LinuxIsTheft is quite right...long before LH is available for sale, MS partners and professionals will have been running it and testing in labs and on personal rigs. Many months of evaluation, beta testing, bug reporting and work will go into running it in many environments.
MS Partners and Action Pack subscribers, systems builders and ISV's will be among the millions helping shape not only adoption, but what it does and how it does it.
#10, your post suggests no familiarity with this process - one that is not new and one that has been repeated as our entire industry evolves. MS is one of the most significant leaders in our industry and works from a different perspective than that which you may be familiar with.
This is precisely why MS is a good leader - it has funded a platform that it extends to millions - this is something that is not present from any other single provider outside of government [the US government, in fact]. Lacking a platform and a road map [a term I dislike, which needs to change], is why OSS and the *nix struggle and so often fail. No amount of passion can off-set that - though it is a key component and a great start. One must also have a plan, and a vision that is consistent, but not rigid. MS had and still does have that. This is not likely to change any time soon, and MS and LH will enjoy a great deal of continued success.
Any one, or any number of us, may do the same. So MSUCKS, so can you. Get a bunch of really smart guys to work with you and come up with alternatives. It can be done, and nothing would delight Mr. Gates and company more. At the heart of the matter is a sincere desire to see "it" all move forward to a point where each person, in each role, in each location they need or choose to be, is seamlessly and securely followed by the information they need and want - to be both productive and entertained. I don't think at its base that Mr. Gates cares nearly as much about how we get there, so long as we do and that more than anything, is why he succeeded. Did you ever just want "it" to be so, and as a natural result of that aspiration, it became so - where work and ideas were driven by aspiration?