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  Will Longhorn be worth the pain?
Time: 16:11 EST/21:11 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

Microsoft has removed some of the functionality from the next version of Windows to bring forward the release date, which could make the decision to upgrade even more difficult for some companies

After re-jigging the 'three pillars' of functionality that underpin the next version of Windows, codenamed Longhorn, Microsoft will need to work hard in the months ahead if it is to provide customers with compelling reasons to migrate. The three pillars of the software giant's next generation Windows OS, due to ship in late 2006, originally comprised Avalon, a new graphics and presentation subsystem, Indigo, a Web services and communications architecture, and WinFS, a new file system.

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#1 By 6859 ( at 3/18/2005 5:25:31 PM
So, you actually endorse software piracy? Are you mad?

WINE is a POS and there are *lots* of programs that don't work with it, tell your rant to a development house or someone who needs to get actual work done and you'll get laughed out of the building.

You complain that the cost of the OS will be ~$200 or about half that for the upgrade version, stating go BSD or Linux....yeah, as if those don't have their own hidden costs associated with them. As has been stated before, Linux and BSD all cost nothing as long as your time is worthless. But run into an issue and then it's an unproductive system and a massive time sinker. Even at the low wage of $10 an hour, this quickly becomes real money--far more than the cost of the upgrade or the full install of Longhorn. Here's an issue for you: Intel 815 chipset system, plenty of ram, integrated video. Install Slackware 10.1, upgrade to kernel 2.6.10. Try and launch X. It will fail. Find the answer to solve the problem....on your own...with only Google as your help. You will quickly discover that your time isn't worthless and that it will take you too long to find the answer, if you ever do. There is a solution, and it's kludgy, but it's the only way with Slackware. The Only Way. And Slackware, if you didn't know, is the grandfather of the linux of the oldest, most stable, and most respected.

The question you have to ask yourself is this: I'm I blinded by hate or am I smart enough to use the correct tool for the job? You sound like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn't there. Rant on, you only come across as the loser.

While I'm at it, calling programs by something other than their name just makes you look the fool, just like those who call things "M$" or "Windoze". Grow up and get out of your parent's basement, will you.

Here's a hint: you can actually get a legal copy of darn near every Windows version for about $300 directly from MS. I'm running on Windows 2003 Enterprise Edtion now. It's not complicated, you just gotta know what's up.

#2 By 1658 ( at 3/19/2005 1:41:37 AM
Well once again msucks and his new friend Snively have decided to post absolutely nothing of substantial value, nor have they backed up their opinions with any fact or reasoning whatsoever. I'm used to this... but I would like an answer to something msucks since you are in fact the god of Microsoft and you know everything about everything when it comes to IT, economics and business...

Why is it that your opinion is always vindicated and absolutely is THE way it is, yet when someone happens to agree with Microsoft or for that matter (heaven forbid) simply likes the products they make, then we're full of crap, our heads are up Bill's ass, etc. ??

Can you answer that in an intelligible (<-- Difficult for most open-source fanatics) manner?

Granted, I work for the evil-empire so I'm apparently full of nothing useful to say and my opinions can't count. In fact, because I work here, I'm sure I know nothing about what goes on here either according to your logic.

And while you're at it, can you answer the following questions:

What kind of car do you drive?
Do you put gasoline in your car?
Who provides your medical insurance?
Have you ever taken prescription medication?

Answer some of those... because damn near every answer you give me to those questions can be traced to more fraud and economic abuse than could EVER be attributed to what Microsoft has supposedly done. If you choose to argue against that, you do need an education.

My point? How can you buy gas? Why do you have health insurance? How dare you buy a drug from a major pharmaceutical corporation? How can you do that! You shouldn't be doing that! You should be boycotting them and refusing to inflate their bank accounts. You should instead find some free gas from the Free Gas Foundation and go get yourself some free health insurance, free meds, and while you're at it, a free car.

I just love how Microsoft must be the devil because we have a lot of money and have run our business without the porkfat of the traditional fat-cat laden American corporation. Yet it's okay for you to spend money that goes into the hands of other corporations like oil companies that are arguably WAY more greedy than Microsoft. Explain it! Be my guest...

You have the floor. Let's hear an intelligble argument about why those of us who like Microsoft's products can't possibly know anything. And while we're at it, let's hear about why it's okay to feed some giant greedy corporations your cash but not others? (Yes, I'm even conceeding the point that Microsoft is greedy just to make your argument easier.) Go ahead...

If you don't respond, I will take your silence as my having won the argument. If you do, I'm just dying to see the coherent architecture and intellect that you'll demonstrate.

This post was edited by aamendala on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 01:43.

#3 By 1658 ( at 3/19/2005 1:59:21 AM
"Why can't people like Snively and Msucks realize they are the reason why the Linux userbase will always be stuck at 1.5 percent?"

Realization requires thought, intellect, and at the very least rudimentary analysis. Not stopping for a moment to at least admit that the mindless yammering a fair share of the open-source crowd does all day long does NOT promote further development of their supposed godlike software is common amongst their type. They aren't working on the software anyway in most cases. They're mouth-pieces for a movement that they think they're driving. It goes like this: I'm using Linux, therefore, I develop Linux. Bzzzt... sorry cousin, doesn't work that way.

They'll never admit this either... most of the work being done on open-source software today is done by the supposed super-evil of the world: corporations.

Red Hat, SuSE, IBM, Sun, etc... are all working on the operating system and most of the core operating system is NOT developed by hobbyists by a LONG SHOT. Not even close... Well over 90% of the code base is developed by corporations. Where do I fetch such a number? I run 8 different distributions of the operating system and have combed the kernel and 2nd tier architectures of darn near every one of them. I've taken this data that I've gathered over thousands of hours of work and compared it to plenty of other distros such as Gentoo, only to find that what I'm looking it is damn near identical in almost every respect. The point is that most of the development work is NOT the work of the hobbyist anyway. Oh but that's okay... they'll kindly gloss over that point for you.

So even if they did realize some of the core factors that restrict their growth so much, it wouldn't make much difference anyway. They aren't the individuals that matter anyway!

In the end it's a crap-shoot. Finding consistency in the arguments of most open-source advocates is about as hard is finding consistency in religion.

This post was edited by aamendala on Saturday, March 19, 2005 at 02:02.

#4 By 12071 ( at 3/19/2005 5:22:42 AM
#11 "nor have they backed up their opinions with any fact or reasoning whatsoever"
Does this only apply to opinions in regards to criticisms of Microsoft? I do realise that you have never posted any opinion without backing it up with facts, but the rest of us don't always feel the need (or have the time) to provide links for you so that you can see information backing up those opinions.

"yet when someone happens to agree with Microsoft or for that matter (heaven forbid) simply likes the products they make, then we're full of crap, our heads are up Bill's ass, etc. ?? "
And can you answer why you and the rest of the MS apologists cannot handle any sort of criticisms of Microsoft? You even argue amongst yourselves in those cases where one MS apologist isn't quite as apologetic as the rest! Why is it so threatening to you that there's actual choice out there? (And I'm not talking about the choice between Windows 2000 and Windows XP!). Why is it that you didn't pick on the "WINE is a POS" comment from Cthulhu? I guess those sorts of comments don't require facts as they aren't directed at Microsoft. Or perhaps Cthulhu is sych a brilliant developer that has achieved so much more than the WINE developers given he considers it to be "sh*t".

"intelligible (<-- Difficult for most open-source fanatics)"
Careful, you're starting to sound completely and utterly full of yourself there. Given the comments from so many MS aplogists here on ActiveWin (and vice versa), I would say it's hard to classify one group any more or less intelligible than the other. There's plenty of vocal people on both sides.

"My point?"
What is your point? All corporations are bad so we should just bend over and take it? That we're not allowed to criticise them because it would be unamerican? unconstitutional? What kind of democracy do you live in or believe in if you don't criticise the actions of said corporations if you see them doing something which you consider to be wrong? How do you know what msucks thinks about Nike and their child worker exploitations? or Disney's? or the actions of any of the pharmaceutical corporations? Maybe he/she doesn't talk about those corporations because of the "theme" of this site? Naaah, that couldn't possibly be it!

"If you don't respond, I will take your silence as my having won the argument."
Oops too late, there went my earlier comment about you only just starting to sound completely and utterly full of yourself! Congratulations aamendala, even if msucks does respond I'll still give you the gold star you deserve for winning!

"Well over 90% of the code base is developed by corporations"
Given your stance on displaying facts to support ones opinion, care to back up this little gem? I fail to see the structured analysis that you took by comparing several distributions, finding out that they all use a fairly identical kernel and then coming to the conclusion that as a result, 90% of the code base must have been developed by corporations. I guess, based on your opinions, it's completely impossible for a group of open source developers to create the kernel, for instance, which would then be used by multiple distributions and explain why the kernel is so alike between those distributions. Obviously the mere fact the code was reused proves beyond any doubt that the code must have been written by corporations.

The rest of your post was directed specifically for msucks, so I'll let him/her speak for him/herself.

#5 By 23275 ( at 3/19/2005 2:31:47 PM
Some of these kids need to be dragged from Mama's basement and taken to the woodshed for a good ole fashioned whoop'in.

At this point countering nonsense with fact would be futile - one does need to address the issue of theft - the theft msucks boasts so openly about.

"msucks, what you are doing is against the law. It is a crime to steal and like any common thief, you may be subject to prosecution under the law."

Ok, so now it has been stated clearly for you - stop stealing, or be prepared to go to jail where your new bride, a big hairy man named Jake, awaits your domestic services.

#6 By 12071 ( at 3/19/2005 8:46:29 PM
#15 "to paraphrase you Chris"
It's better that you dont try to paraphrase anyone. If we were to paraphrase you we'd find it difficult to find words to put inbetween all the moron comments. But given that I've insulted your religious beliefs so much, how come you didn't pick up on aamendala when he said "hard [as] finding consistency in religion"?

"As far as I can remember Chris, you've never, ever criticised Microsoft software with anything less than full blown hate and irrational comments"
That's because your memory doesn't serve you well, neither do your reading and comprehension skills.

#17 Why don't you dob him in as you good citizen that you are? There might even be a reward for you!

#18 "Of course, I would be happy to have a civilized discussions about Windows and Microsoft, but you and kabuki and latch "
I guess as civilized as you claim you can be, you still are unable to refrain yourself. My original post wasn't aimed at you, you could have very well ignored it (after all I wasn't the one saying that any silence must mean that I've won!) but you love jumping in and blabbering away.

"Remember, I chose LinuxIsTheft for 3 reasons. One, because...
And two, as an..."
What happened to 3? Christ what kind of an education did you get where you are unable to read and comprehend and now you can't even count up to 3!! You're an imbecile! My 2 year old daughter has better reading, comprehension and counting skills than you do!

#22 "Msucks I think you are taking this a bit too far, you have gone from trashing Microsoft products to using derogatory comments to describe individuals, its gone a bit too far now. It is only proving that you are immature and too naive to be having such discussions in the first place."
Whilst I thoroughly agree with you, it brings me back to my original question for aamendala, why do you only point out when someone talks that way in a negative way about Microsoft? Parkker/LinuxIsTheft/whatever the hell he wants to call himself tomorrow is without a doubt the most immature potty mouthed person here, and you dont blink an eyelid.

"Windows and Office will remain the number choice among consumers and businesses for the foreseeable future"
Once again that's something we can all agree on, and there's no reason why they shouldn't remain the number one choice, but what does that have to do with being able to criticise those products for it's faults (and or company for its actions)? If anything, OSS has forced Microsoft to start competing (even if it has only been on a small scale thus far), so how is that bad? You're directly benefiting from OSS! The products you choose to use are getting better in some small part due to OSS! The number of choices you have available to you are expanding in some part due to OSS! And you don't need to do anything to help the "dark side" as you see it (even though this is where the MS apologists really do show their immaturity and lack of eduction by throwing out terms like communism which they have very little to no idea about). Does that mean that OSS shouldn't be criticised because it's doing all of those things? Of course not, everything should be open to discussion, debate and critisism (hopefully constructive criticism)! But you don't see that here, you either have those people who will freely criticise OSS and MS (although in general with the amount of MS apologists on this site it's usually a lot less criticism of OSS) and those who will freely criticise OSS and jump all over anyone that dares to say anything even remotely negative about Microsoft!

#7 By 12071 ( at 3/20/2005 1:53:05 AM
#25 "Linuxistheft is full of crap and is just a joke. But I totally believe that msucks believes what he says"
Fair enough, I tend to think that Parkker believes what he spews more than everyone else here put together - just look at how dedicated he is, not only to posting the same crap over and over again, but under different aliases! I wouldn't be suprised if Parkker is also msucks just so he can try to characterise anyone that criticises Microsoft as "potty mouthed" - let's be honest here, it wouldn't be completely out of character for him!

#26 "I'm not very religious chris..."
Could have fooled me! And for the millionth time I'm not intolerant of your (or anyone elses) religious beliefs, I was stating my opinion on religion. If you can't handle someone having an opinion different to yours on something then that in itself speaks volumes about you. Not everyone holds back their opinions/comments in preference of being politically correct. e.g. I will continue to say Merry Christmas to people on the 25th of December not Happy Holidays! If you can't deal with that, too bad.

"Chris, I was wondering if you were smart enough to read my post and understand there was a 3rd reason right in front of you without putting a number beside it"
No you weren't, don't lie so obviously. You're an imbecile that cannot read, comprehend or count!

#8 By 12071 ( at 3/20/2005 2:45:56 AM
ActiveWin - I've been getting the following timeout error about half a dozen times today, thought you should know about it (if you don't already):

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31'
Timeout expired
/awin/comments.asp, line 548

#9 By 12071 ( at 3/20/2005 3:50:05 AM
This comment has been removed due to a violation of the Active Network Terms of Use.

#10 By 12071 ( at 3/20/2005 7:36:09 AM
#26 I've got a freebie for you given your strong religious views, feel free to share it with us whenever you like :)

"Why do some people oppose Microsoft?
There are certain characteristics and mental attitudes that cause a percentage of the population to oppose violently any betterment activity or group. This small percentage of society (roughly 2 percent) cannot tolerate that Microsoft is successful at improving conditions around the world. This same 2 percent is opposed to any effective self-betterment activity. The reason they so rabidly oppose Microsoft is because it is doing more to help society than any other group. Those who are upset by seeing man get better are small in number compared to the millions who have embraced Microsoft and its efforts to create a sane civilization and more freedom for the individual."

#11 By 1658 ( at 3/21/2005 11:54:01 AM
"aamendala hasn't replied back yet"

Call my supposed 'complex' what you will Chris but rest assured, I haven't forgotten to reply. I work for a living and am slightly busy creating the next version of the world's most popular operating system for consumption by uneducated consumers who are being taken advantage of by a viscious monopolist who cares about nothing more than illegally reaping in the cash of vulnerable souls.

That said, I will reply in my own time, not on your schedule. When I do reply, I'll laugh again at your pointless rebuttals regarding how ill informed I am and my alleged ignorance of the open-source community's new compound word of the quarter: microsoft-apologists. And in the mean time, msucks will still be wondering how to reply to me since what he has provided so far is comical enough in terms of its utter lack of substance.

So until I reply, just keep yourself busy writing other posts and keep dreaming in your fantasy land. While you're doing that, I'll be over here being productive. Though I know that isn't possible if I'm using Microsoft tools and applications. But before I go, I'll be sure to carbon copy your enlightment to the other 60,000 of us that show up here but for some reason still haven't gotten the goal of the company in our heads that you seem to know so well: our only purpose is to screw the world and make crap software. I'll let 'em know for you. May this new clarity bring the downfall of Microsoft and the rise of the new-economy: the Linux empire.

Back soon...

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