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  Could Exchange Server 2007 spell the end of the traditional service pack?
Time: 00:36 EST/05:36 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Kenneth van Surksum

Microsoft announced late Thursday that it finished the development and testing of Exchange Server 2007. The third leg of the EVO (Exchange 2007/Vista/Office 2007) Better Together stool is now in place.

Microsoft's been showing off for months the unified-inbox capabilities of Exchange Server 2007 product. (Is there any Microsoft customer or developer out there who hasn't yet seen the "have your email read to you" demo?)

But what's got a number of company watchers with whom I've been chatting most excited is the so-called servicing model that is making its debut alongside Exchange 2007.

Starting with Exchange Server 2007, the Exchange team is committing to delivering multiple fixes and updates in the form of single "roll up" delivered once every six to eight weeks. Under the current model, the Exchange team has been releasing multiple, near-simultaneous hot fixes, some of which are incompatible with others.

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