What cracks me up about all these "Oh whoa is Vista" articles and posts flying around is that the SAME EXACT PEOPLE (well, most of 'em) who are now saying how great XP is and how bad Vista is, were saying the SAME THING about Windows 2000 and XP when XP came out.

How many times did you hear people lamenting about how 2000 was 'just fine' and XP was just 'a bunch of candy' and was worthless and added nothing.

Just watch, when Windows 2009 or whatever comes out, we'll be hearing about what a paragon of achievement and stability and features Vista is and why ANYONE would EVER want to go to the crappy, buggy, blah blah Windows 2009.

#3 By 8556 ( at 5/15/2007 2:21:43 PM
"The WOW starts NOW" was and remains a weak ad campaign. Most people are curious about Vista and want to see TV ads where Vista is actually used with a simple explanation about the new features and real improvements over XP. Flip 3D ads are annoying and tend to support Mac humerous ads by not showing how Vista can make movies, group and view photos, filter spam in Windows Mail, etc.

#4 By 8556 ( at 5/15/2007 2:24:54 PM
#2 for many puposes Windows 2000 still is satisfactory and quite snappy. That said, Vista is my preferred OS and probably will still be when Vista R2 is released in a couple of years.

#5 By 23275 ( at 5/15/2007 3:13:09 PM
Bill Gates shared during his keynote that as of last week, more than 40,000,000 copies of Windows Vista had been sold - in five weeks time, Vista's market share exceeded the installed base of all other non-Microsoft operating systems combined. In five (5) weeks!

Our customers are reacting very warmly to Windows Vista - even the biggest anti-technology decision makers have expressed that they are delighted with the new operating system, PC's and networks they are now using.

One veteran business owner stated, "Before I was never sure what if anything would work, or when - now, everything works all the time and I can find everything any time I want it."

All any one user needs to do is sit down at it just once and have someone show them what it is all about - after that they demand Windows Vista be installed as soon as possible. I have never seen an OS sell systems as easily as Vista does - not even Windows 95.

#6 By 15406 ( at 5/15/2007 3:26:08 PM
#5: It's already been shown that MS was a tad stingy with the verite for their last round of Vista numbers, so why should anyone believe Gates now? And still, it's irrelevant. If I told you 10 billion grains of sand were sold in the last 5 months, it would appear that sand is a fast seller and everyone wants sand. What, then, if it came out that these grains of sand were all in plastic "Ship-in-a-bottle" souvenirs sold by tropical country tourist traps? Would it still appear that sand is a fast mover and everyone wants sand, or was it that the sand was just along for the ride of the thing really being sold? It would be very interesting to see how many copies of Vista would have moved if the channel hadn't already flushed out XP.

You need to give me directions to your world, where everyone around you is in love with everything Microsoft all the time. Where one minute you're installing to the data centre and the next, you're hand-recycling some kid's PC -- all the while being assaulted with their pleas for Vista & Zunes.

#7 By 7754 ( at 5/15/2007 4:02:51 PM
#6: regarding the "last round," what you believe are your own words, and anything else that supported your view. They weren't "stingy" at all--they are using the EXACT SAME METRICS used against EVERY PREVIOUS VERSION OF WINDOWS. Yes, Latch... that's how nearly EVERY PREVIOUS VERSION OF WINDOWS has been sold--PRE-INSTALLED ON A COMPUTER. You may have your problems with the fact that the vast majority people are buying Windows pre-installed, but that absolutely does NOT mean that Microsoft is fudging the numbers.

We went over this the very same 'last time'... I doubt more capital letters will make a difference in comprehension, but... well, it's worth a shot.

#8 By 23275 ( at 5/15/2007 4:39:35 PM
#6, Man you sure know how to get cross.

If I bought you a ticket would you come visit? I'd take you through just what we have in our own building alone and the diversity would wake you up.

You keep missing the point I have tried to share here for a few years know - it's real simple:
One likely cannot change much of the world, but you can change the world around you - for the better. No matter what one does, one can do that, provided they don't allow negative influences to shape what they do - which I assess defines what men are.

So it wouldn't matter what platform we chose in our unit - we'd still work to sustain a very positive outlook on all things and we'd still adhere to the values that define us. Similarly, we'd aggressively pursue as much diverity within that platform as possible - POS Retail systems parallel to a new commerce activity and store on the coast for fashion eyewear in the AM [today in fact], to newly designed laptops for a comms company in New Orleans in the afternoon, to a surgery DB for a consulting densist that contributes to the smiles program for kids with birth defects. Under all this is the ecosystem that Microsoft and thousands of others built - we just use it like all others and in as many ways as possible.

Finally, if you ever did visit, you'd learn a few things - we are the real deal and the only goal we have for anyone is to teach them to seek and find the best in all things - knowing that ultimately they'll find the same within themselves. When leaders do that for young people, you'd be amazed at what they end up doing.

#9 By 13030 ( at 5/15/2007 4:45:28 PM
#5: Bill Gates shared during his keynote that as of last week, more than 40,000,000 copies of Windows Vista had been sold - in five weeks time, Vista's market share exceeded the installed base of all other non-Microsoft operating systems combined. In five (5) weeks!

I think it would be more interesting to put this in the context of PCs worldwide. I assume that MS has 90% of the PC OS market, roughly 458 million PCs were shipped in 2005 and 2006, and perhaps only 50% of PCs sold in the mentioned 5 week period were Vista installs (the rest were Windows XP and others).

This leads me to conclude that about 12 million PCs were Vista installs during those 5 weeks and the remaining 28 million were distributed across PC sales for the past 2 years. (Anything older may struggle hardware-wise.) This gives an upgrade rate of 7%. If you assume 75% during the 5 week period were Vista, then the upgrade rate drops to 5.5%.

This may explain why we keep seeing the MS hype machine running at full speed.

#6: You need to give me directions to your world, where everyone around you is in love with everything Microsoft all the time.

I'll answer for lketchum (and the others):,+Redmond,+Wa&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=95.57713,89.121094&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1

Or, in their own language:

#10 By 13030 ( at 5/15/2007 4:48:50 PM
#7, That's it! Discussion over. Uppercase text invoked, so we can wrap this up now. Thanks, bluvg.

#11 By 7754 ( at 5/15/2007 6:06:26 PM
ch: you're missing the point. It isn't that Vista outsells XP the minute it's launched. It's how well it's selling, period. Speculate all you want, it doesn't matter--40 million copies is 40 million copies.

The problem that Latch and the others that have commented on this issue is that they fail to see how this fits historically. They look at Vista and the sales numbers and assume that some new measures are being applied that weren't applied to XP, or 2000, or 98. But NO, they are the same metrics. What Microsoft said about sales numbers when XP is the same way that Vista's sales numbers are being announced. That's not hype. That's the raw data, used the same way as last time.

That's why when Latch comes in and says "it's already been shown..." I say "not so fast." He may have shown it to himself, but he's going to believe whatever he wants to believe anyways. He just shouldn't expect that no one is going to call him on it. I'm not even saying everyone should run out and buy Vista... but don't make up this conspiracy theory about the sales numbers.

#12 By 79018 ( at 5/15/2007 7:46:26 PM
I've been using Vista for 3 months now in a dual boot with XP, have not used XP since. I do admit to being a bit of geek. I started with a Commodore, then an Apple then an Amiga, finally Windows 3.1. Through all versions except Windows Me. Moving from XP to Vista is like the jump from Win3.1 to Win95. Although some of it's best features are under the GUI. My least used feature is the 3D flip screen. XP now seems dated in comparison.

#13 By 3653 ( at 5/15/2007 9:07:53 PM
5 months to equal mac + linux market share?

just goes to show that we live in a linux/osx echo chamber. If you didn't know better, you'd swear mac and linux had 90% of the market.

#14 By 11888 ( at 5/15/2007 9:31:00 PM
Everybody (ye-a!), everybody (ye-a!), let's get into it (Yea!).
Get stoopid (come on!).
Get retarded (come on!), get retarded (come on!), get retarded.
Let's get retarded (ha), let's get retarded in here.
Let's get retarded (ha), let's get retarded in here.
Let's get retarded (ha), let's get retarded in here.
Let's get retarded (ha), let's get retarded in here.

#15 By 15406 ( at 5/15/2007 10:26:21 PM
It's annoying that Gates touts the Vista sales numbers like they were a validation of Vista's acceptance by the market, when it is more complex than that. How many units, of that 40 million, are in the hands of consumers right now in the form of OEM/New PC or upgrades? How many are OEM commitment allocations? How many are SA commitment allocations? MS won't release the retail numbers for Vista. Why not? How many of these 40 million are phantom units?

#16 By 3653 ( at 5/15/2007 10:33:39 PM
mr roper... you dont wanna start no drama

latch and the $100 phantom OS sale. You are hillarious. You might want to contact the SEC, as I'm quite certain Microsoft is planning on reflecting those 40 million "phantom" units on its quarterly returns. The SEC will be excited to hear you've cracked the biggest accounting scam since Enron. Oh, and latch... hold all my calls in the morning, and reschedule my 9am. Thanks.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 at 22:37.

#17 By 32132 ( at 5/15/2007 11:52:51 PM
#15 I believe Microsoft outlined the financial impact of Vista in its income statement in April:

"Client revenue came in at $5.3 billion, an increase of 67 per cent year-over-year, "driven by growth in all channels due to launch of Vista," said Colleen Healy, Microsoft's general manager of investor relations. The increase includes $1.2 billion deferred from the technology guarantee programs; excluding the deferral would show 30-per-cent growth. The increase in OEM license growth was 20 per cent, with an OEM premium mix of 71 per cent driven by sales of Vista Home Premium. Client, commercial and retail licensing grew 63 per cent, excluding the recognition of pre-launch revenue deferrals, driven by strong sales through the retail channel after the Vista launch, as well as a "very healthy commercial business," Healy added."

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