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  Apple's Mac OS X reality vs. Microsoft's Longhorn fantasy
Time: 12:35 EST/17:35 GMT | News Source: Mac Daily News | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

"Do you have any idea where you saved your last file? Both Microsoft and Apple Computer are betting the answer is no. And their newest operating systems bear uncannily like-minded search tools as a result," Ina Fried reports for CNET News. MacDailyNews Take: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is due in 10 days. Microsoft's stripped-down Windows 'Longhorn' is due by Christmas 2006, or well over a year and a half from now. If you're going to compare "newest operating systems," how far out in the future can you go? This is ridiculous. In no other industry would this stupidity ever happen. Do you think Car & Driver compares this year's Mercedes to what Ford has on the drawing boards for their 2007 model? Of course not. If Microsoft were a car maker today, they'd be promising power door locks and cruise control "real soon now" while breathlessly — as though theses features were something new and different — showing the world animated models of how they would eventually work on their cars. And CNET would have the scoop, we're sure. Fried continues, "The Longhorn preview Microsoft gave reporters last week revealed that with the new OS, the software giant is introducing composited graphics for the desktop, something Apple has had since Mac OS X's debut. The result is that Longhorn's windows can be see-through, revealing the contents of other windows or the desktop below."

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#1 By 15406 ( at 4/20/2005 1:04:21 PM
The *only* people I know that save files without a clue where they are would be people like my 60+ mother-in-law. And she wouldn't be likely to use Desktop Search to find it, assuming she even knew it was available or what it did.

#2 By 2332 ( at 4/20/2005 1:59:33 PM
Can anybody name a single feature of OS X that isn't available on WinXP either out of the box or with free downloads?

The one feature of OS X that I absolutely LOVE is Expose, and I use Entbloess to get that on Windows.

One thing I can think of is their vector based rendering engine, which is very nice.

See, Microsoft doesn't have the luxury of reasing incomplete OS's every year and charging $129 install a service pack to fix this issues with the previous version. Last time they tried that (WinME) it cost them dearly.

Apple users will buy everything that Apple puts out no matter what, so Apple can release stuff a year or two before Microsoft knowing that their users will swallow it like the Hale-Bop comet cult that drank the poison koolaid to get to their mothership.

#3 By 2960 ( at 4/20/2005 2:02:07 PM
I'm sorry, but that sign is really funny :) I like it!


#4 By 2960 ( at 4/20/2005 2:08:25 PM

"Can anybody name a single feature of OS X that isn't available on WinXP either out of the box or with free downloads?"

Though my living is in Windows, I have to say there are several. Them main one being an intuitive user interface.

That said, I DO think the Windows Taskbar is more useful than the MacOSX Dock. For now. Apple's getting there.


#5 By 135 ( at 4/20/2005 3:18:30 PM
Hmm. I see Apple's stock dropped by a point when this article was released.

#6 By 20 ( at 4/20/2005 3:25:12 PM
It's amusing how the Macvocates try to frame the debate about cheesy little GUI tricks (all of which Longhorn will do, and better, because it's a whole new architecture change vs. apple's bolt-on) and ignore all the major features of Longhorn, none of which Mac OS X could even dream of.

Wake me up when Apple has a fully object-oriented, extensible, managed code, complete API into their OS and are making development tools like Visual Studio 2005 that can make eye-popping AND highly functional applications. Until then, Mac OS X is just a cheesy smoke-and-mirrors UI layer on top of BSD and I'm going back to sleep.

#7 By 7760 ( at 4/20/2005 3:25:38 PM
Heh... Apple is trotting out that "photocopier" line again. I still get a big laugh out of the Konfabulator website mocking them last year with "Cupertino, start your photocopiers" (Apple's Dashboard program, to debut in Tiger, is a complete rip-off of Konfabulator) :)

#8 By 6859 ( at 4/20/2005 3:27:16 PM
Do you have any idea where you saved your last file?

Yes, it's where I save every file: My Documents.

Learn to pay-the-hell-attention to where you save files and the issue goes away entirely.

I mean, seriously.

#9 By 20 ( at 4/20/2005 3:28:15 PM
*scratches head trying to figure out what a photocopier has to do with an operating system*

#10 By 2459 ( at 4/20/2005 4:36:31 PM
XPe/CE probably runs on a few photocopiers. Others are used as local or networked printers. :-)
Other than that, the copying claim is as laame and unsubstantiated as it was last year.

I fail to see how MS is copying technology they've worked on and (in some cases) shown/publicly distributed years before Tiger's development.

#11 By 3653 ( at 4/20/2005 5:04:37 PM
I'm quite amazed at the lack of Mac zealotry these days. You have to admit it has toned down over the past couple of years. Just look at this thread as an example.

Related to mac, I found this to be an amazing quote from Jim Allchin, head of Microsoft's Windows unit...

"Our growth this year in PCs is bigger than the entire Mac install base," Allchin said. And he added that much of the growth Apple has seen has come on the music side. The Mac, he said, "is now a peripheral to the iPod."

And that is in spite of the world being fairly saturated with Windows. Speaks volumes of what a disaster OS X really is.

#12 By 2332 ( at 4/20/2005 5:31:34 PM
#6 - "Though my living is in Windows, I have to say there are several. Them main one being an intuitive user interface."

How is MacOS X more intuitive than Windows XP?

Also, you said there are several. Can you name the others? Even if they are minor.

#13 By 11888 ( at 4/20/2005 7:36:37 PM
#9, You're a little off on your history there. Konfabulator and Dashboard both owe their existence to Bud Tribble. Search for desk accessories.

As a convert to the Mac, after using MS operating systems from about DOS 5.0 on, I might be able to add to the OS X discussion about things being intuitive. Intuitive is a bad word though, it implies familiarity. If you're used to Windows and only know Windows then OS X is not going to be intuitive. Things seem more findable in OS X though. I was helping a friend setup her new laptop that came with XP. I noticed that the font smoothing wasn't on and figured she would want to use it. It felt like an eternity as I hunted for the ClearType setting. I finally found it, but thought it was too deeply hidden. This does relate to the intuitive interface discussion because I wasn't familiar with where XP had that setting. In OS X when I wanted to turn it on I opened System Preferences, guessed it's probably in the preference panel called Appearance, and there it was!

OS X has been a fantastic OS in my daily usage. Note though that to say I like OS X I don't have to stoop to saying "XP is a disaster". I used to loath Apple products and would let others know it. "Rotten to the core," I'd say . However, here I am today and I wouldn't give up my Mac.

I don't understand why in forums like this one has to suck and the other has to be great and a flame war breaks out. Maybe it's the Canadian in me. Choice is good.

#14 By 23275 ( at 4/20/2005 9:20:10 PM
This article is so bad, and based on such bunk, it deserves no more comment than that.

The only reason I'm posting here now is to point out that there are many more threads here that are far more significant - regretfully however, they will see little in the way of particpation and "my dad is bigger than your dad" dribble will fill threads like this with at least 40 posts.

*sorry for adding to that and wasting your time.

#15 By 2459 ( at 4/21/2005 3:50:20 AM
I can't recall a single thing that appeared in Windows and later was introduced by Apple.

Quick partial List of some technologies appearing on Windows before MacOS:

Fast User Switching
Remote Desktop
Task-Based Interface
Context Menus
Live Window Resizing
Protected Memory
Virtual Memory
File/Metadata Indexing
Journaling File System
Offline Folders
Browser Integration
Windows/Auto Update
Proportional scrollbars
DirectX-style media layer
Preemptive multitasking
64-bit OS

The majority of hardware technologies Apple currently uses appeared on the PC first/were engineered by PC component vendors. Apple's OEMs are PC OEMs.

#16 By 23275 ( at 4/21/2005 4:19:36 AM
See, what I tell ya...up to 23 now....

Sorry to add to it, but I could not resist - from a local MAC advocate with a sense of
humor, I present for your entertainment,

#18, Good points and well said! It very likely is the Canadian in you - we have an office there
and the people are wonderful and wonderfully blessed. They enjoy the luxury of allowing "choice" regardless of how it is manifest. That luxury is in no small part provided by the insulation Canadians have been blessed with - a huge patch of ice in the north and a very powerful friend in the south who very reluctantly has had to take very definitive stands on key issues that have been and remain hotly contended. Enjoy the blessing but avoid judging that your friends have had much in the way of choice.

This post was edited by lketchum on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 04:32.

#17 By 3746 ( at 4/21/2005 8:40:03 AM
weaker then kittens huh? you should go to my home town of hamilton and show up at one of the steel mills and say that. hahaha. I assume you are refering to our military that has been basically destroyed by our liberal governments - in that i can't disagree. But i think we have more then pulled our weight in peacekeeping missions and other endevours. Just because they fly under the radar doesn't mean the military isn't out there doing a lot for a country with a population of 32 million. It doesn't really make the news unless things are blowing up.

As for corrupt well politicians are politicians - but come on do you really think the US government is any more or less corrupt then the Canadian?

But don't throw around that shite about not pulling our weight or no heavy lifting - i have an Uncle listed as missing in action in Korea (body never found), three close members of the family that died or served in WWII, and one uncle that joined the american forces to fight in Vietnam. Just because we don't currently agree with your stance on Iraq or other matters doesn't mean if the chips were down we wouldn't be there all out to support you.

#18 By 19992 ( at 4/21/2005 12:19:36 PM
kaikara said As for corrupt well politicians are politicians - but come on do you really think the US government is any more or less corrupt then the Canadian?

I dunno about that... Adscam seems to beat anything America has come up with...

#19 By 3746 ( at 4/21/2005 12:40:27 PM
oh come on - you don't think things like that happen every day in every government everywhere? Look at the drilling in Alaska nature perserve and read the article currently on MSNBC about it. Billions of dollars (most of it in tax breaks and subsidies to big oil and other energy producers) going to bring 1 milion barrels a day online in maybe 10 years? It is a joke and gas prices aren't going to go down. So the energy producers will get richer on the backs of joe tax payer and you won't see a cent of benefit from it. hmmmm geroge bush is an oil guy.... open up the reserves....friends get richer. How about all of the contracts Haliburton got in Iraq - hmmmm Geroge Cheney's friends get richer. You live in a fantasy land if you think it ain't going on right now in the USA.

I mean adscam makes me want to puke but so does all the other under the table BS that goes on.

link to article if anyone is interested -

can't find a good overview of adscam for my american friends..... so you will have to go looking for yourself if you want some info on it.

This post was edited by kaikara on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 12:41.

#20 By 19992 ( at 4/21/2005 12:58:45 PM
Look at the drilling in Alaska nature perserve and read the article currently on MSNBC about it.

OK.. what of it? Looks like there is honest debate going on about whether or not to do this.

Billions of dollars (most of it in tax breaks and subsidies to big oil and other energy producers) going to bring 1 milion barrels a day online in maybe 10 years?

Read to the end of the article. Some of that money is to

Require for refiners to use 5 billion gallons of corn-based ethanol by 2012, a 20 percent increase over what the industry is expected to produce this year

Provide tax breaks to spur the construction of natural gas pipelines and improve the nation’s electricity grid. It also would require grid operators to comply with mandatory reliability standards instead of industry self-regulation

Provide $1.8 billion in incentives for development of less polluting “clean coal” projects.

Along with looking at the Gulf of Mexico as a source of gas and oil.

Whether you agree with this or not, it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable. I certainly disagree with parts of it, but to paint it as a giant kickback program for the friends of Bush is plain silly.

It is a joke and gas prices aren't going to go down.

IIRC this is to reduce the amount of US dependence on foreign oil... Not necessarily a bad thing.

How about all of the contracts Haliburton got in Iraq

What about them? Once again, IIRC Haliburton was the only company (or it's subsidiaries) who were qualified for alot of the work to be done over there. I'm not saying that Haliburton has been incredibly ethical about their billing practices, etc... I'm just not sure the motive you are applying sticks in this case.

Now... Compare that with this...

$100 million was paid to a variety of communications agencies in the form of fees and commissions and said the program was basically designed to generate commissions for these companies rather than to produce any benefit for Canadians.

Officials in Canada's Public Works Department "broke just about every rule in the book" when it came to awarding contracts to Groupaction Inc,.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg from what I can see... More info may be found at

This post was edited by happyguy on Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 12:59.

#21 By 3746 ( at 4/21/2005 1:48:36 PM
well more then that adscam was meant to enrich the companys so that they could give money back to the liberal party itself - thus stealing money from the taxpayer that eventually gets back to the liberal party in the form of donations. Or so it would seem - it is a huge mess and will in all likely hood bring down the liberal government when and election is called. But then again who knows what the canadian voter will do they can be just as unpredictable as the US voter. hahaha.

as for the above points - i was not making a direct comparison. The point I was making was the "I scratch your back you scratch mine" is common in all governments and businesses. Obviously, in some cases it is more obvious and dirty but it exists entrenched in the culture. I mean how do you expect a person to not help out the people that got them into power in the first place. The problem with it though is when it comes to important decisions can you trust those people to make the right ones? Or will they make the ones that a favour their friends, former colleagues and people that donated to them and the party?

#22 By 19992 ( at 4/21/2005 2:15:33 PM
The point I was making was the "I scratch your back you scratch mine" is common in all governments and businesses.

Fair enough, I understand it and expect it. The methods that have been employed thus far in most governments is a little shady, but don't come close to the kind of fraud evident in Adscam.

Personally I think the Liberals had a chance at pulling out of this until the tried to reschedule all of the Tories Opposition days to the end of July. Congrats to the Tories for finding a way to keep one on the schedule for May 19th

#23 By 3746 ( at 4/21/2005 2:35:01 PM
well I want to bellieve that if a spring election is called that Canadians will vote the liberals out. But who knows - the voters in Canada (ontario really) are scared of the big bad conservatives so who knows what will happen in the election.

#24 By 3653 ( at 4/21/2005 2:38:44 PM
kaikara - "energy producers will get richer"

My friend, you act like this corporation is an entity somehow not comprised of people. You look to demonize what is simply a collection of hard working people (from all over the world) and investors.

If you really feel the way you do, I suggest you buy some stock in those companies (energy producers). You can benefit from what you seem so confident about. Here are a few ticker symbols for you, that I happen to own (I know, I am now the devil to you): XO, SC

#25 By 135 ( at 4/21/2005 3:57:21 PM
kaikara - "well more then that adscam was meant to enrich the companys so that they could give money back to the liberal party itself - thus stealing money from the taxpayer that eventually gets back to the liberal party in the form of donations. "

That sounds like the Republican party in the US. That's been the basis of Tom Delay's ethic abuses...

And some of it is pretty creative. Like Abramhoff and Ralph Reed playing the Indian Tribes against each other and the churches on that gambling thing. That was pure genius. I haven't seen a scam that creative since Keating.

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