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  Windows-powered Palm Treo set to ring
Time: 08:07 EST/13:07 GMT | News Source: *Linked Within Post* | Posted By: Ian Ceicys

Palm is reportedly getting ready to launch a handheld that runs on software from rival Microsoft. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is scheduled to join Palm CEO Ed Colligan and Verizon Wireless President and CEO Denny Strigl for a press event in San Francisco on Monday. Representatives with Microsoft, Palm and Verizon declined to comment on the news, but the joint appearance of the three men is pointing to the long-anticipated arrival of the first Palm Treo smart phone based on the Windows 5 mobile operating system. The announcement will be made at 9 a.m PST. Monday morning. Here are the links for the videoconference: 300kb; 100kb; 56kb.

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