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  Ink Analysis and Input Supplement for the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Development Kit 1.7
Time: 16:33 EST/21:33 GMT | News Source: | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

The Ink Analysis and Input Supplement for Windows XP Tablet PC Platform SDK adds two new components to the Tablet PC development kit:

  • Ink Analysis
  • A COM layer for the StylusInput API.

The Ink Analysis APIs combine ink classification and layout analysis with powerful handwriting recognition technology, enabling you to create applications that understand and respond to ink in ways that are unique to Windows Tablet and Touch Technology.

With a fully-integrated COM layer for the StylusInput API, C++ and Visual Basic 6.0 developers can use the RealTimeStylus class to take advantage of access to the tablet pen data stream. Developers can then capture, interrupt, and modify the stream independently from rendering and collecting ink.

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