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  Microsoft ready to launch search engine
Time: 02:02 EST/07:02 GMT | News Source: Reuters | Posted By: Robert Stein

Microsoft on Thursday will launch its long-promised Internet search engine, which will compete directly with market leader Google, sources close to the company said Tuesday. The world's largest software maker had promised to enter the search market with its own technology by the end of the year, as it seeks to attract more users to boost advertising revenue for its MSN Internet division.

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#1 By 13030 ( at 11/10/2004 10:21:19 AM
I tried the beta search a couple of weeks ago for several searches. The search results looked poor and a comparison with Google's results confirmed that view. MS is going to have a hard time competing with Google in this arena.

#2 By 61 ( at 11/10/2004 11:57:06 AM
Why even consider switching if it isn't any better than Google?

#3 By 37 ( at 11/10/2004 12:02:37 PM
Well, we can't say whether or not it is better. We haven't even used or seen the final product they are offering.

#4 By 8556 ( at 11/10/2004 12:19:32 PM
Brian, who cares how good it might be? It's a freaking search engine. What search features do you feel that you need that Google doesn't now offer? I prefer that MS work proactively on their programs security problems. The search engine strikes me as another Bill Gates “urge” to dominate everything digital (watches, phones, cable boxes, etc) with the unintended result being that the search engine will inevitably be used as another excuse for the rest of their software falling short of being absolutely excellent.

#5 By 61 ( at 11/10/2004 12:43:51 PM
If you go by how the preview is, it's not even as good.

What I am saying is, even if it turns out to be as good as Google, why switch? Can it be better than Google?

#6 By 7797 ( at 11/10/2004 12:49:46 PM
"What search features do you feel that you need that Google doesn't now offer?"

Even if YOU can't think of a single feature that Google should have but doesn't, doesnt mean one or many such features can't be thought of by other people. Such features that in retrospect you will then look at and say "Wow, how did i ever manage to find stuff without this" Tabs in web browsers are an example of such a feature for many people.

So just because Google is a great search tool for the web, doesnt mean it can improved upon. Competition from Microsoft in that respect can therefore only be good for us. Unless of course Microsoft illegaly uses its monopoly power to gain market share instead of providing a better search engine.

#7 By 7797 ( at 11/10/2004 12:53:07 PM
"What I am saying is, even if it turns out to be as good as Google, why switch? Can it be better than Google?"

Thats like asking... even if Firefox turns out to be as good as IE, why switch. Can it be better than IE? The answer in both cases is YES. Its possible. Why switch? Who says you have to switch? I see it as having another alternative.. a new choice at a different tool that can be used.

#8 By 37 ( at 11/10/2004 6:06:54 PM
Why switch?

1. Brand Loyalty
2. Convenience of integration in Windows and MSN Windows
3. Default Search for all MSN Explorer users because their home page is
4. Possibilty of added features and integration with online/offline desktop search

Why not care what others are offering. There is no reason to stick to one brand. Users want choices. Users want competition to encourage improved products and reliability.

Microsoft sees an opportunity. There is no reason for them to not try and improve what they already offer. You do know that MSN Search has ALREADY been around for quite some time, right? And now you discount them for trying to improve their product once competition hits the market?

Talk about double standards.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 at 18:07.

#9 By 37 ( at 11/10/2004 10:42:26 PM
You missed my point. There might be loyal people to Microsoft that use Google because it is superior. If MSN Search makes a comparable search engine, then those Microsoft users might switch to MSN Search because they are Microsoft loyal.

Google is NOT integrated with Windows. MSN IS integrated with Windows. However, Google is indeed available as a search option in IE. However, Microsoft has the ability to make sure that MSN is the default search engine by improving the product and integrating it with it's desktop search. Convenience.

And MS's desktop search does an excellent search for third party file formats....have you not tried Lookout yet (which is the engine they are using for their desktop search)?

#10 By 12071 ( at 11/11/2004 8:56:20 AM
#14 What AWBrian is trying to say is that he is loyal to Microsoft and the only reason he's using Google is because it's far superior to anything Microsoft has ever put out, in terms of search. As soon as Microsoft have a "good enough" search engine, he'll go running back to them. Looking at the beta of MSN search it looks like Microsoft likes the look and simplicity of Google.

#11 By 13030 ( at 11/11/2004 10:27:00 AM
#5 (AWBrian): Well, we can't say whether or not it [MS Internet Search] is better. We haven't even used or seen the final product they are offering.

This never stopped you from berating Firefox betas.

#11 (AWBrian): Talk about double standards.

No kidding! lol

#12 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 12:03:14 PM
#15 - You are correct. I do have some brand loyalty to MS. And if MSN Search improved to the point where it was as good as or better than Google, I would use it.

#16. You have a problem with my berating the Firefox beta AND the official Firefox 1.0 (which STILL has the same problems as the beta). LOL. No kidding...double standards are horrible. I tire of them.

#13 By 13030 ( at 11/11/2004 2:02:12 PM
#17: You have a problem with my berating the Firefox beta AND the official Firefox 1.0...

Nope, just your double standards. You repeatedly dogged Firefox well before the official 1.0 release. You passed judgment against Firefox a long time ago. Now you wish to extend a sympathetic understanding for MS Internet Search's beta inadequacies. Your own words: "Well, we can't say whether or not it [MS Internet Search] is better. We haven't even used or seen the final product they are offering."

#14 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 2:13:05 PM
Again....I don't hold double standards. If MSN Search Beta isn't up to par with Google, we will have to wait until the final to see what happens. Firefox 1.0 PR isn't up to par with IE in my experience, but I AM fair in my testing, so I can't pass judgement until Firefox 1.0 final is released. Well, it HAS been released and I STILL have the same problems.

#15 By 13030 ( at 11/11/2004 2:48:40 PM
#19: Again....I don't hold double standards.

But, you do hold beta preview double standards...

You condemned Firefox in its beta, never giving it a chance of coming close to IE's usefulness for your tasks. You repeatedly said you tried Firefox and it sucked (and, yes, I'm getting to the gist of your previous Firefox comments). Yet, when MS releases its rather lacking beta Internet search engine, you decline to pass the judgment you were so quick to pass on the Firefox betas. This has nothing to do with your assessment of the final 1.0 release of Firefox and how it confirms your previous views. This has everything to do with your obvious bias towards MS and your desire to give their Internet search the full benefit of the doubt as a beta product.

All things bestowed upon us by MS are not always golden. (Well, except for VS and SQL Server...)

#16 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 3:10:59 PM
You forgot Microsoft Publisher.

I am going to agree to disagree. I have also been unhappy with the MS Beta (prior to today) of the Search, and have indeed judged the MSN beta, and found it poor and have stated so in previous threads in regards to this.

I thought MSN Search beta sucked at one point during beta and said so. I also found that Firefox sucked during beta, and said so. However, I couldn't say that either were a complete loss until I see the final product.

The difference is that people were saying that the final product of the MSN Search once released "How come still they don't get it? Microsoft sucks at search engines"...passing judgement on future versions. I passed judgement on current beta builds of Firefox...never stating that the final version wouldn't meet my needs. I thought Firefox, at the time of the builds sucked. I thought MSN Beta Search at the time of the builds sucked. I can now say that now Firefox is official (not beta), it doesn't meet my needs. I can say that as of today, the updated MSN Beta Search has improved substantially over the previous beta builds. Until further testing, Google will remain my first choice. I have to figure out some consistency as to why Google results and MSN results differ so drastically on different searches. It might be the way I enter the keywords, or it might be a poor search engine, or it might be that one search engine requires more time to accumulate more links. Either way, I am finding that Google is exceeding in some keyword results and MSN is exceeding in some keyword results.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 15:21.

#17 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 4:04:23 PM
While I question your "experience" comment, there is no doubt that Google search was superior to MSN Search. But the fact remains that MSN Search was indeed public before Google 9+ months. So "experience" in "time" is on Microsoft's side. But dedication to the search engine is on Google's side.

#18 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 4:55:03 PM
Agreed Halcyon.

I noticed you are a gamer (i know, OT). Do you have Halo 2 (assume you have an Xbox)?

#19 By 37 ( at 11/11/2004 6:07:31 PM
Hal, my GT is The Hedon

#20 By 37 ( at 11/12/2004 11:18:21 AM
Those games sound fun. I am big into Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow right now as well. Online only though.

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 12:48:19 PM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 11:23:12 AM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 5:36:12 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 10:34:52 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 5:57:46 AM

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