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  Will Your Next Desktop PC Run Linux?
Time: 08:45 EST/13:45 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Brian Kvalheim

Linux has been called the poor man's Windows and the operating system for geeks. But regardless of its nickname, the open-source OS is slowly and steadily gaining steam on the desktop. It may not topple the Microsoft empire anytime soon, but recent offerings indicate that Linux distributors, hardware vendors, and developers are dedicated to making Linux on the desktop a reality. Distributions such as Xandros, Sun's Java Desktop System, and Lindows' Linspire are targeting new users interested in migrating from Windows. They offer easy-to-use and install distributions as well as inexpensive PCs preloaded with Linux, available at retailers such as Wal-Mart.

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#1 By 37 ( at 5/27/2004 10:18:02 AM
Not for me. I continue to enjoy the Windows environment.

#2 By 12071 ( at 5/27/2004 10:35:27 AM
#2 That's why Live CD versions of several distro's were released. To allow people to give it a go, see if it's for them or not, without having to worry about setting up dual-booting or having to run it in something like VMWare etc.

#3 By 12071 ( at 5/27/2004 10:55:46 AM
#5 Many (I'm not one of these by any means!) would say that OS X is closer to the "computer working as it should without any setup required". I guess the important thing is that everyone is different, we all like to tinker to a different extent and hence we will all prefer one OS over another for some functions and another OS for other functions.

e.g. I'm not a big fan of OS X because the OS "feels" unresponsive, or at least it "feels" very slow in terms of responsiveness. I'm sure that's something I could get used to, but given that I'm not, it "feels" wrong. But the OS is very pretty and a lot of fun to use =) And the Apple Monitors are brilliant!

#4 By 135 ( at 5/27/2004 11:29:59 AM
Parkker - Out of curiousity... Given the preponderence of evidence at this point that the intelligence provided to the US making the case for WMDs was part of an Iranian Disinformation campaign.

What should make us trust this supposed new evidence?

Oh, and actually this isn't new. These allegations were raised in November of 2003, and prior. You're simply restating the same case over and over again, hoping to change the direction of the national debate.

"Bush told the truth. "

Perhaps, although he certainly hasn't made a convincing case. First claiming our invasion into Iraq was due to the imminent threat posed by imaginary WMDs. Then claiming it was due to us being good guys and we wouldn't torture Iraqis. Now after discrediting himself on those claims, he has resorted to the last ditch "Central front of the War on Terror" claims.

Maybe he's telling the truth as he believes the truth to be. I don't know.

What I do know is he's incompetent and I don't trust him to protect me or my family.

This post was edited by sodablue on Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 11:40.

#5 By 3653 ( at 5/27/2004 12:25:00 PM
sodablue, the word "incompetent" isn't a toy to be played with. Its a serious charge, and I find it sad that someone with your obvious intellect would resort to it.

But I guess thats all the democrats have left. They are backed up against the wall with nary a candidate in sight. So, as they did with Reagan, Quayle, etc etc ... they resort to attacking INTELLIGENCE. Just because you dont appreciate (understand) the other side of the arguments, doesn't mean the other side is "incompetent". You are calling half the country incompetent, which only further profiles you and the demos as believing that most Americans can't take care of themselves and must be helped along by the "competent" people.

YOURS is the party of name-calling. YOURS is the party of cheap shots. Peloski (?) and Gore both used that "incompetent" word this week, and you are simple-mindingly following them. THINK FOR YOURSELF. And if you can't do that any longer, at least look up the word "incompetent" in a thesaurus so that you aren't so obviously jumping on a bandwagon.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 12:27.

#6 By 37 ( at 5/27/2004 12:55:26 PM
I am not a democrat, and I truly believe (and know) that GWB is "incompetent". And many have felt GWB was "incompetent" well before he became president.

I truly am surprised, and somewhat scared, that republicans accept such behavior. It's ridiculous. It's plain scary. GWB is the absolute worst thing that has happened to the US in countless years, and we are paying the price worldwide. We (those in the US) are in for a long term battle if GWB is elected again. It will more than likely be the worst 8 years in our existence.

#7 By 11131 ( at 5/27/2004 1:57:18 PM
I have been looking more and more at Linux also. I am currently trying out several distros on a test box. I have to say that it has come a long way. I am getting ready to put me together another computer and will definitely be setting it up as a dual boot (Windows/Linux) and once Linux matures some more along with some better apps (which definitely has improved) then I will be making the switch completely to Linux :)


#8 By 37 ( at 5/27/2004 2:45:18 PM
"He is a hero."

I thought I heard it all. Not until now! That is (seriously) the FUNNIEST things I have EVER heard in my ENTIRE life.

#9 By 9589 ( at 5/27/2004 3:11:07 PM
Parkker, you are wasting your time - on both counts. Its interesting though that those that are the most vociferous advocates of OSS are also the most vociferous advocates of ABB - anyone but Bush!

Hey, AWBrian, what would you know about being a hero? What price worldwide? Have you actually been outside this country? You're in a battle? lol

#10 By 135 ( at 5/27/2004 5:08:08 PM
mooresa56 - "sodablue, the word "incompetent" isn't a toy to be played with."

You're absolutely correct, and I do not use the word or charge lightly.

"Just because you dont appreciate (understand) the other side of the arguments, doesn't mean the other side is "incompetent". "

Au contraire, I do understand the other side of the arguments, having been a strong supporter of Reagan. You keep making this same mistake over and over again, assuming that I'm some wild eyed liberal because I don't agree with the present Republican line.

What I do not have any understanding for, or any sympathy for is people who turn a blind eye to reality. Most especially I do not have any sympathy for people who do not question evidence presented, do not demand proper sourcing, and use this as the basis of misdirecting a national debate on an incredibly important decision....

Especially when we find out the source for that evidence was largely foreign intelligence services intent upon deceiving us.

There is a reason why you question things. I question things all the time, I question myself. You regard this as flip-flopping, I regard it as important to insure that you are indeed right, that you are indeed doing the right thing and basing your decisions using the right information.

Again, I do not use the term incompetent lightly, and I believe there is ample evidence to support the fact that this President has no clue how he got himself into this mess, or how to get us out.

#11 By 135 ( at 5/27/2004 5:44:34 PM
AWBrian - Not all Republicans accept incompetence. I want to be clear on that. These problems are not the fault of the Republican party, or long standing Republican principles. What Bush is promoting has little or nothing to do with those. Rather he has introduced a distorted Liberal philosophy surrounded by Conservative rhetoric. In a way the worst of both worlds.

Parker - Come on, can't you do anything but misinterpret intelligence?

jdhawk - "Its interesting though that those that are the most vociferous advocates of OSS are also the most vociferous advocates of ABB - anyone but Bush! "

Well that's your first mistake.

"Hey, AWBrian, what would you know about being a hero?"

It's sad that the word Hero has become so deflated of meaning these days that it would come up in this discussion in this context.

What would you know of being a hero, jdhawk?

#12 By 37 ( at 5/27/2004 10:31:40 PM
#15 By jdhawk (152 Posts) at 5/27/2004 3:11:07 PM

"Hey, AWBrian, what would you know about being a hero? What price worldwide? Have you actually been outside this country?"

Yup. I was in the Army for 8 years. 32nd MP 95 Bravo! (originally stationed out of Fort McCoy, WI). 6 Years active, 2 years inactive. Joined during desert storm. I have spent plenty of time outside of the country. Next question?

"You're in a battle? lol"

Yup, including the rest of the US (and some our allies). Where have you been?

#13 By 37 ( at 5/27/2004 10:34:04 PM

I am not speaking of all republicans, just GWB. I am neither a democrat nor a republican or independent. But there are millions of republicans out there supporting Bush and his demented thinking...and to me, that is down right frightening.

I research ALL who desire to run our country and vote for whom ever I feel is best suited.

This post was edited by AWBrian on Thursday, May 27, 2004 at 22:36.

#14 By 20 ( at 5/28/2004 12:27:56 AM
Well, Democrats like to pin a bunch of failures on Bush, but at the end of the day, nothing really sticks.

There's enough benefit of doubt to believe that Bush told the truth as much as he may have "lied" (or perhaps was too quick to tell what he wasn't 100% sure was the truth at the time).

Blaming the Economy on Bush invading Iraq is like blaming rationing on FDR thrusting us into WWII.

It seems the liberals would rather trade my safety for lower oil prices. The truth is, regardless of whether Bush gets re-elected, in 2-3 years, the economy will be bursting with success, oil will be gushing into the US at super-low prices, etc, etc, etc.

Unfortunately, history might suggest that Bush will lose the election, Kerry will win, take all credit for the economy will raising taxes and social programs and decifits, decimating our military, and selling all our secrets to China for campaign contributions.

It's like 1991 all over again. Except at least Clinton was half occupied with grabass in the oval office, I'm afraid Kerry will be focused 100% screwing the country.

#15 By 9589 ( at 5/28/2004 1:14:26 AM
Good for you, AWBrian! I salute your service to our country. Yet, you will have to provide us with facts to back up your statements that you are, ". . . scared . . " or ". . . frigthened of GWB . . ."

By the way, I am retired Army Special Forces colonel. I been to five countries on three continents (empty nest syndrome) since 9/11 and the greater majority of the people that I've talked to are behind our efforts to free the middle east people governed by horrific dictators. My travels took me to one of the countries that was under communist rule not too many years ago and they know what tyranny and oppression is all about first hand (and they are providing troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan).

Also, here are some great things that have been happening in Iraq lately (that you won't find reported in the main stream press):
Rebuilding society. "Democracy is moving forward, step by step," with elected local councils taking on more authority. Iraq is conducting its first postwar census. Exiles are flowing back in. A new Shiite university is open in Hilla, south of Baghdad, which aims to reconcile Islam with modernity. And Iraq's Kurds are inviting Israeli relatives to visit northern Iraq.

Reconstruction. "Falling unemployment, rising wages, lower interest rates and higher foreign investment" are not only improving life for Iraqis but drawing in hundreds of thousands of Iranians looking for work. Construction is booming in both Baghdad and the Kurdish north. The Trade Ministry has registered more than 2,000 foreign and Iraqi companies in the past year. "Iraq's small business entrepreneurs overwhelmingly predict a stronger economy in the short term, and are planning to expand."

Humanitarian efforts. "Iraqi education system is being rebuilt - slowly: after years of neglect under Saddam and post-liberation looting." Foreigners are now allowed to own and operate private schools in Iraq. The U.S. Agency for International Development "has been working with the Coalition Provisional Authority, the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund to [assist] Iraqis in reconstructing their country on literally hundreds of projects." And "the fragile marsh ecosystems" are being restored "so that Marsh Arabs can return to their traditional ways."

The troops. A Marine intelligence officer writes: "This is my third deployment with the 1st Marine Division to the Middle East. This is the third time I've heard the quavering cries of the talking heads predicting failure and calling for withdrawal. This is the third time I find myself shaking my head in disbelief. . . . Nothing any talking head will say can deter me or my fellow Marines from caring about the people of Iraq." Coalition troops are working to rebuild utilities in a Shiite slum of Baghdad and "played a major role in establishing the first Baghdad Police Academy." Australian troops are " 'adopting' the children of the local kindergarten."

Security. Fallujah is still quiet, and Muqtada al-Sadr is losing ground. The Army is buying guns from Iraqis. "By Tuesday night hundreds of Iraqis had been paid $761,357 for 56,536 items, from bullets to assault rifles to mortars and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, according to the military." And a new Iraqi militia called Black Flag is working with the coalition. It claims 5,000 Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish members.

Yipes! A great U.S. economy, no terrorist acts on our soil since 9/11, and better and better news coming out of Iraq every day - now what is the Flip-flop Senator going to use for campaign fodder? lol

#16 By 37 ( at 5/28/2004 8:36:24 AM

Good reading, and thanks! It's great to see another armed force in this group :-).

My 32nd MP is STILL in Iraq, so I am getting all the stories, and I already know what is happening "behind the scenes" and their are some good things happening.

However, there is endless numbers of things that scare me about Bush, and I don't care to elaborate on them. It is my opinion, as well as the opinion of millions of others.

However, as a troop, I support the troops! :-)

#17 By 37 ( at 5/28/2004 9:07:56 AM
"It's like 1991 all over again. Except at least Clinton was half occupied with grabass in the oval office, I'm afraid Kerry will be focused 100% screwing the country."

You should be used to it by now, as GWB has been screwing the country 110%

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