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  Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 XP SP2, Server 2003 SP1, x64 Editions Now Available!
Time: 11:24 EST/16:24 GMT | News Source: Windows Connected | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) Release Candidate 1 (RC1) has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more. Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate 1 build number 7.0.5700.6

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#1 By 32132 ( at 8/24/2006 12:27:16 PM
How embarrassing for the late, feature poor, maybe someday Firefox 2.0.

Maybe they'll get Firefox 2.0 out before IE8?

#2 By 3 ( at 8/24/2006 12:28:24 PM
How is it embarrasing them, IE7 just catching up with the year old Firefox?

#3 By 32132 ( at 8/24/2006 12:45:10 PM
#2 Not as embarrassing as Firefox 2.0 stealing a few features from Maxthon and Opera and claiming it s a whole new release.

And how embarrassing is it to have the IE team make all these changes so quickly.

IE7 RC1 seems much faster. I like it.

#4 By 2231 ( at 8/24/2006 2:15:23 PM
This version of IE should have been out years ago.

If IE had to compete on a level playing field(not tied to the OS) I suspect IE would be getting major updates on a yearly basis.

This post was edited by schwit on Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 14:15.

#5 By 15406 ( at 8/24/2006 2:20:45 PM
#1: How embarrassing for you that you're so clueless. But I'm sure you're an IE7 user:

#6 By 23275 ( at 8/24/2006 7:35:55 PM
#4, Well... at first I thought to agree with you about it, but do recall how much work was done on IE alongside XP SP2 - very substantive.

MS/Bill Gates himself did state that they should have done much more, much sooner, but they also said that of the OS, too. Both may be true, but I don't agree - not when I look at all else that shipped during the past few year and what it has meant for us and our customers.

I don't know in what context Mr. Gates spoke - likely that he held regret about IE and how it had not evolved, but not likely that he truly felt a new release should have come out ahead of Vista - which I still assert very few people understand at all.... for what Vista is really all about and what IE 7 in Vista is all about.

#7 By 4209 ( at 8/25/2006 9:17:47 AM
How sad that it still does not work on some sites, especially banking! Firefox 2.0 works perfect on every site and it is only Beta 1!

#8 By 23278 ( at 8/25/2006 3:02:40 PM
#7 do you know for a fact that ff 2.0 works on every site? Please post link or post all your research proving this.

Thanks in advance.

#9 By 32132 ( at 8/27/2006 11:33:18 AM
#2 "IE7 just catching up with the year old Firefox?"

Year old?

Byron, please! Firefox started as the Phoenix browser. Mozilla started on that project in 2002!

Firefox is 4 years old!

After 4 years they should have been able to get out the 2.0 release on time with something more than a couple of features lifted from Maxthon!

This post was edited by NotParker on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 11:43.

#10 By 23275 ( at 8/27/2006 9:06:40 PM
#9, Yeah, we're pretty much at ludicrous speed here with this entire Firefox is this bigger than your browser "Bovine Scatology!"

As if tabbed browsing and plug-ins are the end all, and never conceived of elsewhere prior to FF picking up a camp following.

Ok, here's the gut check I use and a dose of reality... "I have never had a single client - NOT ONE - who has ever retained my company to build anything that runs in a browser, ever specify Firefox, or any other Mozilla based browser." 1,005 sites and applications later, not one of them has ever been an advocate of FF/Moz. Despite this, we have ensured that what we build runs well enough in these browsers, but I must stress, people who do pay money for technology are not on the list of people who use FF/Moz - at least not form what I have seen.

I've had plenty of developers use it as their preferred browser, but again, based upon my experience with them, they were slow as pond water, hard to manage, and not as inventive as the developers that simply run IE [safely]. That's just what I have seen and noted and while in no way scientific, the experiences do communicate very clearly to me.

Personally, I could give a rip about what people use or prefer - what I do care about is the constant dribble FF/Moz users spew all over the place. From what I have seen, FF is slow, bleeds memory like stuck pig and it's damn ugly and I am no more inclinced to go jack around with a bunch of third party plug-ins for FF that I am for IE.

So... a simple minded request.... the thread is about IE 7 RC1.... try and keep the posts relevant - like it installs easily and runs extremely quickly - it is awfully close to being ready to ship.... oh.... and CSS support within it is quite sufficient.... and leave the FF/Moz "My Dad is bigger than your Dad crap at the door."

This post was edited by lketchum on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 21:07.

#11 By 16451 ( at 8/28/2006 4:02:47 AM

"Yeah, we're pretty much at ludicrous speed here with this entire Firefox is this bigger than your browser " "So... a simple minded request.... the thread is about IE 7 RC1.... try and keep the posts relevant .... and leave the FF/Moz "My Dad is bigger than your Dad crap at the door."

You befriend Parker and he is the one that started the off-topic attack on FireFox in this thread. How two-faced can you get?

"I have never had a single client - NOT ONE - who has ever retained my company to build anything that runs in a browser, ever specify Firefox, or any other Mozilla based browser."

Could it be that your opinions on browsers are as clear to your clients as they are to the readers here? Or maybe your clients simply dont know one browser from another..they just know they want a web page built, and contract you because they dont know html, browsers, or any kind of computer-related techie stuff from their neither regions?

"I've had plenty of developers use it as their preferred browser, but again, based upon my experience with them, they were slow as pond water, hard to manage, and not as inventive as the developers that simply run IE"

OK, I give. Now please let us know what you think of developers who are jewish, black, or female.

"Personally, I could give a rip about what people use or prefer "

Ya, we can tell.....rotfl

"what I do care about is the constant dribble FF/Moz users spew all over the place"

So, again, tell your buddy Parker to stop picking a fight.

#12 By 32132 ( at 8/28/2006 12:18:29 PM
#10 "he is the one that started the off-topic attack on FireFox"

How funny. Its off topic to compare the speed of development and features of the new IE7 to the "contender" Firefox because poor 4 year old Firefox and its fans are embarrassed!!!!

Ha ha ha.

#13 By 2960 ( at 8/28/2006 12:26:31 PM
I have an idea here.

How about we just name all these threads "IE/Firefox - Wash, Rinse, Repeat". Brought to you by NotParker.


#14 By 32132 ( at 8/28/2006 2:44:26 PM
OSS Rule #1: Its ok to come to a Windows site to bash Microsoft

OSS Rule #2: Don't you dare bash {Insert Favorite OSS App/OS} on a Windows site or we'll cry!!!!

#15 By 23275 ( at 8/28/2006 8:41:09 PM
#11, You're missing my point entirely! Totally.

Here's the deal. Here is how I know customers do care for or about FF - at least not paying ones.

Here's why - a FF/Moz fan-freak cannot resist demonstrating his/her preference.

From where we sit t does not matter what browser is used - what we'll build will support them all - so it is irrelevant in that context. The point is a FF/Moz wacko CANNOT RESIST procaiming FF to the be akin to the second coming.

So, I am of the opinion that from that point forward, it is time to find a way to politely push back, walk away and find sane people to work with.

It's no different that finding wacko FF/Moz/Fanboy's trolling a Windows site, where I'd prefer to keep up with what is going on on the MS/Win Platform and exchange relevant ideas and information with people building on the same platform.

Instead I have to fence with people like yourself, when I am kindly asking people to try and keep threads relevant. I ask again - please.

For Not Parker, I do not fault him, but I bet that if he ignored the baiting that goes on, most OSS trolls would dry up and mve on. Being guilty responding to it - this post being an example - I can't much insist that he do that. I do wish however, for a dialog around the MS/Windows Related Topic and not have it degenerae into a pissing contest wth a bunch of fans of non-MS/Windows software.

I mean, build and visit your own site for goodness sake.

#16 By 23275 ( at 8/28/2006 9:31:29 PM
This one needs to be addressed and for RH7.3, only.

RH7.3, I said, "I've had plenty of developers use it as their preferred browser, but again, based upon my experience with them, they were slow as pond water, hard to manage, and not as inventive as the developers that simply run IE"

You replied, "OK, I give. Now please let us know what you think of developers who are jewish, black, or female."

How dare you equate my opinion regarding the "choices and opinions" demonstrated by one group of developers that is based upon my own experiences, with a benign characteristic such as one's race and at the same time, suggest I am some kind of vile racist!!!!????

I'll have you know young man, that I hire according to many considerations and sex, age, race, or religion is not among them. I have hired and retain nearly 50% women, 30% people of color, and as many Jews as Gentiles. Most were hired and trained by me - they were people looking for work and did not have any previous skills, or even a good job. I committed to them, taught them and paid them a living wage from day one. I spent 20 years defending the rights of others to be free to act as carelessly as you have as above. Most of my staff are Vets and each one of them is absolutely precious to me.

Your comment makes me sick and I swear by God and all that we have built here that if I ever run across you, I'll punch you in the nose so hard your clothes will change color. Two of my guys, who also just happen to be damn fine developers as well as being of color, just told me that I'd have to beat them to you. I swear, if you ever pull anything like that again, I'll make it part of life's mission to find you and sick our general counsel on you - by the way, "SHE" is a female, a dear friend and she's been in my company for many years.

RH7.3, I swear this - Activewin dumps you and your account, or they hear from us over this.

This world and this country are divided enough and you have no right of any kind to make such a suggestive statement. What you said is exactly what I fought so hard against.

#17 By 32132 ( at 8/28/2006 11:08:13 PM
#15 "but I bet that if he ignored the baiting that goes on, most OSS trolls would dry up and mve on"

Nope. Its been tried. It only encourages them.

Humiliating them by pointing out facts that prove they are morons seems to work. And is the most fun too!

#18 By 15406 ( at 8/29/2006 11:52:27 AM
#16: While his comment was stupid (I was waiting for him to somehow invoke Godwin's Law), replying with online threats of violence is just about as dumb. You never will meet him. And even if you did, he might just hand you your ass in a physical confrontation.

#19 By 23275 ( at 8/29/2006 1:28:23 PM
#18, You know damn well that comments lke that deserve a good sock in the snout. When I was a younger man and certainly as a soldier, when guys stepped so out of line like that they knew and expected to be taken to task for it. A lot of young people today have forgotten the values and good form that make up a decent society and I for one am not going to put up with it. We've worked extremely hard to care for all people - equally, fairly and consistently and I fought too long and too hard to allow such business to remain unchallenged.

Also, when a man was wrong he used to apologize - that nearly never happens any longer.
I'd give real money to fly both of you down to my offices and we could discuss this in person and you'd see in a split second what kind of unit we have built here. My people reflect the very best that this country has to offer and not one of us would put up with any form of nonsense that was posted.

#20 By 32132 ( at 8/29/2006 1:47:55 PM
#18 "While his comment was stupid "

Sure it was. But most OSS fanatics say stupid things every day. Its what they do when discussing Windows.

"Microsoft is EVIL" etc etc.

Thats why you spell my name ParKKKer ... In your moronic world, to support Windows is equivalent to being in the KKK.

You and your ilk are almost univerally vile hatefilled d*ckheads.

This post was edited by NotParker on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 13:48.

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/27/2023 1:18:07 AM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 2:17:24 PM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 3:17:09 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 1:55:18 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 7:41:26 AM

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