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  Three Reasons Why Microsoft Can't Ship (and Apple can)
Time: 14:10 EST/19:10 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Andre Da Costa

Microsoft apologist Paul Thurott is doing his very best to scribble up a negative spin on Apple's WWDC Leopard announcements. Poor Paul! After five years of Longhorn waiting and regular Vista disappointments, his very best attempts at poo-pooing Leopard sound a lot like sour grapes. Why is Apple shipping so much innovation while Microsoft struggles to deliver any at all?

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#1 By 32132 ( at 8/11/2006 2:25:41 PM
Uhhh ... Leopard won't ship for a year. And its already a disappointment.

This post was edited by NotParker on Friday, August 11, 2006 at 14:26.

#2 By 2332 ( at 8/11/2006 3:23:25 PM
Microsoft can't ship?

Ok, even if we ignore every other sofware product Microsoft makes and concentrate on Windows (taken from Paul's site):

Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Professional Edition
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 UR2
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
Windows XP with Service Pack 2
Windows XP Embedded
Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs
Windows XP Starter Edition in various languages
Windows Server 2003 Standard
Windows Server 2003 Advanced
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
Windows Server 2003 Datacenter
Windows Server 2003 Web Server Edition
Windows Server 2003 * SP1
Window Server 2003 * R2

In most cases, each of these was at least a major a release as each OS X iteration.

That's 20 releases from Microsoft in 6 years.

#3 By 7711 ( at 8/11/2006 3:35:34 PM
"Why is Apple shipping so much innovation while Microsoft struggles to deliver any at all?"

Maybe because MS has to be able to work on an infinite combination of hardware, where Apple has monopoly control over the hardware its OS runs on.

Just a thought......

#4 By 3746 ( at 8/11/2006 4:30:55 PM
Ship what? A very modest upgrade to their operating system that contains some minor improvements and fixes. oh and don't forget they are charging their users 129.00 for this. As for shipping innovation - well from what i have seen about leopard Microsoft was doing some of those things years ago (shadow copy anyone). Plus MS, as pointed out, has gotten many solid products out the door in the last 6 years.

#5 By 15406 ( at 8/11/2006 4:35:14 PM
#2: To be fair, you can't count on 20 flavours of XP being counted as individual releases. That list boils down to XP and WS2K3.

#4: The article only dealt with OS releases. Apple has also released many apps over the years.

#6 By 2201 ( at 8/11/2006 5:05:09 PM
Terrible article. Has simply proved Paul Thurrock right about some Apple fanboys.

#7 By 21203 ( at 8/11/2006 5:07:46 PM
MacOS "releases" draw parallels to microsoft "service packs"

#8 By 10022 ( at 8/11/2006 6:51:07 PM
How many people here have actually used OSX (any version)?

They all suck. ITs a very rough, very bugy, very crashy thing. They ship things that are partially complete, non-functional or just so broken that it cant be used by any one

Example: Rendezvous - in 10.2, Apple shipped Rendezvous. However, it wasnt until 10.2.4 that it alctually worked in a somewhat functional way. Also in 10.2 they shipped (I think it was here) SMB support- the file corruption problems were so bad that it should have been removed all together. 10.3 wasnt much better.

10.3 had, finally, some print schedualing- that didnt work, it finally started to work around 10.4. 10.3. Disk Copy in 10.3 sucks (plus the UI makes it much harder that it needs to be becuase they try to dumb it down)

Most of the built in apps are flakey at best and really do a good job at showing the inconsistency that Apple has had through out the OS X lifetime.

was it 10.3 or 10.4 that fist had the Renew IP address button - yeah that rarely works. Most of the time the quickest way to fix a network problem is to reboot the mac.

Its way to slow - 10.4 running on a dual G5 should not hesitate to do anything if there is no load - why do things take longer the second time??

Funny story, we put a 600MHz PIII up agaisnt a dual G5 - real simple test, open a PDF file (same file, same AR version, even tried the built in Preview) -- the PIII beat it in half the time (even on the second time!!! do they cache anything?)

OS X sucks. They stole the Explorer view in 10.3 (best thing they did to the outdated Finder)

Oh and their hardware accelration - in 10.2 as long as you had 1 pixel of your window in the 640x480 screen space everthing would be accelerated. When the last pixel was it was no longer accelerated.

Oh and lets not forget their awesome job at working with AD - considring the Mac amrket share, the ammount of people having problems with it must have been 100% of the people actually trying to use it like this!

Considering that Apple places all of it resource on fancy, fluffy things how can anyone feel safe with it?

When was the last time Apple did a secuirty audit on the code?

One thing to be sure, if OS X was used by a valuable target it would be taken over- dont fool your self about that. Home users may be safer (but when the goal is just to get you CC# or SS# does having root really matter if you just give me what I want when I ask you for it?), but the total lack of management should be enough for any business to look for something better.

Vista, right now, is more stable and usable than OS X 10.4. And considering that Apple controls the hardware there really shoulnt be the type of kernel panics that are rampent- they really should not have these at all

So after 5 or 6 years now with OS X, all Apple has is something that from a dumb, high level users perspective is something that does was Vista does.

OS X had its chance to revolutionize the industry while XP stayed still, but they didnt becuase ther was nothing revolutionary about OS X (although from a Mac users point of view the ability to have video and sound play while a menu was open would be a serious achievement)

#9 By 18227 ( at 8/11/2006 10:38:05 PM
I stopped when I got to "poo-pooing." (Eww.) It's pooh-poohing, which is not quite the same thing. Another dope with a blog.

#10 By 3746 ( at 8/12/2006 12:06:09 PM

Is calling minor changes to OS X the same thing as listing all those different versions of XP? I mean there were more changes made from XP to XP SP2 then there is in 10.4 to 10.5 plus that was a free service pack where as apple is charging 129 for thier "upgrade"


Bravo - people aren't wiling to say anything negative against Apple as the zealots will come along and rip you a new one. I agree with your assesments of OS X.

#11 By 3 ( at 8/12/2006 12:11:49 PM
#9 - while I agree with nearly everything everyone else has said about 10.5, its a poor update nothing more nothing less, it was obvious that all the comments aimed at Microsoft from Steve Jobs were done to cover up the lack of anything good in 10.5. Your comments on the other hand certainly seem just as bad as the Apple Zelots ones, not sure what version of 10.4 you have or if you have ever even used it, but comparing the excellent 10.4 to Vista right now is a right laugh...Vistas performance now is pretty bad, its promising yes, but no way can you say its more stable and usable than 10.4. Also 10.4 running on my old imac G4 is still a good performer, on my plain 2.0ghz G5 is a flyer, so I'm not sure what kind of screwed up machines you were using, unless they were full of windows pron.

I still love the mac, certainly 10.4, but I love Windows Xp too, I use xp more than the Mac, but your post just backs up people saying some Windows Zelots are just as idiotic as the Apple ones.

#12 By 3 ( at 8/12/2006 12:12:59 PM
#11 - don't disagree with you on the 10.4 to 10.5 comment. As for any other version I'll disagree. Only Windows XP with Media Center has showed any real difference.

#13 By 8589 ( at 8/12/2006 3:36:46 PM
Mac users have a 5% share of the PC Market, hmmmmm Should Microsoft worry? ROFLOL Come on Andre, you can do better than this. Miss you on the newsgroups.

#14 By 23275 ( at 8/12/2006 11:12:24 PM
We've supported two large MAC centric OS ad agencies over the years - with the second migrating them away from it entirely - they learned by direct comparison just how bad OSX really is and just how awfully expensive it is to try and support.

I can attest, as can all of our staff that OSX is a bleeping nightmare to support - everything from batteries that burn up, and nearly catch fire to G5's dripping coolant ooze inside the cases to endless OS system issues and a networking stack so awful that we had to use a chained proxy that used an older version of SOCKS on one end [for the MAC's] just to keep them running.

OSX on any hardware PPC, or Intel is dog slow - Maximum PC's labs do great testing and even before C2 Conroe shipped, XP SP2 slaughtered OSX on the same hardware/same machine - and in apps that were OPTIMIZED to favor the MAC! Same hardware, unfair builds and XP SP2 still crushed MAC's running OSX Tiger by 62.3%!! [Adobe Photo-shop CS2].

Other apps were worse - it was and is a total blow-out and MAC, as I said, on any hardware, is just bleeping dreadful. Sad part is, for years, Steve Jobs held out how superior the PPC base was - then switched and on their public website declared that OSX on x86 Intel hardware was 2 to 4 times faster than PPC!

Given how bad OSX compared to XP SP2 on identical hardware - just how bad did/does OSX run on PPC hardware - well.... anyone that has had to support it can and will tell you, OSX is just terrible compared to Windows.

Vista will crush it and if Apple is to survive at all.... it will end up running Vista - just wait... Steve will one day announce that "Microsoft finally got it right and copied enough about OSX to all ow me to begin to recommend it on Apple hardware - combining our superior design with their now acceptable operating system...."

Soon after, Dell will buy up Apple and the only thing that's going to be really freaky to watch is how the MAC zealots will say.... "Well... the OS doesn't matter and never really did - it was all about the design...." They may have a point, but it's an awfully small one.

The driver here.... PC's? OS'es? Don't even kid yourself.... the driver here is nothing short of a VC1 driven media and content powerhouse like no other... yes... Microsoft - the next "Sony Entertainment" only four times as big - you see, Bill had it right at along.... it was all just a software problem and media, IS software. And Apple/Steve Jobs.... well thank goodness, he'll fully retire to Paris and consult [my hope is he consults a great psychologist - for his neighbors' sake at least]. Apple will eventually fade as a brand and serve as a tidy write off for Michael Dell. MAC Zaelot's... who knows... I'm sure they find something new to freak out over - they never figured out that PC hardware was/is a dang appliance and not much more [unless its a Gamers rig and that's quite different - but no gamer would dare allow Dell, or any company build his, or her rig!].

#15 By 2960 ( at 8/14/2006 9:20:34 AM

Well, that's a lot like handing someone a bag of M&M's and saying "Here's 100 candies" ain't it ?


#16 By 2960 ( at 8/14/2006 9:43:27 AM
I fully expect MacOS X releases to be let eventful than in the past, and I just don't think Apple can get away with charging full prices for .1 releases any longer.

Not since the father of OSX, Avie Tevanian, is no longer with Apple. They lost their biggest OSX brain when he left.


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