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09:16 EST/14:16 GMT | News Source:
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Posted By: Brian Kvalheim |
It’s all about the music. Music is part of our lives. From your car stereo to your home CD library, music enriches our daily life. It inspires and energizes us, even when we are feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. Just plug in your headphones, fire up your playlist and lose yourself in the music. And having the ability to access a massive library with thousands of audio tracks from various artists’ right at your fingertips is a panacea. Combine that with the industry’s most popular digital audio player and it’s no wonder iTunes is the Rosetta stone of online music.
#1 By
2960 (
6/9/2004 2:19:15 PM
iTunes is free. You don't HAVE to purchase music with it.
And it just happens to be one damned fine music player, which is why I like to use it on some machines.
#2 By
3339 (
6/9/2004 4:41:16 PM
Napster does not use Janus yet... you cannot say that you can listen to subscribed music offline yet.
Mr. Dee, why drag the slider when you can click the back button once?
#3 By
665 (
6/9/2004 5:06:40 PM
#8, you can listen to your subscription music offline with Napster.
I've never understood iPod. I just got an MP3 player with a 30 gig hard drive for 230$, as opposed to a cute little iPod for 20$ more, with ~1/8th the size of hard drive space. But they are cute!!
#4 By
3339 (
6/9/2004 5:52:30 PM
By "offline" I think of mp3 players. Disconnecting your PC and/or laptop from the web is not very useful or interesting.
I have a full 10GB iPod and it cost me NOTHING to add that content.
#5 By
3339 (
6/9/2004 6:22:44 PM
"Except when on business, or going to a friends, etc etc. "
I'd rather "lug" my 4oz iPod, thanks.... rather than sliding a Tower or laptop into my pocket.
"... but it is coming." Let's wait till a single studio announces any willingness whatsoever to license their content in such a way, please. Until then you are comparing reality with fantasy.
#6 By
3339 (
6/9/2004 7:43:53 PM
What's illogical about it?
I think from a user perspective, Apple determined that people are more likely to pause and resume a song than they are to stop a song in the middle and return to the beginning. If you want to go to the beginning, you can click back, you can double-click the track, or you can pause and go back...
#7 By
3339 (
6/10/2004 5:08:49 PM
"I'd say the absence of the Stop button is rather odd."
I'd say clinging to the Stop button is rather odd. With good software and digital media, there is no need for a Stop. And besides, what does Stop really do: should it stop the song, but cue to the beginnign of the song or should it stop and cue to the beginning of the album/playlist? The desired behavior is rather unclear.
But, essentially, I would say that "Stop" is completely irrelevant to a software/digital media solution.
As I said, Mr. Dee wants Stop so he can hit Stop and then Play to go from the middle of a song to the beginning. Well, that's stupid when you could just push one button, Back. Of course, maybe you cling to this odder, more difficult, behavior because WMP does it wrong... If you hit back from the middle of a song, it goes to the beginning of the Previous song...
To each his own.
This post was edited by sodajerk on Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 17:11.
#8 By
3339 (
6/10/2004 8:54:28 PM
Come on, guys, end this retarded contest!! You might get some more advertisers by artificially inflating your hits, but your hits were decreasing because the site was starting to suck. All of these stupid articles with Mr. Dee sure to post some completely pointless comment are just making it suck more!!
#9 By
7754 (
6/11/2004 3:36:07 AM
"I'd say clinging to the Stop button is rather odd."
Backing up Apple at any cost again??? so, it's not counter-intuitive not to include a basic button/feature that is a de facto standard and well-recognized on nearly every tape-deck, CD, DVD, VCR, and nearly every other media player on the planet, or odd that people should look for it or want it? Nice try... I'm sure you were being sarcastic again, right???
It's rather sad, because you used to add something to these discussions in the past. Lately you've been acting more and more like a troll. Then you blame the site for starting to suck.
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