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  Microsoft Says on Track to Release Windows Vista on Schedule
Time: 13:51 EST/18:51 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Microsoft Corp. today confirmed that it is on track to deliver Windows Vista™ for worldwide availability to its volume license business customers in November and worldwide general availability in January. The company also confirmed that it would be releasing Windows Vista in Europe and Korea on schedule, following what the company called “constructive dialogue” with the European Commission and the Korea Fair Trade Commission.

“We are excited to bring the security enhancements and innovative new features of Windows Vista to our customers and partners around the world, and we are committed to adhering to local law in every region of the world,” said Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer of Microsoft.

Ballmer said the company over the past two years had submitted information to competition authorities around the world about Windows Vista as it was being developed.

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#1 By 23275 ( at 10/13/2006 2:29:42 PM
on track to deliver Windows Vista™

This is nice to know - but I assess it is every bit as much a stated goal as it is anything else.

I've been candid, even shrill about it - to us, what Vista isn't as much as what it is and "ready" isn't how I would describe it.

Too much attention has been paid to what matters perhaps less, than what matters most - what we really know about how to manage Vista, and all of us - most especially those in the press have dropped the ball - distracted by what we see and away from what we do not.

Most of us are just going to have to live with it - the consequences of our own impatience and lack of discipline throughout our industry.

Here's what I mean....

From Vista's W2K3 w/SP1 derived NW stack, which is gorgeous, elastic and designed to take advantage of its ability to size frames [and also break as a Secure NAT Client until fixed in 5744], to its amazing memory manager - Ready Drive/Hybrids, Ready Boost, and SuperFetch [all combined to make a PC not only fast, but instantly so - and we have proven this to ourselves (truly amazing)], to its support for next generation HDCP compliant digital lifestyle environments - it is and isn't ready, and maybe, just maybe, it never will be.

Ok, a few of these things have been dribbled over - but virtually none have been addressed in any aggregate way - and a PC is above all, an aggregation - an infinitely diverse one.

We have drilled deep into all of these areas. We've invested a great deal in building and using systems that leverage, or try to... Vista. We make progress - some, but we get our backsides handed to us and with great regularity.


This post was edited by lketchum on Friday, October 13, 2006 at 15:01.

#2 By 23275 ( at 10/13/2006 2:44:00 PM
I am not saying that it can't be done - or that it will not be. I am saying I sure feel for the softies banging away to meet what might just be impossible expectations - from all of us.
I feel for us, too - our teams, families and ourselves.

Many of us have been there... on task and pounding without stop, to get a software product shipped, done, finished and out the door... we pause, sleep some, but we forget a step...

Use. Shipped does not mean in use.

"Blame it on UAC" - mark my words here... this is what people will say - even Microsoft's BETA
and mainline support.

Case in point, I've been testing Windows Live One Care for Vista [5744]. Its maintenance and tune-up scheduler conflict with and cannot communicate well with, Vista's default and baked in new task and maintenance scheduler. MS BETA Tech's initially reasoned that UAC was to blame for the error thrown when WLOC entered its first tune-up steps - a disk defrag...

Wrong... turning off any portion to UAC/UAP did zip. The process was in use - by the Vista task scheduler, which in Vista, is set to once a week. A sub in Vista owned that process and WLOC could not access it! This I shared with the BETA team - after having thought about why WLOC was failing.

Point is... in use and managing Vista is an entirely different matter and far too many areas have been uncovered that conflict with and are not understood - and by what appears to be some Microsoft people themselves.

There are so many examples of this and I stress, UAC is not/not the problem - building subs and applications that are designed to work with it may be part of the challenge.

For all that Vista is not, "yet" - it is so much more - so revolutionary in so many substantive ways. It not only needs a delay, it deserves one and so do we.

We wonder why Vista RC1 and RC2 have been made so widely and freely available for so long a time - through 03/2007!??? Well... the examples above may help illustrate why - Vista is so huge and so different in so many ways that are not seen, that I assess Microsoft finally realized that its partners were in serious trouble.

Cont.... and sorry for the book...

This post was edited by lketchum on Friday, October 13, 2006 at 14:45.

#3 By 23275 ( at 10/13/2006 3:00:56 PM
I look around our industry and can't help but imagine that major Microsoft partners know this - surely they have tested and undertand both Vista's potential and its challenges.

"Developers... Developers... Developers... - oh so true, but... DRIVERS, DRIVERS, DRIVERS development had better head that list and Microsoft had better dump the last measure of human energy into DRIVERS for their own kit!"

I appreciate the task... but I do not appreciate the porosity in driver support for Microsoft's own hardware and software. That had better change, and quick - not much works - certainly precious few HID's and fewer media devices. Even 5744 falls well short of any expectation I had.

So maybe they have enough time... may be. The larger question is do we, because the deeper one does look, the darker Vista appears and contrary to adding clarity, as Microsoft claims, it has added only a great many clouds to an already very murky sky.

I am off to find some means to get my Microsoft MCE Keyboard to work with Vista at all...

P.S., We've added a "Vista-Lick" to our shop - think of a cow's salt-lick, only ours is covered with Excedrin Migraine tablets

#4 By 20505 ( at 10/13/2006 9:16:21 PM

Are you saying what I have been saying that Vista is going to be a turkey out of the gate?

I know I'm not a geek but I personally have no idea what your trying to say.

#5 By 23275 ( at 10/13/2006 11:31:07 PM
#4, I am saying, as I have been that Vista is a platform unto itself - an equal to servers - it is in fact, a server type on its own and that it is designed to execute Microsoft's vision for Web 2.0 Software as a Service - where "Presence" or Customer Presence is the desired point of delivery. It is above all, a "Click Once" and "Click to Deliver" diving board into that environment.

In order to achieve that goal, Vista has so many new technologies that work best together - literally, instant on capabilities and nearly as fast access to applications and apps data.

Ok, that said... our industry has dropped the ball. The industry has missed Microsoft "implied" vision - where live is for people and SMB's that do not have the compliance and retention issues that cause other types of companies to move the "Point of Presence" behind corporate and enterprise firewalls.

People have focused on its look and feel and security to the exclusion of what it "is."

That has slowed driver development and applications readiness.

Slowed to the point that Vista is not, and cannot possibly be ready - or as fully ready, one might offer... than is held out.

I am concerned that people may never fully understand what Vista was intended to do - not fast enough to make click-once software the reality that it needs to be and that frankly, people will limit their appreciation for what is possible to the Google model, or worse, limit to what the social engineering market will offer.

I maintain that Vista, properly leveraged, will drive a "people centric" type of distributed networking - where great latitude is allowed, yet compliance standards maintained.

For Vista to achieve its potential, it requires so much more than one assessment after another comparing its UI to OSX, or its security model to a Unices, or Linuces.

Vista, IT Pro's and people who will possibly benefit from both deserve better than this.

This post was edited by lketchum on Friday, October 13, 2006 at 23:31.

#6 By 28801 ( at 10/14/2006 2:04:46 PM
Never has anyone written sooooo much and conveyed so little!

#7 By 23275 ( at 10/14/2006 9:55:52 PM
Well, #6, It's obvious this one is very hard to communicate, but there remain a lot of issues that need to be addressed and this is the place for it. So, if you have a question about what I wrote, I'd be happy to try and be clearer. If not, that's fine, too.

#8 By 28801 ( at 10/15/2006 9:27:08 AM
See how easy it is if you cut out all of the creative writing bs and get to the point.

#9 By 23275 ( at 10/15/2006 11:24:04 AM
#8, What, exactly is your point? Do you have one?

There is a great deal about Vista that merits discussion and anyone that has looked into it will have discovered both great potential and great challenges.

I assess each requires examination. I assess a lot of people are going to need help with it.

I ask, are you suggesting that those that post here restrict their contributions to one-liners in worthless attempts to one up one another? There are plenty of sites out there that reflect that sort of sophomoric nonsense.

Are we to restrict our contributions and opinions to some standard you have set? How about you let us know what they are?

Another matter... are people to be silenced simply because "YOU" choose to insult them?

I recommend you apply your examinations to the guy looking back at you in the mirror.

And remember, there are gentlemen out here with whom you might pick a fight, that will fight back.

#10 By 11888 ( at 10/15/2006 12:18:54 PM
I'm starting to think that lketchum is some sort of a troll bot that strings together phrases creating something that sort of sounds like something but isn't.

Let me try one. "I humbly submit that the assessments of Vista are both incomplete and overly complete at this point. How can the presence of the customer be assessed when to date there are no real "customers"? The testing cycles only provide a small view of what can be accomplished once the 'fait complet' is offered into the marketplace. A marines spokeswoman said Saturday she'd have to look into the matter before commenting."

#11 By 16451 ( at 10/15/2006 12:56:25 PM
Sorry, Mr. Roper, you don't pull it off nearly as well ;-)

#12 By 2960 ( at 10/16/2006 10:09:06 AM
Until all this licensing nonsense is clarified (transferring of full-purchase version to upgraded/new machines) I'm not interested.

I upgrade far too often to trust the verbage in the current license.


#13 By 2960 ( at 10/16/2006 10:10:43 AM
Mr Roper,

I guess that posting in a clear, well thought-out manner is something not everyone around here can relate to :)


#14 By 8556 ( at 10/16/2006 12:33:44 PM
To those that have a hard time reading a lot of words at once: too bad. lketchum's missive was quite lucid and easy to follow.

This post was edited by bobsireno on Monday, October 16, 2006 at 12:36.

#15 By 23275 ( at 10/16/2006 1:17:25 PM
#12, it sure isn't meant to be pointless - I included a lot of detail and specific, but small examples - small enough and diverese enough to help show exactly what I mean.

Yet, the balance of the thread plays out as either truly worthless, or dedicated to one narrower aspect, licensing.

The issues are about more than that adn those that are testing, reporting and working to make Vista, "Work" are discovering what I have - it has a long way to go and to say it is on track really only applies to a very limited and controlled group of people.

Wider use is going to be very bumpy - and unlike other OS releases, Vista is so fundamentally different that if people are starting only now, it is way too late.

Finally, I did not and do not necesarily blame Microsoft. In fact, I direct the majority of my call to action back at people like ourselves. I do this, because Vista offers reall opportunities, but it also offers real challenges - big enough that some companies will fail as a result of it. I do not want to see its promise missed and momentum lost because we reduced all it was to sniping at one another and or, one-liners about its licensing model.

We deserve more than that from one another.

#16 By 28801 ( at 10/16/2006 1:57:28 PM
#15 Nobody said it wasn't well written and easy to follow - just a little long-winded.

#17 By 23275 ( at 10/16/2006 2:13:27 PM
If introducing the new memory manager in Vista in a single sentence is thought to be long-winded, then we are well and truly doomed.

My instruction build specifications sheets, with product guides to my build engineers is 64 pages. Their step by step guides to image builders and systems ops are 104 pages.

We regard these as, "introductions." We've held 13 internal sessions and have 7 active test builds - and parallel to new site pages to sell new systems - based upon the advantages.

Simply, I was trying to get folks at least thinking and reading about the new OS and also suggesting that we all have a great deal of work to do - and based upon our tests, we assess that Vista is not ready, because we out here are not ready - we have not done enough work and that goes for myself, most especially. Your reaction to my meager posts is proof of that.

#18 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 1:55:46 AM

#19 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 2:33:04 PM

#20 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 10:54:07 AM

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 8:44:02 PM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 12:22:02 PM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 10:28:33 PM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 11/2/2023 12:49:05 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 11/2/2023 11:58:05 PM

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