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11:33 EST/16:33 GMT | News Source:
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Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
"My wife tells me I'm not the brightest bulb in the marquee for going to open source conferences as the Microsoft guy," said Jason Matusow, shared source initiative manager at Microsoft Corp. "Linux today is primarily growing because of the (support) of very large corporations," he said, citing not only pure-play Linux companies like Red Hat, but also the likes of IBM and Hewlett-Packard. One of the only things that three software professionals could agree on at a recent gathering in Toronto was that open source and proprietary software will have to learn to coexist.
#1 By
1643 (
6/21/2004 8:03:48 PM
Wow, maybe linux is up to 2% on the desktop.
#2 By
1643 (
6/21/2004 9:06:11 PM
I am sure MS isn't ignoring Linux (especially since they have MS people at OSS conventions)...what should they do exactly to exalt Linux today? Maybe they should have links to Linux distros right on the Windows XP page...or maybe just include it on the Windows CD...no wait, they just should through all their IP and research out on GPL and let those greedy MS employees and shareholders get there due.
This post was edited by humor on Monday, June 21, 2004 at 21:09.
#3 By
1643 (
6/21/2004 10:25:33 PM
What do you need to see to accept that MS understands, accepts, and competes with Linux? How many PR folks need to say it? You think because they are in competition with linux that they don't see it or aknowledge it...so i'm not following your point.
I can point you to more than a hundred articles where MS employees/executives aknowledge Linux. Do they need to put a tux somewhere on the microsoft home page?
#4 By
20 (
6/21/2004 10:32:35 PM
I work for a company that makes CRM software for large enterprises (Global 1000).
Many of them are "Anything But Microsoft" (except for a few boxes, in some enterprises, we're the only Windows boxes in the entire organization except for a few laptops).
We've asked them about Linux and they either go, "What's that?" or the laugh, or they say, "That's just for desktops and college projects right?"
#5 By
1643 (
6/21/2004 10:53:04 PM
I think most Linux is a great tool to learn HW/SW because it gets you so deep to the core of the modern computing architecture. I think every new computer tech should start with Linux before graduating to a mainstream OS as i think an understanding of the PC architecture helps your troubleshooting skills.
If you think Linux is going anywhere in corporate desktop world with the exception of ABM'ers (i.e. letting emotion rule your business decision)...You're insane. Their is NO business reason to switch, it's more expensive to support, train, hardware incomaptibities...etc. I wonder how many OSS zealots remember IBM was ruled a monopoly by the courts...how quickly they forget.
#6 By
1643 (
6/22/2004 3:00:07 AM
I said nothing of the sort, so please don't "that's true" me...how you saw that shows how delusional your biases are. I'm sure that has happened plenty of times in our nations (US) and globally in diverse economic job pool...but people can't say that MCSE are flocking to Linux (though, it makes a great press story and we'll get lots of hits).
Hmmm, seems like linux has problems adding bloat (aka features):
"Recently, a friend of mine expressed an interest in running Linux on his machine. Sick and tired of endless spyware and viruses, he wanted a way out -- so I gave him a copy of Mandrake 10.0 Official. A couple of days later, he got back to me with the sad news I was prepared for: it's just too slow. His box, an 600 MHz 128MB RAM system, ran Windows XP happily, but with Mandrake it was considerably slower. Not only did it take longer to boot up, it crawled when running several major apps (Mozilla, OpenOffice.org and Evolution on top of KDE) and suffered more desktop glitches and bugs."
I guess all that UI, and stuff that makes technology available to 95% of the population (the non-geeks) is pretty hard stuff. But you can run it all in bash.
This post was edited by humor on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 03:15.
#7 By
1643 (
6/22/2004 12:47:07 PM
It's from the ariticle mssucks...do you read them?
More from BOB MARR (not imaginary or my firend) in the article:
Consider these memory requirements for Fedora Core 2, as specified by Red Hat: Minimum for graphical: 192MB and Recommended for graphical: 256MB Does that sound any alarm bells with you? 192MB minimum? I've been running Linux for five years (and am a huge supporter), and have plenty of experience with Windows, Mac OS X and others. And those numbers are shocking -- severely so. No other general-purpose OS in existence has such high requirements. Linux is getting very fat.
Terminal mode!! Are friggin real...get a clue kid.
PS - Spam and windows/ie have no relationship. Facts, kid, facts.
This post was edited by humor on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 12:47.
#8 By
19992 (
6/22/2004 1:19:03 PM
#18 He's been sent that link before. I'm not sure he is capable of opening a link outside of ActiveWin (distracts him from garbage posts for the competition).
#9 By
1643 (
6/22/2004 1:28:04 PM
I just figure that if he could type, he could read...and even use facts to base his opinions instead of sensationlism...we'll see.
#10 By
1643 (
6/22/2004 10:47:33 PM
"the facts, as in microsoft's "Get the facts?". Those seem more like fiction. "
Says you #22, but you don't really use facts...just made up sensationalism and brainless rebuts. These are studies done by people way smarter than you. What do you disagree with specifically in the conclusions or methodology? Now I want you opinions...not some random guy from slashdot.
"don't the facts stand for themselves without microsoft pointing it out? "
Well, because a lot of OSS zealots commonly use misleading, out of context remarks...i know, who would have known.
"If microsoft's so much better, faster, more reliable, and less pricey than linux, why does it keep comparing itself to it"
Comparing Microsoft to Linux, it's a competitive study Einstein.