No we weren't hacked and there's no mistake in the title you read above! Yes, Benjamin and I have reviewed, in a very impartial way, the Linux Mandrake 7.2 powerpack deluxe operating system. So if you want to know how Linux's penguin can be good for you and how it varies from Windows make sure to read this review especially written with Linux newbyes in mind. Here is a snippet of the review:
Since the ActiveWin.Com inception no Linux software was ever tested. Indeed our site is primarily dedicated to the Microsoft world, and so it doesn’t cover Linux. However there's a growing anti-Microsoft feeling, which we don't share at all, and Linux is surely its best competitor. That’s why we have decided to review and test Mandrake Deluxe 7.2 what we consider to be one of the best compromises between the ease of use of Windows and the several advantages of Linux. Linux is a free and open source operating system, everyone can tweak, change, and modify to best fit his or her need. However this liberty has some limits since the main drawback of Linux is that it remains hard to use. That’s where MandrakeSoft focused their efforts to bridge the gap in the 7.2 Mandrake distribution between the unrivalled Windows Millennium ease of use & the unprecedented power of Linux. This new release 7.2 has been thought to simplify further our hard lives. Is that true? That’s what we’ll see in this review.