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15:01 EST/20:01 GMT | News Source:
Associated Press |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Mustering its most magnificent tributes for America's 40th president, the nation bid a final farewell to Ronald Reagan on Friday in a funeral praising the former president for his lifelong optimism and certainty about America and its place in the world. With his sunset burial, said President Bush "a great American story will close."
#1 By
2 (
6/11/2004 5:43:39 PM
I'm just going to get it out there that I like Clinton.
#2 By
20 (
6/11/2004 7:08:58 PM
The difference (well, one of the 14 million) between Reagan and Clinton is that Reagan loved this country and had high hopes for it.
Clinton saw it merely as a play thing and his entitlement (as all liberals do).
All the scandals Reagan had were done in the interests of nat'l security. Sure, some may have been illegal and underhanded, but were done to halt communism, release American prisoners/hostages, etc.
Clinton, OTOH, sold US military secrets, high level pentagon access, access to the white house, Lincoln Bedroom, etc for campaign contributions by the Red Chinese Communist government.
So Reagan faught to thwart communism and Clinton sells the keys to the city to them.
#3 By
1643 (
6/11/2004 7:16:15 PM
#21 great point.
#4 By
37 (
6/11/2004 8:46:49 PM
daz and diaphanein crack me up about Clinton. Hopefully one day they will get their story straight and look for FACTS.
Now, let's talk about an embarassement to the US, and that is GWB. In fact, I refuse to even call him President. Normally I would call any President, President, even if I didn't like them. GWB is not even worthy of THAT!
#5 By
12071 (
6/12/2004 4:39:43 AM
#37 "As for "Fat Ass" Moore's movies, they're pure crap and misleading lies. He uses "creative" editing techniques to tell a story, not tell the truth."
He uses the bits and pieces that support his view and only his view, he doesn't try to present both sides of the argument. Some people like that, others don't. As for the supposed pure crap and misleading lies, given that America's favourite past time is suing people, don't you think people would have sued him by now? If you are indeed correct (and I'm not saying whether you are or not), wouldn't he have been sued by now? Why hasn't he been sued for all the lies and pure crap? Why?
I can understand why you don't like the content of his movies/books, especially given your stance of Bush and his stance of Bush, but in that case be honest enough to say why you don't like them. Note that I am in no way saying you should swallow everything he writes about and shows in his movies, but it's not all pure crap and lies - otherwise he would been sued for telling those lies.
#6 By
37 (
6/12/2004 8:19:22 AM
I wonder of people really saw the columbine movie as they say. I even saw some behind the scenes of his new 9/11 movie and these are LIVE scenes and cuts...they are not coerced, spliced, photoshopped, etc. This is real stuff. Did you see the end of that trailer for 9/11 with George and the golf club? Funniest thing ever.
#7 By
2 (
6/12/2004 1:36:04 PM
Remember, the Supreme Court decided that Bush was president, Not the american people. Gore had the popular vote. Let's not forget.
#8 By
135 (
6/13/2004 12:26:42 AM
As a fan of both Reagan and Clinton... I gotta say you guys crack me up.
It used to be that the Democrats didn't understand Reagan... Now you can say the same about the Republicans.
BTW, the moral relativity being displayed by diaphenin and daz really disgusts me.
#9 By
135 (
6/13/2004 12:35:55 AM
Mr. Dee - "Now think about Saddam having such a weapon that could litterally wipe out the entire world. "
Saddam did not have such a weapon, and was nowhere close to obtaining one. The fact is, the UN Weapons Inspections worked. Had we not allowed ourselves to be deceived by the Iranian disinformation campaign, we would have saw that.
"I know it might not all make sense, but it does add up to the fact that, people who torture their own people. Use their sons as rape tools, starving their entire country."
But apparently it's ok to rape other people, starve other countries, and use other sons as rape tools.
I think we're long past having this discussion. The facts simply don't support this line of argumentation, especially after Abu Ghraib.
#10 By
135 (
6/13/2004 12:53:52 PM
Mr. Dee - "Its a "what if" scenario that needs to be taken seriously!"
Fear-mongering. Who would have thunk?
It is a 'what if' scenario, and we were responding to it throughout the 1990s, and it was working. Again I point out the claims that it was not, came from Iranian Intelligence. With your fear-mongering you did nothing more than deliver us into the hands of our enemies.
This is one of the lessons of Reagan that Republicans have lost. His positive legacy had nothing to do with tough rhetoric, or tax cuts, or any of that. It had to do with giving a message of hope to the world. It was a real message of strength, and it encouraged and invigorated people.
What Bush is doing today, and what shills like yourself play into is a message of fear. Justifying abandoning America's principles because you are afraid of terrorists. I'm not surprised, this was the same message that the first George Bush gave us in regards to crime.
This is the Bush wing of the Republican party you're speaking for. Not the Reagan wing.
You want to know the Reagan wing, you go listen to John McCain, the man who took over Goldwater's seat in Arizona. The same Goldwater that molded Reagan.
I just wanted to make that point clear.
#11 By
20 (
6/13/2004 1:34:06 PM
AWBrian (#33), um, those are the facts. Ever hear of Charlie Lin Trie? Lippo Group? Coffees? Lincoln Bedroom? Gore making fundraising calls from his White house office? The missing missle launch incident in China? Various Alamagardo incidents? Various Hillary investments, etc?
The list goes on an on. Clinton's ties with China are well documented by Congressional committes, Grand Juries and various other trustworthy sources.
I wasn't aware there was any controversy over this. There's really no question that he did it. The real controversy is that he didn't get punished for it. He should be in jail right now for treason serving a long sentence.