Forget the crappy screenshots you've seen. They completely misrepresent the game. Forget that Microsoft didn't show its number one game at its news conference. That was a mistake, in hindsight. My first appointment to Microsoft's booth on day one of E3 was with the Rare team responsible for the upcoming Perfect Dark Zero, and I was wowed.
I had mixed expectations; I'm a realist. Games in development often have low framerates and shoddy AI. They're not done. Of course they do. Today, I saw a demo of Perfect Dark Zero running on a Xbox alpha kit (a PC) using an old ATI graphics card, not the final GPU from the Xbox 360, and was told the game was only using about 25% to 30% of the system's full power. And Perfect Dark Zero looked incredible. Incredible. It looked nearly as good as Gears of War, which, in my humble opinion is the best looking 360 game of the show so far (I saw that running in realtime too). So, simply put, Perfect Dark Zero shocked me.