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08:51 EST/13:51 GMT | News Source:
the inquirer |
Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
ALL AROUND CES last week, there was one thing everyone was talking about. That was the new upgrade to Windows Media Center due out late this year. It is code named Emerald, and it is supposed to fix all the things that make MC05 such a joke. Well, it still includes DRM, so it will still be worthless, but MS is really keen on not having the info out for some reason, going as far as to threaten NeoWin into removing the content, unless the scoop is bold letters saying "Removed at the Request of Microsoft". Well, I wasn't planning to write it up, but it looks like there is a story there after all. Yawn.
#1 By
37 (
1/14/2005 10:11:33 AM
That has to be one of the worst and most inaccurate inquirer articles I have EVER read.
#2 By
8062 (
1/14/2005 12:18:08 PM
Actually it's a little above average for that POS fake-rag from across the pond - the inquirer.
#3 By
7754 (
1/14/2005 12:43:44 PM
Well, it still includes DRM, so it will still be worthless... you get much more robust content protection as well. Yipee, on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is open and 10 is unusably draconian, they started at 13 and want more now.
I know this is beating a dead horse, but... it is, after all, the music business, the movie business, etc. The products aren't cheap to make, and they have a right to ensure that the products can be sold rather than swapped.
If they want open-source, freely-redistributable movies, then they should start the trend themselves.
#4 By
2960 (
1/14/2005 1:18:45 PM
"I know this is beating a dead horse, but... it is, after all, the music business, the movie business, etc. The products aren't cheap to make, and they have a right to ensure that the products can be sold rather than swapped. "
I totally have no problem with that.
But I also have an expectation that I can use the media I PURCHASE for my own use any way I wish, on any device I wish, anywhere I wish. I PAID for it.
That is not the case these days. The balance between corporate protection and consumer protection is way off kilter IMHO.
#5 By
7754 (
1/14/2005 1:46:27 PM
But I also have an expectation that I can use the media I PURCHASE for my own use any way I wish, on any device I wish, anywhere I wish. I PAID for it.
Maybe you won't swap it, sure... but the honor system obviously hasn't worked, so they need to prevent it somehow. If you've got a system that would make everyone happy, then share it. When you encounter discussions like these, you will always have people in the middle that say (genuinely) that DRM is fine in theory, but doesn't work according to their wishes. Then you have another group of folks that will say DRM is fine, but then denounce any sort of DRM system, regardless of how loose it is, because they really aren't genuinely interested in DRM. Differentiating between the two groups is difficult at best, and after the flood of the file-sharing services began, it's even harder to take what would feel to many as a step backwards.
Nothing is going to satisfy everyone, and obviously at some point there are going to be restrictions that at least some buyers don't like. People don't like paying for gas, either, but you don't see them making agreements with the gas stations to have it delivered to a pay-as-you-go home pump, only to watch the home owner unwittingly leave the pump unsecured while their neighbors stop by and siphon it directly from the tank.
#6 By
7754 (
1/14/2005 1:55:16 PM
Muddle, you don't have to re-purchase that media. You can continue to listen to it on vinyl, 8Track, cassette, CD, etc. just fine. If you can propose a feasible system that assures content providers that you indeed purchased that media in the past, then share it--you'll make millions.
I doubt a judge would find in your favor by this logic: "Well, since I couldn't obey the law to my satisfaction, I chose to disobey it."
#7 By
8556 (
1/14/2005 2:34:59 PM
One accurate point in the article, and the one feature of MCE05 that bugged me, was that the CD burning aspect is quite tedious. This is a feature that needs improvement. Otherwise, I agree that the article is overly zealous in its negativity.
#8 By
3653 (
1/14/2005 3:58:28 PM
techlarry - "I also have an expectation that I can use the media I PURCHASE for my own use any way I wish, on any device I wish, anywhere I wish. I PAID for it. "
You cant even say this about the music you "own" TODAY. You don't seriously believe you can use your DVDs "any way" you wish, do you? You PAID for a SPECIFIC set of rights. You don't OWN it like you own a piece of gum that you paid for.
Read the FBI warning sometime.
ps... you also dont own that silly mac software you always crow about.
#9 By
37 (
1/14/2005 4:57:44 PM
bob wrote: "CD burning aspect is quite tedious"
#10 By
23275 (
1/14/2005 10:56:15 PM
Trend....MCE is better all the time. Still progressing and gaining a great deal of ground in so many areas - nothing compares to it. The next version will be even better.
Microsoft always does that and doesn't quit - have to admire them for that.
People who do not like MCE 2005 - I assert, have not used it much. DRM? So! Come up with a fairer means of legally distributing digital content that protects the artist, publisher and consumer as or better and we're all ears...
The article was written by a troll who up until a few years ago had three state run channels and govt. watchdogs that would but in the door looking for his second 9" TV set [no kidding, they really do that and fine the heck out of people for watching unlicensed TV's].
Now here's a clue...private ownership, and commercial this and that [yeah, SW, too], makes it possible for us to have the choices we do - it's worth it for clever people to build stuff people want to buy. The author can't conceive of that and instead atatcks all things this side of the pond - typical. I lived on that side for 14 years and have seen enough to kiss my MCE and the ground under it each time I pass them by. Give me my DRM all day - the alternatives truly suck.
This post was edited by lketchum on Saturday, January 15, 2005 at 00:28.