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18:51 EST/23:51 GMT | News Source:
The Register |
Posted By: Chris Hedlund |
The French police force plans to ditch Microsoft's Internet Explorer as its preferred browser software and replace it with Firefox by the end of the year. Up to 70,000 desktops will be switched over to a Firefox and Thunderbird email client set-up because of the combo's "reliability, security and inter-interoperability with other state services"," General Christian Brachet, IT director of the French police force said.
Brachet said the gendarmerie had settled on Firefox because it is based on the W3C standard and can used on Windows, Mac and Linux boxes. Basing its systems on open net standards will make it easier for French citizens to report crimes online in future, once such facilities are introduced. The move over to an open source browser follows the French police's switch from Microsoft Office to OpenOffice, a change implemented last year that's expected to save the force €2m ($2.4m) a year, AFP reports.
#1 By
1401 (
2/6/2006 6:59:08 PM
The good news keep rollin' in...
#2 By
23603 (
2/6/2006 8:08:20 PM
Poor french police....
What a BAD move.
Can't wait in 2 year to hear that they have moved back to Windows and IE because Firefox and Linux cost too much.....
#3 By
20505 (
2/6/2006 9:07:51 PM
Vive la differance.
#4 By
32132 (
2/6/2006 10:25:35 PM
Are these are the same police who stood by and watched some "disaffected youth" burn 25,000 cars a month or 2 ago.
No wonder they are heroes to the OSS crowd!
#5 By
12071 (
2/7/2006 6:11:03 AM
Great to hear that it's all working well for them and saving them and hence taxpayers money!
#2 Why can't you wait to hear that? How does their choice of Office suite and browser affect you negatively?
#4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem ... how dull!
#6 By
32132 (
2/7/2006 10:34:48 AM
There are approximately 250,000 Police in the National Police and Gendarmerie in France.
If they make around 25$ per hour in salary, and training and lost productivity when moving over to Linux and Open Office costs them say ... 10 minutes a week for the first year (an extremely low estimate in my experience), that would be 520 minutes lost per year, or 6.5 hours.
6.5 x 25 x 250,000 = ~ 40 million dollars in lost productivity per year.
This means the 2.5 million in "savings" is completely illusory.
Even if the lost productivity goes to 0 at the end the first year, it will take them decades to make up the lost time
Time that could have been better spent tracking down "disaffected youth" who will be accumulating AK-47's and RPG's and IED's for the next round of fighting.
#4 To point out the Police incompetence in relation to its normal job, while noting they are incompetent in the mathematics of TCO is not ad hominem.
Obviously the people in charge of the Police in France are morons.
#7 By
9589 (
2/7/2006 7:09:42 PM
One can only wonder if the same "CIO" that has been working on Munich's Microsoft to Linux migration is going to lend a hand with the French police's migration. After all it has only been FOUR YEARS since the migration began.
This is just the start of "press releases" about this topic. If it is anything like the Munich "experience" the chronicle of this debacle will be a long one.
Its the March of the Penguins - as exciting as watching grass grow! lol
#8 By
12071 (
2/7/2006 10:37:46 PM
#6 Of course it's an Ad hominem attack... unless of course you're trying to tell us that police incompetence only occurs in France - what sort of education have you received? If this story wasn't about switch to OSS you would undoubtably have skipped the Ad hominem attack on the Police and started one on the youths themselves, most of which were muslims (or as the US likes to refer to them - terrorists). Finally, try and get your facts straight, it was 25,000 cars in the first 10 months of 2005 - not that it makes it any better or worse but let's try and stick to facts.
Being "competent in the 'lies, damn lies and statistics' world of TCO calculations" is not one of the job functions of the on patrol Police that you are making reference to! What's next? Are you going to show us your imaginary ROI, EVA and CBA too given that you have zero idea and facts about the IT budget of any company/organisation in the world let alone the French Police?
#7 Firefox (http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/),
Adblock Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=1865) and
Filterset.G (https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php?id=1136) should sort out all your problems.
#8 A simple Google search will stop you wondering!
#9 By
9589 (
2/8/2006 1:36:38 PM
Yeah, Chris, I did.
"Munich's Linux migration slips to 2006" "The city of Munich will not start its migration to Linux on the desktop until 2006, a year later than planned and three years since it decided to go with the open-source operating system." The link is here: http://news.com.com/Munichs+Linux+migration+slips+to+2006/2100-7344_3-5850633.html .
However, here is one that you can't Google - yet. Linux migrations giving Penguins a bad name! lol
#10 By
32132 (
2/8/2006 4:06:11 PM
#9 "unless of course you're trying to tell us that police incompetence only occurs in France "
25,000 torched cars is a strong argument that French Police incompetence is on a grand scale.
Throwing away $40,000,000 in police time (a very conservactive estimate) in the aftermath of such a crisis implies to me that someone is trying to divert peoples attention away from the loss of say ... 625 million dollars in private property. (523,000,000 EUR)
Munich, 4 years into the project, is a total failure, especially since the Microsoft bid was lower.
I think over time the French Police OSS experiment will end up costing more than staying with Microsoft.
Only morons squander employees time to ensure they get a feature poor replacement.
#11 By
12071 (
2/8/2006 4:19:33 PM
#10 Silly me, I thought you were wondering if the CIO's were one and the same, at least that's what I thought you meant when you said "only wonder if the same "CIO" that has been working on Munich's". And it's nice to see that you corrected yourself re: the 3 & 4 years that Munich has been converting. Finally, it's good to know that other IT projects, like Vista for example, don't suffer from the same time slippage problems as Munich - perhaps they simply need to keep cutting down their requirements until they do meet their original deadline to keep people like you happy!
#11 Ad hominem... Ad hominem... Ad hominem... It would be similar to me pointing out the LAPD police (who use IE) and the LA riots - completely off topic like all of your comments but we could argue about it for days!
You may be right, it might cost them more initially to move away from Microsoft - especially as Microsoft will be doing their best to cut prices to encourage them to stay but it the long term, I think it'll pay for them to move to a 'free' (think freedom if you can still remember what the word means) platform, especially given their strategy/direction.
#12 By
32132 (
2/8/2006 6:48:13 PM
" it might cost them more initially to move away from Microsoft "
Yes. A lot more.
"I think it'll pay for them to move to a 'free' "
Considering that a Microsoft OS like XP and Office 2003 will be used by a company for close to 5 years, it only costs something like 20 cents a day per person to use Microsoft.
Thats something like 30 seconds a day if they were making 25$ an hour.
I understand Open Office takes about that long to boot up.
It will be a huge loss for them in productivity that will never be made up ... so they can try for 50,000 cars this year as their poor staff struggle with a crappy office suite on Linux that won't run any of their existing software.
#13 By
9589 (
2/8/2006 11:25:09 PM
NotParker, hey, don't worry. The Paris PD have it all under control. In a related article, a Paris PD general stated that several of the non-tech types on the "force" had put together this form for the good citizens to fill out when reporting a crime. He further stated that because they were non-tech types it was sure to work! With that kind of strategy and UAT, I still wonder if the CIO over in Munich isn't lending them a hand . . .
This story will prove as amusing as the Munich story continues to be! lol
In fact, it already has. This story didn't start per the article posted by ActiveWin, but appeared as early as October 14, 2004. At that time, an article appeared with the headline: "Paris report: Open-source move could be costly," at http://news.com.com/Paris+report+Open-source+move+could+be+costly/2100-7344_3-5409773.html?tag=nl . In the article, it was opined that it would cost the city of Paris as much as $70 million to migrate. A year and half later, we have the Paris PD state that they can save $2.4 million by migrating? Sound bogus, yet?
#14 By
32132 (
2/9/2006 10:37:52 AM
#15 The OSS crowd usually loves it when 3rd world dictatorships force people to use OSS at the point of a gun.
I just thought it was fun to mock a police force that couldn't stop "disaffected youth" from burning 25,000 cars even at the point of a gun.
On a more substantial note ... people who throw away productivity to save a miniscule portion of their IT budget are losers. Like you.
#15 By
12071 (
2/9/2006 4:15:07 PM
#16 "people who throw away productivity to save a miniscule portion of their IT budget are losers."
Many would argue that throwing away a little productivity initially more than makes up for the freedom they gain.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), to Archibald Stuart, 1791
#17 By
32132 (
2/11/2006 12:35:32 PM
"Many would argue that throwing away a little productivity initially more than makes up for the freedom they gain."
OSS Definition: Freedom means the ability to choose any solution but Microsoft. No matter how much it costs in lost time and wasted effort, no matter how many million dollars are wasted. All together now: "Microsoft is Evil"
OSS Definition: Free means a PDF specification patented by Adobe is free. An ODF specification patented by Sun is free. An XML specification patented by Microsft IS EVIL!!!
#18 By
2960 (
2/13/2006 9:44:37 AM
That's just the start. The Castlemedia ads are now run VBS SCRIPTS on a visitors computer with that damned "Do you want to scan your registry" dialog.
Between this and the Smiley advertisements, need to rename this place SpywareOnYourWin.Com.
#19 By
2960 (
2/13/2006 2:17:01 PM
Might have been TribalFusion. Hell, who knows. I think they subscribe to all of them.