Geez, perhaps you should consult counseling. It's like Microsoft killed your mother or something. I grow tired of the rabid foaming-mouth hatred for MS when there's really know justification. They're just like every big corporation. Everyone loves to hate them for no good reason.
Microsoft can be held accountable, I agree, but then, they are receiving a disproportionate number of attacks. If any other software out there sustained the abuse that MS software has, it would fail just as badly, or worse! yes, MS writes some pretty crap code sometimes, but please show me a software outfit that doesn't? Also, if you could please show me a software company that writes as fairly-decent software as MS does and IS CONTINUALLY INNOVATING, please show me.
Some OSS intiatives are pretty clean, but they are just cheap knock-offs from MS software (usually). There is no real innovation happening elsewhere in the software market. Sure, a few start-ups here and there, but Sun and IBM have long since been stale. Java held hope for Sun, but it quickly fizzled.
As for ZDNet-is-biased, is there any question?
Actually, believe it or not, I'm not sure that ZDNet is biased in a technical perspective, but they're biased from a business perspective. They learned that if they continually focus and bash MS, they get tons of page visits to their site(s). I mean, AW links to them all the time, as does Slashdot. Stories like the above bring in tons of revenue for ZDNet. Why not post sensationalistic crap?