#4, Why do you think .NET is "just" about Web Services? What an insult to anyone who has worked to implement .NET as part of an ID(P)E - integrated development and production environment. WSE - amazing stuff and "open" in the best context there is, it allows for secure communications between trading partners regardless of which mix of technologies are in use - using "standards" like SOAP.
.NET and its parent Framework are part of the most complete, and profitable [for those using it] environment available. Add its integrated servers, clients and productivity and unified messaging layers with easy to use tools across the board and you can begin to see what I mean. Add systems to manage these against a consistent and effective base of support and you'll have an even clearer understanding of what .NET is all about. It is about an environment and tools that allow one to do as one wishes and without any attachment to Microsoft at all. Just because people can do that well enough and make a profit; employ people and support other businesses that employ people is no reason to invite scorn. I mean, come on out here, step up, compete, and see how well you can respond to client demands - do it with whatever you like, OSS, MS...does not matter - just be prepared to compete with very agile and very powerful .NET <using> competitors that can deliver more value for less cost in less time than OSS is currently able to do.