Thanks Joe. "We have posted a new interim release on BetaPlace for the DirectX 8.1 beta. This release is provided to you as an update to DirectX 8.1 beta 1 and interim releases 1 and 2. The previous DirectX 8.1 releases will expire on September 5, 2001. We ask that each of you install interim 3 at your earliest convenience."
- There are new DirectShow® Windows® XP specific SDK samples
- The SDK now installs the Windows XP switchable debug files for Retail and Debug
- You can test your application under a variety of network conditions with the new DP8Sim tool
- DirectMusic® and DirectSound® include many of the Windows XP enhancements
Added new Direct3D® samples (lighting, volume fog), enhanced usage of D3DX in the samples, and continued improvements in the Direct3D documentation.