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  Firefox 1.0 limbers up for launch
Time: 10:25 EST/15:25 GMT | News Source: The Register | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

Mozilla will today launch the nearly-final version of Firefox, its open source web browser, ahead of the 1.0 product launch on 9 November. The organisation says it aiming for 10 million downloads in the 100 days after inauguration, sparking much discussion of a return to the days of the browser wars, when Microsoft, AOL and Netscape battled for market share. Bart Decrem, spokesman for Mozilla, was in London last Friday to promote the browser. He noted: "When you look at how many people are downloading Firefox already, the 10m downloads target starts to feel very safe."

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#1 By 10896 ( at 10/25/2004 11:17:51 AM
Nothing to see in a Register article.
Just typical open source propaganda.
FIREBOX sucks and will never have a significant impact on anything.

#2 By 11131 ( at 10/25/2004 12:18:24 PM
#2 -- I tried out Firefox at version .9 also and have also made it my primary browser. I have not even thought about switching back to IE. I have not had many issues either and with all of the extensions the browser only gets better :)


This post was edited by al_fiend on Monday, October 25, 2004 at 14:52.

#3 By 7797 ( at 10/25/2004 1:31:57 PM
Nothing to see in a billmac post.
Just typical anti open source propaganda
Just unfounded claims that Firefox sucks and will never have a significan impact on anything.

#4 By 2960 ( at 10/25/2004 1:32:46 PM
No problems with FireFox here either.

Last Friday a friend who also uses FireFox brought IE up for one of the few sites that would not work with FireFox, mis-typed a web page name, and ended up at a hijack search site.

Over three dozen spyware packages were immediately installed on his machine and IE (and pretty much the machine) became useless.

He never even received a prompt...

#5 By 37 ( at 10/25/2004 1:43:45 PM
No problems with IE here. And *never* had a hijack as TechLarry mentioned using IE. However, I have had a substantial number of "Send Error Reports" using Firefox's extension manager and rendering certain sites....making it pretty much useless.

#6 By 10896 ( at 10/25/2004 1:58:23 PM
FireFox will be crushed just like Netscape

#7 By 7754 ( at 10/25/2004 2:49:59 PM
I'll say it again... I like Firefox and use it about 50-50 with IE, but there are certain sites our business uses that require IE. Therefore, IE stays. The patching process for IE for a business is pretty straight-forward and easy. The patching for Firefox is sort of geared towards consumers. And, it doesn't really make sense to keep security tabs for two browsers, does it, given that IE is a must? You're just increasing your "attack surface," in a sense. And, while comparisons against IE are totally valid, it would be nice to see a differentiation between Firefox vs. IE pre-XP SP2 and Firefox vs. IE with XP SP2... though I doubt anyone will really do it.

That said, I love tabbed browsing... particularly the ability to bookmark all open tabs in a folder. Actually, that's perhaps the sole reason I like Firefox... that, and the pop-up blocker seems to work faster. I know you can get tab extensions for IE, but I'd rather have it in the core product.

For Parkker... here's a (rather obvious) nickname you can use for Firefox--Firefix.

#8 By 7797 ( at 10/25/2004 3:47:53 PM
In the past few months I cannot remember visiting any sites that were rendered incorrectly in firefox. Those of you who DO encounter such pages could always file a bug, although we all know you'd rather spend that time posting here to complain about it.

#9 By 143 ( at 10/26/2004 12:16:50 AM
I've tried Firefox and I still like IE better.
"Sometimes a browser is just a browser"

#10 By 7797 ( at 10/26/2004 7:46:23 AM
donpacman: A fool with a tool, is still a fool.

#11 By 37 ( at 10/26/2004 8:43:20 AM
"In the past few months I cannot remember visiting any sites that were rendered incorrectly in firefox. Those of you who DO encounter such pages could always file a bug, although we all know you'd rather spend that time posting here to complain about it. "

I seem to visit sites almost daily that don't render properly in Firefox. I sure don't have time to submit bugs to 10 sites a day. And it's not my job to do so.

#12 By 13030 ( at 10/26/2004 10:40:36 AM
#18: I seem to visit sites almost daily that don't render properly in Firefox.

It shouldn't be hard to make a list to prove your point. Since I can only recall one site during the past two months that did not render properly, although it was still very readable, your claim seems baseless. Here's your chance to prove otherwise.

#18: I sure don't have time to submit bugs to 10 sites a day. And it's not my job to do so.

I submit bugs for any software product I use. It's not my job either, but I hope it help makes someone else's job (or mine!) more pleasant. It's the same reason I pick up trash even if it's not mine. It's also the same reason I put products back on the shelf at the store, even if I didn't knock them down.

#13 By 7797 ( at 10/26/2004 11:42:39 AM
"I seem to visit sites almost daily that don't render properly in Firefox. I sure don't have time to submit bugs to 10 sites a day. And it's not my job to do so."

You visit sites that render improperly in Firefox almost daily? This must mean that you use Firefox for your daily browsing then? This should also mean that it should be extremely easy for you to give us a few examples of such sites just to back up your claim as to not make it look baseless.

"I sure don't have time to submit bugs to 10 sites a day. And it's not my job to do so."

You don't have time to submit a bug to bugilla but you DO have time to complain about the problem here and presumably other places? Sounds like time mismanagement to me. Nobody likes a complainer.

#14 By 143 ( at 10/26/2004 1:31:24 PM
tgnb: Sometimes a n00b is just a n00b :P

#15 By 37 ( at 10/26/2004 1:46:38 PM

Nope, not hard at all to provide a list. I will give you a couple:;EN-US;mvpkbhome&style=flat (processing my credit reports as a credit manager) (statement history and check view) (cannot access our store/corporate internal docs, etc)

My claim is not baseless and is supported by facts. However, your comment was completely and utterly ridiculous considering you have NO idea the url's that I visit, which would mean you could not possibly have a single comment as to my experience.

I don't get paid at work to submit bugs on my employers time. So like I said, I don't have time to submit bugs to these sites. I will leave that up to you since you have so much time on your hands.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 14:25.

#16 By 37 ( at 10/26/2004 1:50:04 PM
#20 - Yes I do. And yes, I have been using Firefox and IE as my browsers during the day. Baseless? Are you mocking ch or are you ch?

Nope, no mismanagement what so ever actually, but thanks for your concern. How about you research before you spew out false comments.

Can you honestly say that you know which urls I visit daily and that they render properly for me?

Let me say this again...."I seem to visit sites almost daily that don't render properly in Firefox. I sure don't have time to submit bugs to 10 sites a day. And it's not my job to do so. "

This post was edited by AWBrian on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 13:52.

#17 By 37 ( at 10/26/2004 1:51:04 PM
#21 - Sometimes a n00b is just a n00b :P

You need not be so hard on yourself :) Everyone here will support your shortcomings.

#18 By 37 ( at 10/26/2004 3:37:27 PM
Halycyon-X12, some of our news submission pages don't render properly.

#19 By 13030 ( at 10/26/2004 4:30:39 PM
#22: your comment was completely and utterly ridiculous considering you have NO idea the url's that I visit, which would mean you could not possibly have a single comment as to my experience.

I just found it hard to believe that anyone would spend the majority of their surfing at proprietary web sites. I was wrong as you proved otherwise. (And there was no reason to have a fit either.)

Interesting how I can navigate and download just fine with Firefox on the MSDN Universal site. If there was any place that I would expect trouble on MS's web site that would have been it (as it has been in the past).

#20: You don't have time to submit a bug to bugilla but you DO have time to complain about the problem here and presumably other places? Sounds like time mismanagement to me. Nobody likes a complainer.


#22: I don't get paid at work to submit bugs on my employers time.

Of course not! What company would ever want to employ a conscientious worker?

#22: I will leave that up to you since you have so much time on your hands.

I use my limited time as wisely as possible...

#20 By 7797 ( at 10/26/2004 4:59:14 PM
"My claim is not baseless and is supported by facts."
Your calim was baseless until you started giving some examples

"Are you mocking ch or are you ch?"
Neither, although I do agree with him.

"How about you research before you spew out false comments"
I made no false comments. FACT You stated that you dont have time to submit bugs about rendering problems to Mozilla. FACT: On the other hand you DO have time to make posts here complaining about Firefox's rendering problems. To me this sounds like you mismanage your time since you could have submitted several bugs about rendering problems already instead of complaining here and defending your stance.

"Can you honestly say that you know which urls I visit daily and that they render properly for me?"
No, of course I can't. And thats why I asked you to back up your claims as to not leave them baseless. Only after 2 people asked you to did you finally back up your claims and produced a list so we can judge for ourselves.;EN-US;mvpkbhome&style=flat (processing my credit reports as a credit manager) (statement history and check view) (cannot access our store/corporate internal docs, etc)

Thanks for the list. I'm glad you posted it. For the most part the list seems to support your claim. However most of these sites are very specific to your profession as a MVP and it therefore doesn't surprise me that they don't render 100% correctly in Firefox. I had no problems with the experian site which i also use to track my credit. The publishermvps site seemed to have minor glitches that didnt prevent me from navigating around the site. The mbe site was password protected and the uwcu site is unreachable in either browser for me. Overall while you may be correct that you run across many sites that dont render correctly in Firefox those seem to be sites that are specific to your profession. There are no major sites in your list that an average computer user would have problems with. The only one worksforme.

#21 By 7797 ( at 10/26/2004 5:01:00 PM
"I don't get paid at work to submit bugs on my employers time."

Do you get paid to complain about Firefox's rendering problems on your employers time?

#22 By 37 ( at 10/27/2004 9:30:31 AM
"Do you get paid to complain about Firefox's rendering problems on your employers time? "

Nope, and that is why I don't complain about it on my employers time.

#23 By 2960 ( at 10/27/2004 11:22:38 AM

Then fix your coding :)


#24 By 37 ( at 10/27/2004 11:33:12 AM

Working on it :)

#25 By 143 ( at 10/28/2004 12:01:11 AM
#24 AWBrian I was referring to the BS comment from tgnb... no need to add to the pile ;)

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